
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Mist is what greets me when I wake this morning. Clouds are literally crawling over the ground, casting my cabin in semi-darkness as I let the dogs out and squint at the gray fog literally slamming into me.

I pull a face at the moist air that fills my lungs, and stagger back to the bed to crawl under the blankets for another thirty minutes that passes way too fast to my liking. Though my eyes feel like lead and I would like nothing better than to sleep the day away, I finally get up and dress for the first part of the day.

Heading to the house, my bag feeling incredibly heavy and the dogs crisscrossing in front of me as I open the courtyard and carefully dodge several of the noisy pack for safe entrance. The floor is slippery and one foot threatens to get away from me before I manage to catch myself on the wall.

Disgruntled with the near miss, I enter the house and get rid of the bag that’s cutting into my shoulder before I hang a batch of laundry and get to breakfast.
I’m not looking forward to having to go out today, and halfheartedly try to get some work done. It isn’t working, and after half an hour I get online to have some chats on the forums.

The hours pass fast after that and before I know it, the time to leave arrives. Miraculously the mist has lifted when we’re about to leave, allowing for safe driving down the mountain that is now cast in the last beams of sunlight before the son disappears behind the horizon.

Lessons in town take up most of my thoughts on the way down, my mood lousy since I know that afterwards we’ll have to see to the chore of doing the groceries.
Added to my bad mood, the lessons don’t go as well as those of the previous visits, making me somewhat frustrated with the entire thing when I can only do a few tests without error. Should have postponed it, I suppose.

The groceries go quickly, thankfully. Little brother and Dani have done the extras already, so we only need to roam through the major supermarket to fill up our usual shopping carts that should see us through the next few weeks.

My stomach is seriously upset when we get home and though I manage to choke down a veggie sandwich without nausea, half the contents come back up little over an hour later when my body refuses to process it.

Though “Bones” is on, it can’t really grab my attention, so I set up my computer and try to get some writing done. It frustrates me to no end, these kinds of moods. My focus is as fragmented as my mind-set, and I end up writing half a page for two books each, just because I can’t settle.

Added to my moody mind-set it becomes clear that we'll have to go to the vet tomorrow, 'cause Lubika, one of our mini-boxers appears to have uterus infection, thus warranting a trip to the village for what is bound to be another expensive operation.

While trying to work, and failing, big brother and I get to talking about the series we’re working on, actually managing to come up with the big story towards which all the others are working towards. During the discussion, I even get an idea about how to start it up, thus explaining half a page for a different book than the one I started with tonight.

It’s good! While writing down the words I can actually see the scene in my mind, and big brother, eager to see what I’ve written down, claims to see it just as I described and is thrilled.

However, since I can barely keep my eyes open, I shut down the computer and leave for my cabin early this night. My dogs are actually startled to see me depart, taking a full minute until they all realize what’s going on and come dashing after me by the time I reach the courtyard gate.

What follows is the usual nightly ritual of lighting up the lamps in my quarters, switching the heater on–it’s started to rain again as well as a fierce wind that almost howls around my cabin–and feed my dogs.

I’m going to get online, in hopes of improving my mood a little–a silly filk should do the trick–and if all else fails, I’ll be sure to call it an early night and hope for a long uninterrupted night.

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