
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Surfing the Net and stuff.

Song of the day: I’ve no idea what the title is; it’s from some kind of Bollywood movie I saw ages ago. I hardly know the lyrics, seeing as it’s Hindi, but what the hey: It’s there.

Today was a total bust edit wise. Big brother and I had to go to town to figure out some mix up with the car insurance, and we had to go to the Gestoria (they arrange official stuff ‘round here) to finally get my official car papers. Yay. I am now the official owner of a Land Rover Defender. It’s my first, and I gotta admit that it was a pretty darn good buy. Hah.

But anyway, even though with the insurance everything worked out to satisfaction, it is quite impossible to set my mind to edit work, so instead of getting to it once we’re at home, the morning chores are dealt with and a much needed dip in the pool is behind me, I decide to roam the net a bit.

Oh, this reminds me, while sitting at the insurance broker’s place, I read the local paper, and according to an article I read there, the Spanish fir is actually flourishing due to climate change.
After many years of draughts, plagues and God knows what else, since last year the firs are flourishing at an incredible rate. Well, such news always cheers me up; nothing like a bit of good news for a change.

Second bit of news: New rules along the Andalusia coast. Fishermen can only be there after 9 PM ‘till 10 AM.
Radios, cassette players of music players of any kind, including musical instruments, are no longer allowed in certain areas. If one has the nerve to take them along, it’ll cost that unfortunate individual a 300 € fine.
Beach masseurs (apparently they were all the thing near Marbella) need to qualify at city hall, and pay 105 € to get a certificate, all of this to protect the unsuspecting tourist of course. Now, personally I don’t see why anyone would let a total stranger massage him or her on the beach, but what the heck. According to the article, ten people already applied, but they all want to have the Puerto Banus beach, since they get the best tips there. *sigh*
Another couple of local beaches have new rules where you can’t have a fire anymore, no more dogs, (unless you want to be fined) you can’t have beach games anymore either, unless you are in a designated area, and only certain games.
Then there are beaches where you aren’t allowed to go further from the shore than 25 meters (approx. 30 yards) to ensure safety, or some such.
Really, these sorts of rules make me frown. What am I? An idiot, who can’t be allowed to measure out something sensibly and maybe take a risk or two if I’m so inclined. Does the average person need to be protected against oneself, or something? What about personal responsibility…it seems that in the name of safety, any and all freedom can be taken away.
I swear, when I read this sort of thing, it always reminds of movies such as “I Robot” where some computer (aka the ones in control) decide that for me to live safely, it would simply be best to lock everyone up in a padded room where at least they’ll (humanity) be safe.

The Spanish authorities have reported an increase in convicting drivers that saw it fit to drive around the country without a valid drivers license (or none, in many cases), which, according to the article can result in 3 to 6 month incarceration and a hefty fine. The demographic, apparently, are men over 50, mostly foreigners, who see it fit to tour through Spain when they can’t do it elsewhere. And then there are all sorts of violations, now punishable by incarceration: Reckless driving, driving without license points, drunk or drugged: All of them punishable by 3 months to 2 years in prison. They did state that if one doesn’t have a prior record it is likely that the judge will rule for civil service or a hefty fine instead. Well, that certainly is nice to know.

Another nice tidbit: the risk for getting skin cancer (the most dangerous kind) is 75% for anyone who frequents a sun bed/tanning bed before the age of thirty. Big surprise. Now the fun part (not a fun haha, mind you) is that we were talking about this in the car, right before reading the piece. I was saying that I was convinced that sun beds HAD to be far more dangerous than the sun itself (the sun is vital nonetheless, considering it provides vitamin E and D, and all sorts of essential stuff to survive) and voila, there it was, written down in black and white. Now what are the chances of that, I ask you? It must have been in the air, hah.

The forest fires in Spain appear to be pretty bad. Another death was added to those that already fell during the past few weeks. From what I’ve heard, people started most of the fires, so that goes to show that you can find idiots anywhere. Personally, I don’t see the attraction for lighting a forest fire. I mean, what’s the point? Ah well, arsonists, they’re a breed apart, or so I’ve seen in movies. Remember Donald Sutherland in “Backdraft”: Perfectly, and utterly insane. Fun to see in a movie, but definitely not someone I’d want to meet in real life.

New trend in the Netherlands, I believe: You can buy a hug-day…I know, I was like: “Huh?” too. Apparently, you can buy one for yourself, or someone else, and then proceed to spend a day hugging cows. Yep, you read it right. COWS! I had no idea that this was in demand, but…yeah…okay: It takes all kinds, I guess.

Also, there appears to be a town called “Fucking” in Austria, of which the population is outraged about tourists going there to make-out in front of the town and snap a picture. Now, first of all, why would that be remotely interesting to do (as a tourist, that is) and second…yeah, it might be a good idea to change the name of the town just a bit; that should keep the nutters at bay, I would think.

And than, the winner of all articles: Text messaging in the car is more dangerous than talking in the phone. DUHUH! REALLY?
Wow, I really had no idea that writing a message on a tiny screen with tiny buttons to press, would be more dangerous than just talking to your best bud on the phone.
Gawd. The things that fill up space, it boggles the mind at times.

Well that, basically, sums up a day of surfing over all the “interesting” bits of news on the Web. I don’t know; I might have done better in getting down to the edit, ‘cause I have that distinct feeling of my brain shorting out - the way it tends to do whenever I read this kind of crap.

On to the day:
When I finally finish with my messages it’s time (a little late, actually) to head up to the carport and start on today’s building. While big brother and grandpa headed up to the old horse stable to do some repairs on it, I started on little brother’s window. I actually manage to get the entire thing done in the hours available - minus the painting, that is - and both little brother and sister helped with the process, which is always fun.

Afterwards, running a little later than we’d intended we hear out to get more reed. The temperatures are a tad higher than the last few times, and half an hour into the cutting (heavy work that) perspiration is literally streaming down my face. Phew. We got a good load, though, filled the cab up to the windows.

Once home there is the necessary dip in the pool - my, does that stuff itch and sting - we head into the crazy pack to have dinner before the evening draws to an end.

Yep, only another edit to go and then it’s off to bed for me.


Jenclone said...

wow, your ramble around the net was kind of entertaining. first of all, that's a lot of rules just to go to the beach. do the beaches around there have a high crime rate, or something? second, tanning beds are a major pet peeve of mine. I just want to shake people until they realize that most of the time, they don't look better with a tan. and even if they did, how is their vanity worth it? I think I'm allowed to ask this question, since I have the sort of skin tone that makes people think I'm ill if I don't put some makeup on. and I hardly ever do. third, okay... so you want to hug some cows... not sure what to say about that. but they make you PAY for it? that's just cold-hearted exploitation, there. sheesh.

Samaya Young said...

Hiya Jenclone,
Insane, isn't it. Sometimes when I read such stuff, my brain goes lala, or something. Haha.

As for a high crime rate: no more than the usual, at least I don't think so. It's just that there are a LOT of tourists, so I think they want to keep them all under control a bit.

Nothing wrong with a bit of a tan as far as I'm concerned (got that same ill paleness going if I don't have a bit of it *sigh*)but baking in the sun, (or tanning bed) day after day. I don't see the attraction at all - never mind the dangers of it.