
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Floor all done. Yay.

Song of the day: “Not the doctor” by Alanis Morissette. Don’t know where it came from, but it made for a nice change.

Getting up on time today isn’t at all easy, but still it needs to be done ‘cause I’ve been sleeping in way too much these past few weeks; besides we really need to do more on the edit. I feel pretty sore this morning, joints and muscles complaining enough to require some serious stretches on my part before I take the dogs down.

It is no easy venture what with the new floor on the terrace circled by fencing. It actually takes me several minutes before I’ve got them all in the center yard…especially Bommel, who is completely confused by the temporary change. The poor old feller keeps bumping into stuff, for no other reason than everything being in different locations.

Once down at the house, big loads of laundry hung and folded, (no time for it yesterday) and breakfast consumed we start on the day’s edit. We try to work loosely today, casual reading, not too much focus and manage to rewrite and sieve through several pages before the ol’ noggin starts feeling like mush against. For some reason it feels like the brain got so overtaxed with the week edit (you know, the one we had, to get the manuscript done in time by doing nineteen hour edits a day, aaargh) that now it starts to whine…and I mean that literally…after just four hours.

But anyway, considering that there is more than enough to do outside, we wrap up work on the computers and head into the warm sunshine. Still cool temperatures; if I didn’t know any better, I’d think we were in the end of December rather than the midst of summer. It’s weird I tell you.

The fencing around the new floor gets removed and it looks brilliant. Only two tiny cracks from sinking concrete, but otherwise it is completely smooth.
For the first few hours we work in pairs; the youngest sibs are back on the courtyard roof to attach the last of the mats, grandpa and I reattach the fence of the carport…which isn’t as easy as it seems, since it got all twisted during the past few months of construction. But anyway, after a lot of tugging, reshaping and then some more tugging we manage to attach it nicely tight between the poles.

That done, while big brother is working on a variety of project in the carport, middle sister and I work on the second to last part of the rock plant container. We actually manage to almost finish it with the two batches of cement we make by hand, but by then dusk has neared and we need to clean up for the day.

Afterwards I spend about half an hour evening out the dirt in the two higher containers and then big brother and I head out with the car in search of some more rocks: We still need a lot of really flat ones for the stairs that we have to build yet. Underway, with only a small selection in the back we find a dumpsite for wooden pallets, so considering that we’re going to need wood in the future (repairs, supports, etc. etc.) we pack them up and start to head home.

Much to our surprise, there is another dumpsite, just a mile farther down the road (yes, they’re tearing up the road and everything around it) and on it lies a big pile of slightly damaged, but still very usable concrete building blocks. It is so weird, we were just discussing that we were going to need to buy a dozen or so, for the tool shed under the carport. And there fourteen of ‘m were lying in a pile of rubbish, waiting to be smashed underneath the rest of the debris. You can imagine how quick we piled those blocks into the car. Hah.

We unload them as soon as we arrive home, go inside for another late dinner and then it’s blogging time, naturally. I figured that I might as well watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles while I did, since it won’t need all that much attention (know the basic story, naturally).

Yep, another day has come to an end. The floor is done, the planters are done (almost anyway) the fencing is done and the dogs are happy because they can walk around freely again. As for me…well, I certainly will have less dirt in my cabin come winter and still plenty to do. Hah.

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