
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Very disappointing.

Okay, I got way too little sleep this night. Due to the fact that my Internet connection was completely on the fritz with the fierce windstorm raging down the mountain, it took me ages to get messages and chats out, until very late in the night. It drove me crazy that every time I wrote something down, the connection would be gone again and I’d have to go through the tedious procedure of restarting the program and linking online once more.

Because of that I was unable to get to bed until ‘round six in the morning, and when I did finally get into bed, I lay awake ‘till dawn, pretty much gnashing my teeth in annoyance. I just couldn’t find the right position, it seemed, and then I got itches in all sorts of places, which of course helped keeping me solidly awake well after the sun rose working very hard to keep my eyes open with light falling right in my face.

Added to this fact, I wake up four hours later, with not a single fiber in my body, willing to go back to sleep, and adrenaline pumping for some unfathomable reason that I just can’t figure out. So I get up, figuring that since I can’t sleep anyway, I might as well get out of bed and start on the day. Heck, I might actually get some work done.

First thing I do, upon arriving at the house, is put on the coffee. Today I’m definitely going to be fueled by caffeine, which makes me edgy as hell after I finish the usual morning chores and then set up the computer to do a quick scan of the messages.
Breakfast makes me nauseous, and this particular feeling stays with me throughout the day, the way it usually does when I get too little sleep.

However, I’ve got four volunteers for a read and review of the “W.I. Investigations” so I spend some time sending those out, before having some fun on the net while I wait for big brother to finish his own responsibilities (they last incredibly long today, for some reason) so we can get to the dreaded editing. It is always an exciting feeling to know that people are going to read my book, and that doesn’t change on a day such as this.

At long last we get to it…needing to pause half an hour into the chore when we help mom with her revalidation exercises…and then get hit by the frustrating news that the last vampire story we sent to the publisher was denied. NOT A GOOD DAY!
The first one we haven’t got a response to yet, but apparently the second one didn’t entirely fit the format they were looking for, or some such.
It was a nice enough letter, giving some feedback at least, so it doesn’t bother us too much, though it is disappointing, of course.

So, with the afternoon rapidly advancing, we try editing again, at which time the sibs arrive, sending the dogs into their usual flurry of motion and noise, completely preventing us from focusing on the task at hand. Aaargh!

We only manage a few pages during this time, finally deciding to quit for a few hours, to see to the dogs’ needs, feeding them and then starting on our own dinner.
I’m in the mood for something light and easy, so I settle on pasta with a fresh tomato sauce that is rapidly prepared and filling at the very least.

After dinner I take the time to do some quick cleaning in the kitchen, and then hang today’s batch of laundry after taking yesterday’s down for folding.
That done, this week’s episode of “House” and “The Mentalist” are on, and for the next couple of hours we enjoy the stories of these two very different characters.

By the time the two shows draw to an end, both big brother and I settle behind our computers again, resuming the editing, and managing a few more pages until it is time to retire for the evening. Where does a day go? I wonder sometimes. Time, as they, is certainly relative.

With big brother’s promise to sign me up for the Amazon competition I head for my cabin, the dogs in tow, and feed them when my house-phone shrills, just when I’m about to settle down with a book that I intend to read just for the fun of it.

As it turns out, I can’t enter the competition after all, since for some reason–I can’t imagine what–Spain residents are not allowed to compete.
That certainly takes me aback for a minute, wondering why the heck not, when so many other countries are allowed to enter. What’s wrong with Spain? And what is wrong with this day?

It’s baffling, and though once again disappointing, I do finally resign in the matter. In the end it really doesn’t change all that much, except for the fact that we won’t be forced to work on a rather tight deadline before submission. It is a pity, however.

Well, tomorrow promises to be another busy day. Lots of editing (different book) to be done, school to go to, and probably a lot of other things that are bound to drive me bonkers.

I really aught to get some sleep fast.

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