
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quick, quick, quick. Sorry.

Song of the day: “Hold my Hand” by Michael Jackson and Akon. Loved the first, don’t like the second one all that much, but it is still a great song that I didn’t discover until yesterday. Almost missed it too, but there it was and now I’ve got it stuck in my head. Hah.

Running behind again, and we really have to get started on editing so I’m going to do my best to keep it short. If I don’t, slap me on the back of my head please. Okay. It was a bunch of busy days on the most part and it involved a lot of exercise, luckily.

First of all we started laying the beech parquet floor in big brother’s room yesterday. This meant that our friend Dani and I (she came over for the day) hauled the packages from under the tarps and carrying all 30 of them down to my terrace. For the remainder of the day we spent going back and forth to the room until we laid the complete floor, except for the last three lines, which had their turn today…but that’s getting ahead of myself, isn’t it?… okay, back. There was still the piece under the shelving that needed to be done, but at that time big brother was so smart as to slam the hammer right on top of his index finger. Suffice it to say, he felt a tad faint for the remainder of the afternoon, meaning that I had to finish up. Hah.

There was a rather miserable attempt at editing afterwards, but since it didn’t work (big brother was understandably distracted) we called it a day early and headed up to my cabin to see a DVD. The Expendables with the whole string of known action movie actors. Gawd it was just like the good old days, just some mindless violence, no major message other than good winning from evil in the most wonderfully gruesome ways. It was nostalgia more than anything, seeing as the movie was far from “amazing” but still, I had fun…especially the digs and black humor. I remember the old days so…*slap* Gawd, so sorry. Got distracted there.

This morning there was a slight detour from the planned continuance of working on the floor, seeing as Sally’s door oddly gave the spirit and needed to be fixed, as well as her windows, which she was unable to close for some reason. It took us a couple of hours to fix the mishaps, but then we could head up to the carport and resume with the floor. Of course I first had to break down the shelving closet (big brother’s finger, remember?) and had quite a bit of fun with that, actually (despite the inch of dust on them). Seriously, I wrecked the thing with saw, hammer and tire-iron, before finally resulting in just bringing my heel (the good one btw) down on the last board. Then the stupid shelving was out and grandpa could haul it away. I put in the last pieces of the floor, the threshold and then it was time to put in the metal threshold big brother had made for the second door.
It looks good, I assure you. Clean too, which is the most important thing in the end. I even took out the spider webs, and there were plenty of those, I assure you.

The good part is that I found back a whole crate of books that big brother borrowed from me, so Yay. One of the walls is painted and thus clean, and we had pumpkin soup I made yesterday morning, and which turned out splendidly again.

Tenant spent both afternoons on my porch, enjoying the large amounts of sunshine that is pouring down every day now. Sure the air is pretty chilly, but the sunshine, ah the sunshine. It’s what makes living here the best. Why I still remember…*slap*…Okay, sorry again.

The dogs behaved well, after I spent the majority of yesterday snarling at them, every time I had to get through the door. Showing my teeth and growling works really well, in case you’re wondering. It worked so well in fact, that I needed to do it only once before they let me go through the door without half the herd trying to slip through.

Okay, I’ve gotta go.

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