
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Yadzia came through the night well enough. He didn’t cry, and peacefully slept in his place under the bed, where he feels safe from the other dogs. Gada was of course right beside him, the way she always is, but appears around morning to check out the ruckus when it’s time to get up.

The usual mess ensues, dogs bouncing about, barking, snarling occasionally and then storming helter-skelter over each other the moment the door bursts open to the bright and warm sunlight outside. Three seconds after opening the door quiet descends in the cabin, except for Chaos, who’s still standing on the bed and is waiting for me to come an help him to the floor.

Limping a little I make my way back to the bed and assist the dog in the controlled slide to the floor. The moment his paws hit the wood, he’s off in a burst of motion…for as far as this is possible with his massive bulk, and disappears around the corner of the door.

Shaking my head at his gallop I start tearing off blankets and the likes that have tangled considerably during the night and start remaking the bed from the bottom up so I won’t have to do so tonight when I return.
That done, I hurry through the morning rituals, get dressed and head down for the house with Bommel and Yadzia bringing up the rear.

After depositing my bag on the kitchen counter, I dig through the first aid box in search of some bandages and apply a large amount of arnica on my knee, which I then proceed to wrap loosely in the endless strip of stretchy fabric that is to help against the itchy burning sensation that’s bothering me since last night. I definitely did too much walking yesterday and am now suffering the consequences.

The cooling gel certainly feels good, and with that done I start on laundry. Grandpa and big brother insist on carrying out the new batches, and taking the dry inside for me, while I start hanging the stuff. The weather is really wonderful today. The wind is mild and the sun bright, making it a most pleasant task.

About half an hour later, after folding the dry laundry, we start on breakfast and are discussing the day ahead of us. There doesn’t seem to be much writing time, considering that the weather is so pleasant and we still need to take an old car wreck–set on our property–apart so we can move it out of the gate with the least possible weight to push. And I’ve promised the do Danni’s hair, both trim and dye.

With that in mind, I only get on the computer to do a quick round of the messages, answer a few while big brother already heads up the mountain to start on the fence that was opened up by the dogs again today.

While going over the mail of the day I find that Knight II has somehow managed to get bit in his tail, leaving a bloody mess that thankfully doesn’t appear to bother him much when all is said and done. A good cleaning and he should be fine.

The messages take longer than I’d expected, but in the end I finish up for today, grab scissors and a comb and head on up to do my hairdresser job for the day.
While I start trimming, big brother is already working on the car wreck, slowly taking it apart and by the time I finish with the dye job I join him.

The car is rapidly coming apart under his hands and tools. Dented doors being cut away, rusty engine taken apart, and all remaining extras removed to be piled in the back of the truck. It’s a mess, and the dratted thing has been rusting away on the property for way too long, that’s a fact.

The dogs, of course love the venture, all of them rutting about in the yard, and rushing up and down the mountain before finding various spots all around…most of them in the way, naturally. That’s the best part from their perspective, or so it seems. A day isn’t complete if you haven’t let one of the humans stumble. Hah.

It’s not that I can do much more than unscrew bolts and the like, while hobbling about, but still, I figure it’s the thought that counts when about an hour later we bring the dogs down to the courtyard and decide to do some practicing with the car for parking in line. Not that it is all that hard to do, but figuring that soon we’ll have to do exams we figure we might as well practice a little, just in case.
Four out of five times it goes well, and with that reassurance we head to the house to see about our evening meal.

No one is in the mood for cooking, so I make pita bread with lettuce, tomatoes grilled onion, red bell pepper and a yogurt sauce, which goes down well for everyone before I settle behind the computer, rather than the TV. Not much on anyway, so I might as well get some work done.

During this time we find out that my submission to the publisher of my short vampire story never arrived, so we have to resend it, preferably tonight. No biggie, but it is rather annoying that due to hearing this now three whole months have gone by for nothing. Ah well…nothing to do about it now, I guess.

I go over the remainder of the messages, chatting a bit on Amazon and then about an hour before midnight big brother and I decide to go over the book project and discuss the scenes that still need to be added. We’re halfway through now, so about sixty more pages need to be written before we come even close to finishing the story. Still, with ideas for scenes aplenty it should all work out well in the end.

By the time we finish I hurry up the mountain, only to realize that I need a new bag of dog food, and call to the house to ask big brother to follow me up to get it. He comes, and we end up talking about books and ideas for almost an hour. While he’s here anyway we also trim Mosha’s nails, of which one has been rapidly growing round and towards her skin. I hold her aloft as big brother sees to the task, our talk going well into the second hour and making me late…again. So frustrating!

At last I declare that I really need to get started on my Blog so he departs and I can start on the usual night rituals before getting to work.

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