
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I don't know. Just a day.

Song of the day: “By your side” Sade. A gorgeous song; I love listening to all the different instruments in the song, and considering I did just that last night, I couldn’t get the actual song out of my head during the course of the day.

Okay, the day:
After the usual morning routines, I headed down to the house on this rather cloudy morning. It’s amazing, but we’re well into August and we’ve got actual clouds. I mean seriously, this hasn’t happened in the thirteen years that past since we moved here. It’s just weird, I tell you.

But anyway, I did laundry, some other chores and then settled down for the edit. We managed a few pages and then a particular idea came to mind, which I just had to write down. A scene in “Commanding Morgan” that just fit. Until now the story was basically written from the perspective of the hero and heroine, but it was the perfect moment to add a new perspective: that of the man who’s tracking them.

The fun part is that this tracker is also the lead for “Saving Nina” (you know, the one that’s at a publishing house right now, and of which I STILL haven’t heard anything yet, aargh) so I got to write about an entirely different side of him. Kinda interesting; turns out that he’s a cool dude, chilly really, which is a fun facet of a character - especially to write.

I manage two whole pages in the new scene, and by then my head feels like mush. So I head outside instead, knowing full well that there’s only an hour left or so, for us to do some work outside. Today we plan to go to the second hand bookstore where we intend to exchange some books for new (old) ones.

You never know how short an hour really is until you actually have to do something in it. I only managed to chop and shovel away several wheelbarrows of dirt from under the carport. The plan is to expand the roof considerably, and then bring it out to the rock wall beside it where we will then build a small tool and work area. I couldn’t even get it done, because we had to check and clean the books we were returning. Right on the dot we leave.

So yeah, this was the first time that we had to park the Land Rover in an underground parking area. When everything appears full, we intend to head a story lower, but stop just in time when the sign says that the ceiling is actually lower than our car. Yikes. We just barely manage to back up again and promptly find a spot where the car fits with just a foot on each side to spare. Getting out is a little tricky, but soon we’re underway to the bookstore.

We find seven books in total, yay, so we actually have something new to read in the next few weeks. Next, we head to the video store to return out DVDs, and then the home improvement store to get some screws, which grandpa needs. While there we see a sale on Jasmine bushes, only four buck per plant, so we take two of those since we have been wanting to get them for a while now.

That done we headed into the country, or at least we tried to. Instead, we got a little lost in the neighborhood of mazelike streets. We do find a wonderful stash of wooden boards in the industrial area we pass through. New wood, that has been discarded in a dumpster, so we pile it up in the back of the car and head home on a long road that is under construction.

By the time we get back home, it is really dark, and the temperatures are downright chilly. Weird, I tell you. This is full summer for crying out loud. Chaos and Bommel are waiting for me up by the cabin, and jumping up against me…or at least Chaos did, seeing as Bommel is getting to old for that sort of thing.
The rest of the dogs are howling down in the courtyard, so I hurry inside before they go completely insane.

With a bami dish that little brother prepared, for dinner, the evening quickly draws to an end. Yep, just another edit to go and then I can call it a night. Strangely enough, even though the physical activities were minimal today, I still feel somewhat tired. Go figure.


Jenclone said...

I can't get ANYTHING done in an hour. It's annoying. The day really needs more of them. Hope you got some good books!

Samaya Young said...

Yes I did get some good books. Phew. Was a close call there for a moment. LOL.
And yes, a day definitely should have at least four hours extra. That way I actually might get enough sleep, hehehe.