
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another rant. Movies are good for it.

Right. I don’t know what it is, these days, with movies, but I fear I will have to start with another exasperated OMG today.

No, I won’t make you wait the entire course of the day to find out what made me agog with hysterical horror. I’ll jump right in and spout it out.
“The Mist”!!!!!
I would like to say that I am so bloody stumped that I am at a loss of words, but alas this is not the case. Words are simply overflowing at this particular moment and they have to come out lest I explode.

So, here’s what’s up: I made the dreadful mistake of watching another S. King movie today. I promised I wouldn’t after the last disaster, but I keep hoping for something brilliant like “The Shawshank Redemption”, “Dreamcatcher” or even “The Green Mile” but after numerous disappointments this one certainly tops the cake.

I hear from reliable sources that King’s ending was entirely different than the one they used in the film, but in light of previous written works and movies, I’ve got to admit that I really don’t have the right to be surprised.

Oh. In case you haven’t seen the movie yet, there might be some ***SPOILERS*** in this little rant of mine. Do move on if you’re intending to see it, and don’t want to hear anything about the story. Hah.

But, as I was saying! I wasn’t really surprised. It started out incredibly slow, with special effects that would be more suited for the ‘90s than they are for today’s FX possibilities. Several characters that I’ve begun to identify as typical King characters came past, making me groan on more than one occasion, and for some unfathomable reason I actually continued to watch the movie all the way to the end.

Big mistake! Huge mistake

I am going to kill the sibs for not saying what they thought of it. Seriously, the pests were gleefully enjoying my vocal aggravation throughout the movie, and then had the audacity to stand on the stairs by the end, asking, “So, what did you think?” innocent as you please.
My response: “Oh thank you so much for letting me watch it. It was fab!!!” while raising both thumbs and smiling a toothpaste add smile as I was thinking up ways to get back at them by tossing out some spoilers for some other movie, just because they hate it so. Grrrr.

I saw it coming. I really did!
I saw the protagonists step in that car, head on out with no better plan than to see how far the fuel in the tank would get them, way before they actually did.
Duh! It wasn’t going to take them far enough, obviously.
And then–this was the “brilliant” part…NOT–five people in the car, with only four bullets and them thinking there was no way out.

Heck. I started rolling my eyes somewhere in the middle of the movie when the zealots started spouting in biblical proportions, and was pretty much cross-eyed by the time only the main protagonist remained with no way to finish himself off.

He gave a valiant attempt at showing some serious emotion, failing miserably I’ll admit, when I heard it (saw it in my mind’s eye, mind you) the cavalry…too late, which it always is.
Aaargh. Give me a friggin’ break!

There are times when I wonder at these moviemakers. Really, I do. What is the moral of such and ending, following what was already a mind-numbing experience from the start? I don’t get it. I really don’t. Is it an attempt to give some realism to a whacked out theme? Some sort of drama that would do so much better with something uplifting rather than a suicide add instead.

In the end all I could do was shake my head and wonder why the heck we wasted four bucks on renting this excellent piece of ranting material, and pondering the possibility of a lawsuit to whoever thought this was good viewing material for the loss of 90 minutes of my life. It should be illegal!

But enough about “The Mist”. I’m going to use my incredible mental powers in an attempt to wipe it from my memory as soon as possible. OMG!

The day:
I was actually in time today, waking about five minutes before the alarm went of (thanks to the Monster Boxer) and I lie there blinking at the ceiling for a bit as I try to make my head wake up enough to roll out of bed and let the dogs out.

First thing’s fist, however: Trin Trin needs to be grabbed–without physical damage to my person, preferably–and tossed out into the backyard before I even think about venturing towards the front exit for the rest of the noisy pack.

Grabbing hold of her collar–just barely evading blissfully rounded teeth, and slamming the door before she manages to turn and attack the door with her usual zest for destruction–I shake my head at her sturdy little body, bouncing on the small porch as if it were a trampoline.

That done, I stab my feet into house slippers and push my way through eagerly jumping canine bodies to unlock the front door and let them out into the main yard. Like mad they dash past, stumbling over each other and their own feet on their way off the front porch and then disappearing to regions unseen, leaving me with a moment of blissful silence and freedom of movement.

It was a little colder again this night, so due to this most of the dogs had clustered on the top end of the bed, giving me several kinks to stretch out of my limbs before I start the morning rituals with a quick read, making the bed and getting dressed for the day.

The flu is lurking just around the corner. I can feel it in my tonsils and my nose, which is working overtime in trying to get clogged with bodily juices that I really don’t want there. Hah.

It’s about an hour later when I chase the dogs–they return about three minutes after their release–down the mountain and head into the courtyard. What with yesterday’s pleasant weather, followed by a reasonably mild night, the laundry that has been hanging for several days now, has dried, so I deposit my baggage inside and start taking it down.

Four batches of wet laundry are waiting to be hung in the laundry room, and after lugging the loads out into the courtyard I spend a fair amount of time putting it all up on the lines.

Next, I sneak in a quick breakfast and then move to the pile of dry fabrics for folding before I am able to set up the computer and get online.
I do a speedy check of the usual sites, including my messages and then sigh regretfully when it’s time to start writing.

Five pages get added to the story again, elaborating the scene big brother had outlined for me in three pages, bringing the story up to almost half of what it needs to be finished.

Excellent scene today: Action! I do love writing such events. The danger in it, the excitement: It’s scenes like these that make my fingers fly over the keys, weaving a tapestry of imagery in words…or at least that’s what you’d call them if you’re literary. If not, which is the case for me, it’s just a kick-ass scene that gets the blood pumping. Hah.

But anyways, after about three hours of intense writing, occasionally interrupted by ongoing discussions over my head, and a question or two from big brother, I call a halt to the days’ progress and get my butt out of the seat for the preparation of dinner.

I’m in the mood to make something simple today and decide on green beans in coconut shavings with basmati rice and curry seasonings, with carrots julienne on the side, baked to a crisp in green herbs.

As an added bonus I decide to make two pies for dessert for a change. We don’t usually eat dessert (and admittedly we don’t today, either) but I was in the mood to make something…different.
We end up with a peach and a cherry pie for the effort. With middle sister’s help, it gets done in record time, but since we’re all pretty much stuffed with dinner, they’ll be a treat for tomorrow instead.

By this time the evening has fallen, and we watch a new episode of “The Closer”, which thankfully was fun. If it hadn’t been, I might have been forced to do something drastic after the movie we put on right afterwards.

Seriously bummed, and more than verbal about it around the gleeful sibs, I gather my things, round up the dogs and head on up into the night to get up to my quarters.

Certainly not a busy day, but at least I got some progress to write down today in light of writing. If it hadn’t been for that, I might have had to skip today’s Blog entirely from sheer boredom.

I do manage to get a little more reading in once I settle down in the cabin, adding more to the review I’m writing for it. Just a few more pages, a novella, to go and this particular book will be over and done with.

I’m thinking Harlequin next. I’m going to need something uplifting that’s a fact.

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