Managed five more pages last night before going to bed, so that’s a definite yay! The evening was blessedly cool, what with a strong western wind blowing it, scattering Eucalypti leaves over the property…and my porch.
I am right on time this morning, and head down to the house within half an hour so we can resume the edit. Breakfast and laundry are over fast and with my habitual coffee going down smoothly we settle down for the morning.
Ten more pages get done in the next few hours, and we had a few really “oh wow” moments, which certainly lightens the spirits during what CAN be a rather tedious process on the overall. Hah.
The day isn’t too hot so we head out early, fully intending to do four mats today, when I suddenly discover that the roll of rope that grandpa bought isn’t going to suffice for them. Rather annoyed, seeing as I’ve set up two different frames for the binding process, I decide to gather all the leftovers and decide that there will be enough after all if we use the pieces…meaning that we use short ropes (no more than 2 feet long) and just tie them together every time they run out.
My back doesn’t feel too bad today, just a little sore in the morning, but then as the day progresses, I hardly notice it anymore. I have decided however, not to do the squat weaving, since that is a part of my back that isn’t used to the movements at all. Standing bent over works much better.
It takes some scrambling, but in the end four mats are done and get set aside. There’s quite a bit of cleanup to be done, and afterwards I spend a moment to take photos of the small areas where we planted seeds about a month ago. Flowers are starting to bloom by now, (including the zucchinis we planted) and the terraces by the wall are looking rather grand. Have a look:
Okay, so the coloring doesn't come off right, but you get the general idea.
The view was just too pretty to pass up. It's not often that the sky is this clear. Any clearer than this it won't get in the summer. Now, in winter, you can see clear to Africa, right there at the horizon.
Now this is the project I'm talking about at the moment.
See the hideous metal plating. Eeeewwww. We're going to cover those up with the reed mats we're weaving.
This part is going to be a tad tricky, considering we'll probably have to take the roof apart to be able to reach everywhere. Ah well, we'll see how it goes.
I find I’m in a weird mood today. I’m making a lot of wisecracks throughout the day that has the sibs roll their eyes at me on more than one occasion. I can’t explain why I’m doing it, but it happens on practically everything that my strange mindset finds funny. I doubt any of it is, so I’m not going to regale at the words that passed my lips. Hah.
When I bring my dogs down to the courtyard, I finally find out why Knight II’s tail is scraped and bloody so often these days. As it turns out, when Fortuyn (Spanish pointer) and he face off at the courtyard gate, he gets so excited that he sweeps his tail back and forth (way too hard) against the rock wall…which then damages his skin and splatters that part of the wall with his blood. Stupid Great Dane; doesn’t understand his own strength.
But, be that as it may, we head out with the car a little early today; last night, somewhere along the we, we lost a cell phone, and hope that we will be able to find the darn thing. Seeing as we’re not going to cut reed, or anything, I decide to take Chaos with me. The poor Basset doesn’t enjoy the ride all that much. At least, not in back; his chubby paws can’t find purchase there at all. He does enjoy going out whenever we stop at yesterday’s stopping points to see if we can find the phone.
The trip turns out to be for nothing, since we are unable to find the darn device, so now we’re going to have to go to town tomorrow to cancel the number before someone decides to use it for phoning abroad, or something. On the way back, Chaos has finally figured out the trick and perches happily against my seat, so I can put my arm back and hold him in place.
Once at home, I take a quick dip in the pool, have dinner and then prepare to wrap up the evening.
I do wish I had something more interesting to share, but since I haven’t, I’m just going to leave it like this and see what tomorrow brings.
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