
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Too busy for long post.

Though it was my plan to get up at my usual time today, I drop back into bed after releasing the dogs into the yard and snooze for an extra thirty minutes. There are a variety of dreams that flash through my mind during this nap, several that made me think I’ve had them before, and they make me feel somewhat edgy when I finally do get up and prepare myself to face the day.

The dogs are a bit restless today, too, which can probably be explained by the fierce wind sweeping from every direction…or so it seems. It IS a bit disconcerting, I admit when I follow them down to the house and prepare myself for today’s workout.

I’m a bit wary to start, what with my lungs still feeling somewhat clogged, but once I get started and blood begins to pump through muscles that feel somewhat weak, the sensation of watery air subsides at last.

Even though I don’t do the extras I’d been adding during the last exercise sessions, I slowly make my way through every routine. Since I’ve been ill, I decide that accuracy and form are more important now than the quantity, and deliberately focus on that as an hour rapidly passes.

In the end I’m pretty pleased to find that I had to stop only twice for a fierce bout of coughs, and head for the showers so I can get on with the day with more energy than I had before.

After breakfast big brother and I start on editing, when I suddenly remember one of my Internet buddy mentioning an Amazon competition. We talk about it for a bit, going over the rules and requirements on the site until we decide to put a halt to our present project and attempt prepare one of my bigger novels for entering the competition that will start in less than two weeks.

It should be doable, since the story is good and will need only one final edit before it’s ready, so for the next few hours we rigorously go through the beginning of the tale until it is time to feed the dogs…and ourselves.

During this time, where focusing on anything more strenuous than some mindless television show is pretty much impossible, I tackle the pantry for the second time this week. Some of the dogs managed to get in there and spread an entire bag of garbage over the floor, requiring a serious clean up that I don’t particularly enjoy.

I forgot to hang laundry this morning, so I take that out too, pleased to find that yesterday’s batch has been dried effectively by the fierce wind literally howling its way into the courtyard. It’s not a cold wind, however, so I actually enjoy the feel of it as I bring the dry batch inside and then start hanging the wet pile I carried outside

That done, I head for the kitchen. Little sister has been complaining consistently about the fact that the main sink still isn’t ready for use. Knowing how very annoying working with a too small sink when doing the dishes, is, I search for the silicone kit that has somehow gotten lost during the course of the past few weeks. I finally find it hidden under a stack of old drawers and start applying it around the metal section.

By this time the dogs have once again quieted and after folding today’s laundry big brother and I resume our editing until our minds can no longer grasp the complexities of grammar and sentence structure. The hour of midnight has arrived by then anyway, so the day is drawing to an end.

We watch a comedy rerun for a few minutes, after which I decide that it’s time to go up to my cabin so I can do my final reading of the review book while still having time to actually write my opinion down.

I have to say that I am pretty pleased with the end result of the review and if all goes well I will post it tonight, before starting on my usual chats, and general fun time on line.

One book review, done, only three more to go.

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