
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Well...getting sick.

I decide to sleep in this morning. Sometime during the night my lungs started to get clogged, repeating their annual fill up of liquid with remarkable speed. One moment I’m just fine, an hour later it feels as if I’ve been inhaling water. Just wonderful!
With my kind of luck I’ll be snot-faced and coughing for the rest of the winter.

But anyway, due to that rather annoying sensation, I sleep for an extra hour or so and finally get up when the dogs’ insistence for my awaking gets too annoying to ignore. Not feeling too bad, just a little tight in the chest after my long hours of sleep, I go through the usual morning rituals, make the bed and get dressed so I can start the new day.

The sky is overcast when I wake, and by the time I’m ready to head on down to the house it’s pouring buckets. See that’s my kind of luck. I’m sick, the wind’s blowing like mad, slapping around rain like it’s some sort of rave party and I need to cross at least thirty yards down a slippery slope. Marvelous! It’s a miracle I don’t fall flat on my face. Hah.

Brilliance strikes then (yep, I have my rare moments of those) when I see the car parked in its port, just a few paces away from my porch. In it is a never-before-used umbrella. Hah. So, in the end, I get to the house only a little damp, while wielding the umbrella as a sword for when the dogs in the courtyard don’t recognize me.

Bloody idiots! Whoever said that dogs don’t actually look at someone, or aren’t able to distinguish colors definitely doesn’t know what the heck he’s talking about. The dog might not care about colors, but a dog definitely sees them. If I were to paint my hair bright blue today, the dogs would freak out at seeing me…thinking of that particular image, so would I. Or if I put on a hat or something, the dogs go in a genuine hissyfit right up until I’ve taken it off an allow them to sniff it.

But anyway, I conveniently forget the laundry this morning, deciding instead to just let it slide for a moment, so I can have a very light breakfast of two slices of bread with OJ and coffee on the side. Still somewhat scatter-brained from the extra hour or two of sleep, I spend the first hour surfing the net, going over messages and throwing in a quick chat on the Amazon forum, before more pressing matters start to press on my consciousness.

No longer able to put it of, I open the book files and get to work.
We’re not completely satisfied with yesterday’s scene, so in the hours that follow I add three more pages to the scene, before I deem it done, and start on a new one that by the end of the working hours gets to a satisfying 2 on the page counter in the left bottom of the screen.

My butt feels numb from sitting for many hours, and since my lungs seem to be cooperating well enough, I put the computer safely away, and grab my small MP3 player to have music pounding in my ears while I get out the wet laundry. With it I head for the courtyard.

Much to my surprise the batch hanging there is mostly dry, allowing me to take most of it down and bring it inside before I start hanging the new batch. Since the mess inside the pantry/laundry room, pretty much horrified me while I was in there to get the laundry, I consider it to be a crime not to clean it up, while I’m at it. With a sigh I get the broom and tackle the clutter.

Since no one appears to want to volunteer, I put on a large pan of water for Asian noodles, promising that I’ll cook dinner as soon as I’ve dealt with the majority of the mess inside the pantry. By the time I feel remotely confident that I’ll get it cleaned yet, I return to the kitchen to find little sister already chopping vegetables for the dinner I’m supposed to prepare.

Side by side it takes us only a short amount of time to get a spicy stir-fry of veggies and noodles together, and while I’m working on the seasoning for the main dish, little sister bakes eggs to add to the meal that is soon ready to be consumed.
An excellent meal is the result of our efforts, and the portions get eaten rapidly and with satisfying gusto. It is always pleasure to see that the food you’ve prepared is appreciated to the fullest extent.

After allowing the meal to settle for a bit, I do some cleaning in the kitchen and then resume the chore of mucking out the pantry. Another batch of laundry is ready in the machine and I quickly hang that while I let soap soak into the dirt on the tiles.

Once middle sister has grandly helped by taking the two large garbage bags to the car, I get the mop-bucket, put in new water with soap and a load of chloride that literally makes my eyes water I set to scrubbing the floor until it shines.
There are some crusts of unknown origin that need at least three to four scrubbings, but in the end the pantry is clean and I finish of by locking the door behind me, and return to the living room so we can put on the new X-Files movie.

I’m not even going to bother ranting about this one. It’s just not worth the time and effort it takes to put it all down in words. Let’s just say I was even less impressed by it than the last one. Heck, I wouldn’t even call it a valid X file to begin with. Ah well…

Once the movie is over I linger in the living room a bit longer, watching a rerun of the Aussie movie “Halifax”. It’s a nice enough movie–part one of the series–but since I already know it and it can’t really keep my attention, I finally gather my things, along with two bags of clean laundry and take my dogs up to the cabin.

The sky has cleared during the evening. A firm western wind is blowing and stars sparkle brightly overhead as I reach my front door and let the dogs storm inside.
Once they’re fed, and I’ve read a few more chapters of the review book, I finally settle behind the computer for tonight’s foray on the Web.

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