
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The reed project continues.

Song of the day: “This side of paradise” by Bryan Adams. I love this song. No big surprise that it has been going through my head all day.

I had to get up really early because our tenant needed to be at the hospital for an unexpected visit to her doctor, so I brought the dogs to the house, poured myself coffee, had a slice of bread and trudged back up the mountain to help getting our tenant into the car. Even though we were well prepared, we were running fifteen minutes behind by the time we headed out.

The drive was relatively uneventful, and when we arrived at the hospital, we were only five minutes late, and while our tenant and caretaker went inside, I headed over to the parking area and used the borrowed Mac to write yesterday’s blog while I waited.

It was a long time, so I got yesterday’s events all down before I could return to the entrance and helped our tenant back into the car. She is doing much better, seeing as she can almost stand on her own again, and though the visit was a bust…her regular doctor was on vacation, and the replacement knew didly about her condition…she was in good spirits.

Once at home, and a quick dip in the pool, I headed inside to start on today’s edit. The edit was a bust too, but we did manage four pages before the afternoon heat went down a little and we could resume outside work. I’m not in the best of moods today, at least I haven’t been since we got home, and I don’t know why. Ah well, it is not as if it matters, really. Pesky emotions go haywire willy-nilly all the time. Nothing I can do about that except keep busy.

Three more mats got woven, three more got added to the roof and everyone was nicely busy.
We had a bit of scare however. Grandpa was getting impatient and got up on the roof before big brother joined him.
So, while the younger sibs and I were weaving, there was a noisy crash and there he was sliding off the roof, landing pretty hard on the ladder that had slipped out from under him.

Gawd, I almost had a heart attack, and little brother ran down immediately to see if all was well. Luckily he only had a few scrapes and a sore bum, but otherwise managed to catch himself really well. I do know I saw him dangling from the roof a second or two before he joined the ladder on the ground.
So, we bandaged him up, checked out the rest of him, and before you know it, he insisted on getting back to the job of putting reed mats on the roof. Determined old bugger doesn’t know when to stop, that’s a fact.

Slowly we all resume work, keeping half and eye out for him as big brother joins him. I haul finished mats down, lifted one up on the roof (of course the dogs peed against it, eeeewww. Got the nasty stuff all over my hands) and then headed back to the upper terrace to resume the weaving. Somewhere in the midst of it all Alta (Portuguese water dog) took a refreshing dip in the pool - he’s in a habit of doing that - by jumping on the edge, swim a round or two and then jump out again as if it his private bath. Hah.

An hour and a half before sunset, big brother and I headed out again to yesterday’s spot for another batch of reed. We manage a completely full back of the Land Rover today, bottom to top, which is definitely a good thing, considering we were busy until well after nightfall. Good batch, at least four mats everything combined, yay.

I will admit to being a tad exhausted tonight, which is no big surprise since I’ve been up for sixteen hours now and still have an hour or four to go before my day is over. *sigh*
The dogs are pretty insane tonight, running out into the courtyard every ten minutes barking. That simply won’t do, of course; can’t have them making a racket this late.

We’ll have to see how tonight’s edit goes, but other than that I would say that we reached most of today’s goals. Hah.

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