
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Gardening, yay

Song of the day: “Man down” by Rihanna. Had this one before, I think. Good song to have in your head, in particular with the accent, hah.

Sooooo, what’s been going on? I’m not entirely sure since I’m drawing an embarrassing blank again. *sigh* What’s with this forgetful head of mine anyway, two days disappear without a trace, and yet I can remember a mortifying incident 20 years ago at a supermarket of all places. Grrrr.

But okay, I know I have been taking it a little easy these past couple of days. Lots of yard stuff going on, because, let’s face it, it’s that time of the year. Spent several hours in the greenhouse hunting miners in the tomato plants’ leaves. Been slacking in that regard this past week, and it was noticeable. I found at least a hundred of ‘m, and can tell you right now that they weren’t all. Hah.

There was some transplanting involved with the young seedlings. A few cauliflowers, some Chinese cabbages and onions had to be let out into the wild, so to speak. And of course we had to place the smaller ones that just barely came from the ground into pots.

Weather wise we’ve been having a lot of clouds and a south eastern wind that was downright chilly. Grandpa calls it typical eastern weather. One minute it’s hot as heck and the next a cloud moves in front of the sun and ya wanna get out the winter coats for crying out loud. But no matter, stuff had to be done.

Harvesting, of course. I’ve been getting out beautifully big cauliflowers for three days now, along with nice batches of broccoli, chickweed and some tomatoes. Are getting loads of vitamin C these days, eh? No matter, since we all positively adore cauliflower. I’ve been doing loads of experimenting with this particular veggie of late.

A bit of bad news. Our regular dog food is out of storage at the store and management doesn’t know when they’ll have a new supply. Something about the factory not delivering. So, we’re trying to be frugal with the dog food, hoping we can coast this until they’re back, rather than go through the hassle of getting the dogs used to new food…which is a disaster for their bowels. Rather than giving them their usual “dose”, we’re mixing it with freshly cooked veggies from the yard, and old bread sticks that we got per box the other day. With a pumpkin added to the mix they were downright cheery devouring the lot.

Had a couple of nights of decent sleep, by the way, up to eight hours, which was absolutely divine. Yay. And the dogs, you won’t believe how much they enjoy sleeping ‘till our usual time. Chaos was stretched out along the length of me, Knight two curled against my back (curving my spine into an unnatural angle, of course), Dax under the blankets between my ankles, and Sitabah (grrrr) rolled into a ball in my neck. Blasted dogs. Hah. It’s a good thing I love them to pieces, or else I might…ah well.

Oh yeah, stupid moment of the day: I was drinking my first coffee this morning, slipping my right arm into my vest while checking the time…Yes, I wear my watch on the left side, and yes, I was holding the coffee in that hand. *sigh* Like I said, stupid moment.

Made patty dough yesterday morning. Went for a lentil/red bean mix this morning, which wasn’t bad, but also not the best. Ah well, it doesn’t really matter it will be gone a few days from now and then I’ll make a new combination. They did go well with supper, though. Even tenant loved it.

There were plants to water, despite the weather being somewhat rainy of late. Just not enough water coming down for the poor plants. All the new trees appear to be working out well. All, except for the apples, which are late bloomers, are now in bloom or in full leaf. And they look so cute too. We might actually get some cherries this year. Yay.

Had to go out yesterday, and thus we had to unload the car this morning. Same will have to be done tomorrow, of course, but who cares.

We practiced some Spanish today, as we’ve been trying to do every day for a while now. Nothing too serious, more like doing small talk. Tried to involve tenant as well, but she had a hard time of it because her hearing is not the best. The important thing is that she’s trying.

Did an edit/proof reading session of several pages, but since big brother had a headache we didn’t get very far (well, I did, just not the changes on the computer) getting through the changed pages. I hate it when we get into arguments about sentence structure, but we do, and yes, I was once again going through moments of wanting to bean him. Hah.

Okay, that’s it for today. There’s still that edit to do, and let’s hope that I don’t give into temptation this time either.

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