
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A little adventure. Hah

Song of the day: “I’m in love” by Maria Mena. Had this one several times already, I believe. Easy song; catchy and fun to sing. Hah.

Okay, the day: Got up a little early this morning, and still ended up almost being late to arrive at the bank, consequently town hall where we had to pay over four hundred bucks in taxes, because they made some asinine mistake in the past few years. Darn it.
Next we needed to head for the phone store, to have the lost phone canceled. We managed to get a new phone for a reasonably low price, at which time we headed back home.

Well after noon, the heat had reached its peak, so of course on the way up the mountain we got stuck behind a heavy loader that was going up at the “wonderful” speed of 20 miles per hour at most. Aaaargh. The county is still working on that road, and apparently, they have turned up the heat for some sort of deadline because there are at least ten trucks rumbling over our road…yes, we can actually feel it in the house, considering it reverberates right through the rock. I really needed to cool down in the more ways than one. Hah.

But anyway, since we were running way behind, big brother and got our coffee and quickly started on the edit. We managed four pages before it was time to head out to the yard for outside work. Good scene, very prosaic. The rewrite definitely went well.

Big brother and grandpa head out to the old horse stable again, while the younger sibs and I are determined to break yesterday’s record by making an extra mat.
Middle sister and I set up the frames and within no time, we’re weaving mats in pairs again.
Lots of chatting about movies, TV shows and books, of course. Fun work on the overall-now that the initial backaches have receded and fingers and hands have toughened-especially since there are lots of off color jokes that will cause laughing fits all 'round.

It isn’t until eight thirty in the evening that the fifth mat is ready. Big brother and grandpa return, so we can set out with the car to get a few new batches of reed. Today middle sister has opted to go with us, and just as we’re about to head down the road, we see that it is completely closed off for traffic. Darn.
So instead, we head the other way and finally end up in a rather particular area. Admittedly there is no reed to find, but once we reach the end of a particularly windy road, steep inclines that literally go straight down and park when dusk is about to settle.

There is a big board by the side of the road, claiming there is a waterfall at the end of a small trail that follows the small river. (It also leads towards the lake (scarily blue) at the bottom of the valley; around it a large cluster of villas are located) Though the area looked pretty darn private, it was open for tourists, so, we decided to make use of the last bit of light and have ourselves a bit of exercise.

For anyone who has seen the movie, “The Last of the Mohicans”-the end scene, with everyone going after Alice-will get the general idea of how our run up the incline looked. Not as gracious as the actors, or course, but we had a steady pace going, went up the rocky incline, through underbrush, over fallen trunks using every available muscle for a solid mile.
It was a little tricky what with slippery rocks jutting all ‘round, and dusk, but it felt rather invigorating, even though we couldn't actually reach the waterfall and headed back at the same pace. I wasn’t even out of breath when with the last bit of gray light, we crossed the final distance back to the car.

Now the exciting part: Guess what we saw? You won’t guess, I know, so I’m just gonna say it. Hah.

We saw a small family of wild boars. I know, it surprised the heck out of me, but there they were; a mom, dad and two tiny piglets, all pitch black, storming off straight up the incline when we had startled their evening stroll past the stream. Fast little buggers, and darn good climbers, I do know that our dogs wouldn’t have easily managed that incline - let alone anyone of us. Heck, I didn’t even know that this area had wild boars, but when we checked the board over where we’d parked the car, otter are supposed to inhabit the area too. I wish I had been able to take a few photos but it was really too dark. Pity.

But anyway, the evening has cooled considerably when we finally arrive home and after a rather late dinner, it is time to call it a day. Another edit to go, of course, but then I sure as heck am ready to hit the sheets. Sure was an interesting day…even if we didn’t manage to get any reed.

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