
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Another beautiful day.

Song of the day: “Try” by Nelly Furtado. There was also another one that kept returning, but for some reason it slipped my mind during the course of the day.

I overslept at least half an hour, which wasn’t too bad considering I have been getting way too little sleep these past few weeks. I think I dreamed about “Lost” in that last half hour, but I really can’t be sure, it flittered from my mind to fast after I got up.

Once at the house, after the chores and a quick breakfast, it is time to start with the edit. For the next few hours, big brother and I delve into the manuscript of “Commanding Morgan” and manage to add another four pages to the whole. Today we tackle a complicated scene, one that requires a lot of concentration and that has my mind numb after three hours. It isn’t so much the actions in it, or even the dialogue, just the information it needs to hold, and while we go through the re-write, we’re skipping through the book constantly to verify that it is all correct.

As is usual after an edit, I am more than happy when it is time to start on today’s outside work. Some actual physical movement is always the best cure for a meltdown of the brain.

The weather is wonderful again, the sun is shining, but there is a fresh breeze still, rumbling in from the sea, and making the temperature downright pleasant. No more than thirty degrees: I really don’t know what to think about that, for this time of year. Almost as if we’re in spring time or fall.

Today I add a piece of wall for the ramp beside the stairs, making an incline that should do the trick for us later on. Next I go down to the courtyard room, in the tool room, to put the cabinet upon building blocks so the floor is free for cleaning. That done I head up to the balustrade of the terrace where grandpa, big brother and I spend the next few hours attaching fencing to the wooden structure, and adding the last bit of wood to the section beside the courtyard gate.

Bommel, the poor boy, is feeling a tad lost these days; age is getting to him, I think. He’ll be going up and down the mountain, obviously in search of me. It takes him a while, but when he does finally reaches my side, he sniffs my leg for a moment and then settles in the shadow of the carport, to snooze the afternoon away.

By the time dusk arrives, I’ve got sawdust all over my body, orange paint on my arms and hands, but it is looking mighty fine, if I do say so myself. The dogs are a tad restless today, and I have to keep an extra eye on Knight II all day. He’s got something up his craw, that’s a fact. I can’t explain why, either, it’s just a little strange.

A quick in the pool follows...rather nice after all the dust and paint stuff.
Dinner consists out of pasta and sauce with veggies on the side, which goes down really well after such a day. I’m a little weary, I’ll admit, so I’m looking forward to getting to bed soon…right after another edit, if we manage it. Hah.

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