
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

No go.

Song of the day: “Our life is gonna change” by Simona Barbeiri again. Guess the ol’ brain’s depleted again. Hah.

I’m about twenty minutes late this morning…not that it matters, considering I don’t need to be anywhere specific. After hurrying through the morning rituals, letting my dogs out and such, I head down to the house for a quick dip in the pool, the laundry and half a gallon of coffee before I sit down and try to write for a bit.

Writing doesn’t go so well today, I fear. Only one page to add to yesterday’s two, and the edit, which lasts for only a few hours, brings us three more pages up. Only fifteen more to go before we’re at one third of the story. Yay.

Seeing as computer work really isn’t going today, we decide to go separate way. Big brother and grandpa head to the back of the house to deal with the sewer pipes, while I head into the courtyard. The laundry lines have been annoying the heck out of me for years now, so taking this opportunity, I take down the old and spend the remainder of the evening fastening the new lines…straight ones, that down sag this time. Hah. It takes longer than I had anticipated, but after dusk, with the wooden beams up, the lines fastened, I am able to hang laundry in prefect lines.

I know, I’m nuts, but I get a kick out of that sort of thing. There’s nothing like improving on daily tasks.

The summer is in full swing again, today. Blistering heat pours down on top of the courtyard roof, but it doesn’t matter, moving slowly it is quite bearable…added to that, there’s the pool to dive into when it gets too bad.

Lots of ticks again. I fear that we’re going to have to do another washing session of the dogs soon, ‘cause things are getting ridiculous. I’m actually removing clusters from between their toes, under their legs, ears and pretty much everywhere else.

By the way, while I was attaching the wires…well, we were, since grandpa and big brother finished with their chore and came to help me with the last bit…an email came in. The publisher we had sent the first three chapters of “Saving Nina” to (per request), said NO.

As far as rejection letters go, it wasn’t a bad one. They liked the characters, called them “good”, but since they could only publish a limited number of books they had to go with some other books that suited their company just a tad better with a stronger storyline. Since they only had the first three chapters, I’m not surprised: Can’t get much of an idea of the general storyline that way, but that’s what they asked for.

It’s my fault; since I aim for an old fashioned style: slow build up towards a culminating climax…or multiple ones, as is the case with this one. Hah.
Saving Nina is literally a story that is all about the characters, and their intricacies, and since the publisher only had the build up, the introduction scenes with the first chapters, this didn’t get through, apparently.

Now, emotions would have me totally depressed, but I’ve decided to say: “Screw ‘m” (the emotions, I mean) and just take it as a good sign. They liked the characters and that’s a plus any day, in my book.
Besides, this was the publisher who only wanted the sample chapters. The one who has the complete manuscript - well, that one still hasn’t gotten back to us, and we’re about to finish up with week four. Keep your fingers crossed.

Well, after that bit of…ehm, depressing news (hah) I stoutly continue with the work, until at long last it is finished and I am so friggin’ tired I can hardly stand, let alone think.
With a dinner of mac ‘n cheese, with a salad on the side, the evening comes to an end, and I can head up to my cabin for the evening. Yep. My back hurts, my limbs are tired and I really need to pass out for a bit.

First another edit, though.

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