
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Back to normal.

Song of the day: “Hit the Road Jack” by James Brown, I think. I looked it up once, but my memory could be failing me. It usually does. Hah.

Okay, let’s get this done fast, because I’ve got stuff to do and only a little time today. I would like to say that I’ve got something immensely exciting to talk about, but except that the sibs and mom sold well at the market today, things were pretty much like normal.

I did have another dream, but unlike the Zombie dream the other night, this one faded way too fast. I couldn’t even jot down notes, for crying out loud. But anyway. Yesterday I overslept by almost two hours…and felt miserable because of it. I don’t know what it is about oversleeping but I wasn’t myself all day.

Which, of course, is an excellent reason to get busy fast for as far as I’m concerned. The project yesterday was the path towards the carport, and the gravel that has been a thorn in my eye for the past year or so. I decided to tackle the path and get rid of the gravel at the same time.

For the first hour or two I worked on cutting into the path, chopping out rock and clay until I had a proper track that could be filled with concrete. Though there were some hard spots, on the overall it went well enough due to the recent rains. The clay at least was soft, so I could get things done with the pickax and jackhammer in good time.

Next grandpa started making concrete so I could see to spreading and flattening it on the path until we ran out of cement. Almost got it all the way up, darn it. Guess it’ll have to wait ‘till some other time. We covered the newly poured strip up and headed for the carport.

Big brother had spent most of the day there working on fixing grandpa/tenant’s washing machine. The door had broken off, and since the handle didn’t work either, it took him several hours to figure out a solution. Worked too, considering it is all back in place now, and they can do their laundry again. Dontcha just love it when fixing something costs you nothing but time? I do.

I also made dried pea soup yesterday, and it worked out rather well, I admit. Broth, leek, onion, ginger powder, dried cilantro (aka Coriander), honey and a couple of pounds of dried peas that had been soaking in water during the night. It was friggin’ good soup that tasted even better on a slice of bread with butter and cheese. Hah.

We did some good edits last night (good thing too, because the day before that went horribly. I was way too distracted and tired). Got through at least ten pages, and considering we really ought to finish this book before spring as well, that’s good progress.

Today (I woke in time, thank you very much) the weather was once again wonderful. At least it was for the first part of it. The first thing we did after the habitual stint with the day’s laundry was go into the yard for a bit.
For some peculiar reason my back has been killing me since yesterday afternoon. I guess I am no longer used to bending over like that for any amount of time. It really isn’t at all surprising. To get rid of the problem I have been doing a lot of stretches and bends until some of the discomfort receded.

But anyway, since the dogs ate so many tomatoes last summer, we’ve got tomato plants springing from the ground everywhere. Good thing too, because none of the seeds that we sowed came up. We now have six little plants in the greenhouse at least, so, yay.
It was rather nice working in the greenhouse for a bit, in particular because it was wonderfully warm in there. I wouldn’t mind at all spending a lot of time in there.

Grandpa just finished painting the inside of tenant’s solarium, and declared this morning that he was redoing it because he found the paint to grainy. I looked at it, but couldn’t detect anything wrong with the stuff, but what the hey. It’s his choice if he wants to do it again.

After the morning chores, we headed for the storage shed up on the property to get wood. We need a slight expansion on the carport in order to put up wind screens. What with winters getting colder we’re definitely going to need some way to block the winder properly.
We got the main frame up today, and should be able to start with the covering sometime this week. I would have liked to say tomorrow, but since tomorrow is a work day, that definitely isn’t going work.

Okay, I’ve gotta get outta here. I’ve got fun work to do on the book. Hah.

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