
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm going to rant a little. Never mind.

OMG! I know, this is not my usual way to start the day’s Blog, but it has to come out. OMG!…I’ll explain later. Promise.

So, I’m late waking up this morning. By some unfathomable reason I forgot to set my alarm last night, so I wake almost an hour after I was supposed to. There I went through a lot of trouble in order to get to bed in time, just so I’d have an extra hour for writing, only to win thirty minutes instead ninety. Bugger!

The air is moist today but the temperature wonderfully mild, making getting out of bed an not altogether unpleasant sensation since I can peel out of several layers without getting the usual shivers. Wonderful. I can actually move around without several fabrics obstructing my movements. Now, if only the sun would shine too, all would be perfect.

I hurry on through the morning rituals, skipping my few minutes of reading and head for the house with my computer bag and the dogs in tow. The Monster is alternating her position from behind, side, to front and back again, jumping on all fours like a lunatic as she tries to feint some attacks on my person. Thankfully, however, she seems to comprehend my dire warnings and stays a good yard away.

The dogs funnel at the gate of the courtyard, the way they always do, each of them eager to go through first as I hang on to the wall for dear life, and try to use my one free hand to open the latch so they can pass. It takes some fumbling, but in the end they burst through like a tide, swirling out into the courtyard in random patterns.

I’m first to arrive at the house, well the first human anyway, and set my baggage away before getting into my workout clothes. Since I’ve been feeling so on-edge these past few weeks, I figured, what the heck, I’ll fit in a few more workout sessions in order to blunt the impact of that emotional state a bit.

It goes well enough, some of the muscles protest during the warm up, but it’s not as bad as it was when I first started with the routines months ago and was still doing a five-days-a-week course. Some progress at least.

There are jumps, bends, pushes, punches, kicks and lifts, the usual sequence going right on schedule and bringing an hour to a rapid end. After the much-needed shower, and a foray into the laundry room I find that this is most likely the last day in a row where I won’t need to hang laundry. The piles are growing and I’m thinking that middle sister is going to throw in several piles during the night.

Breakfast over and done with, I take my coffee to the table and get down to business behind the computer in an attempt to get some serious writing done before it is time for us to leave for town and our bi-weekly lessons.

Though I had figured yesterday’s scene to be over and done with, it isn’t, and for the next two hours I pound the keys…I know that pounding is no longer required on the fancy new keyboards, but I’m old-school that way. Back when I learned how to type it was still on one of those mechanical typewriters so I’m used to it. Gawd, that’s gotta make me so old! Hah…adding another scene to the first.

The first true vampire scene, I’ll admit. Feeding. Now, I know that it has been done over and over again over the years, now that vampires are so popular, but the new angle on these types of vampires in my stories, give it a nice twist.
It’s more basic, I think. Not the sensual drama, or the “magical” aspect around it, but a basic need, nourishment that needs to be seen to. I like it better this way, less distracting and more…normal, perhaps? We’ll see.

I’m actually sorry when it is time to start to get ready for school. I would have liked to add more to the scene, rather than waste time changing clothes, going to town, sitting in that narrow little room staring at computer screens while filling in test after test.

It’s for the better good, however. It needs to be done, and that’s all there is too it. So there I go, heading up the mountain once more, changing into neat clothes and then climbing into the truck with my two brothers so we can go to town.

My dogs are all standing in the courtyard, looking up miserably as they see us moving back and forth in the carport, getting ready to leave. An occasional howl drifts up. Some yapping from Mosha too, while Dax squeezes his way through the fence and comes sniffing up to the fence that separates the carport from the main garden.

I keep a wary eye on the tiny dog that has a tendency to find narrow places to go through the fence up here as well, making a nuisance of himself because he can’t stand being left behind. None of them can, really. If it were up to the dogs they would all squeeze into the car and go where I went, no questions asked.

In the end we depart, heading down the massive mountain over-looking the sea town and mixing in with heavy traffic until we arrive at the school and are dropped off there to do our lessons inside.

We stay for about an hour and a half, going through tedious tests of A B C answers. On the overall it goes well, except for that particular one that has questions in it that have absolutely nothing to do with our lesson material.
It frustrates me that they put in trick question, inconsequentials and whatnot for what is really just a very basic thing.

It shouldn’t be like a quiz, for crying out loud! It is just a matter of what is allowed and what isn’t, for as far as I’m concerned, but whoever created the lesson material seemed to think otherwise. You’ve got stuff like: You can NEVER do this, and the next paragraph you’ve got: Except when this and that. So very maddening! It makes me want to go out and kick some butt. Idiots!

But enough ranting, the best one’s still to come. While little brother was keeping busy during the hour and a half, he rented three DVDs, which are going to see us through the weekend.

By the time we come home, I find that since all the sibs are ill (meaning that I’m likely to become ill too, soon. Drat!) no one cooked dinner, which of course obliges me to do that myself.

I decide on pasta with a couple of fresh tomatoes, onion, cottage cheese and some Italian herbs. Since it is such a light dish it is rapidly consumed by the siblings who come slinking down the stairs at the sound of “dinner’s ready!”

Our choice of tonight’s viewing is “P.S. I love you”…which is the reason for my starting OMG! I’m sorry to say. There might be some ***SPOILERS*** in my rant, so if you still want to see it, stay clear!

Seriously. Oh My God! I was bored out of my friggin’ mind watching the endless…well, whining about how “amazing” the Gerard Butler character thought his wife to be.
The wife, played by Hilary Swank, was an insecure, annoying and a downright pain in the butt character, for as far as I could see that I couldn’t live with if my life depended on it.

There was not one really redeeming character trait in the person she played, except, perhaps that she regretted that she’d been a whiner during the time when her husband was still alive.
Now, all this wouldn’t have been too bad, if the story had been remotely interesting. It wasn’t! There were some funny aspects, which mostly involved Butler’s character, but that’s it. Even the sad bits…or the bits that were supposed to be sad…failed to touch the right spot.

I think it was even worse than “The Notebook”, which is saying something since that one was horrid…or maybe not. Thinking back of that one, I might have to declare a tie between the two. Hah.

Now, what really got my dander up, was the Lisa Kudrow character who made some, so-called women’s lib remark when one of the guys (Spike from Buffy) called her worse than a womanizer, because she was treating men as dirt and then complained about not being appreciated as a woman. She started ranting about it being her right to treat men as such for all the centuries during which SHE had been suppressed.
She was allowed to behave like a cold-hearted b*tch because men had stared at her breasts instead of her face all her life. Because they had pinched her butt instead of greeted her with a handshake, and was generally looked upon as a pretty plaything rather than a person.

Now, if she were the personification of women all over the earth–through time and space–that would have been a justified remark on which the fellow female character responded with a lusty “Amen”, but since she was/is a modern woman in her mid-thirties who has undoubtedly had all the opportunities available to men and women alike in this day and age, that really just grossed me out.

Even if she HAD experienced all that herself (her character, naturally)–which I find unlikely that doesn’t make acting that way towards men any more right than the men who used to…and some undoubtedly still…do such things. How is such behavior of a sex that is purported to be more civilized than the clichéd Neanderthal, going to help making the world a better place to live in? Isn’t that just changing places?
Isn’t taking “revenge” as it is claimed to be in many of these chick flicks, just going to give men the same excuse a few decades from now, when they’ve been treated in the same fashion as they once treated women?
Way to make it all a vicious circle, Lisa Kudrow character.

I’ve got to admit that I don’t get it. Wasn’t feminism supposed to be all about making men more sensitive, like women, and not the other way around once the scales evened out?
So much for women being more civilized, I guess. Hah.

It’s sad really. It’s just women taking men’s places in the power games, which doesn’t make things any better for as far as I can see.

But enough of the rant: After that disappointing flick, I gather my things and head on up to the cabin to feed the dogs, do some more review reading and get online for my daily surfing on the Net.

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