
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Review of "The First Enhancer"

No time for a proper blog today, but I promised you a review, so here it is:

The First Enhancer by Teresa McCullough.

On my own Star system of 1-7 this one rates a nice round 5

* * * * *

The review:

I have to admit to having really enjoyed McCullough’s novel. Within the story she explores the intricacies of creating a “special” kind of people serving their respective Gods, which will become the pillars of their religion, I would suspect. Her concept is that of a select group of people gifted by the skill of enhancing, which came across as credible and…well, handy to me. On the most part it describes the pitfalls of a life of sacrifice and toils, though, done in a way that leaves the reader with simple information rather than emotional turmoil.

Writing style:
Though dotted with some typos, in particular in the beginning of the tale, and missing some explanations that I needed, to know where the heck I was at, I could soon see where she was going at a steady pace. There were enough complications to keep it interesting, but not so many that I got lost in them.
Her voice, straightforward and meticulous, had some resemblances to Jack Vance, in my opinion. I liked her style, which was strong and consistent, except that I would have liked the author to apply a bit more flamboyance, some risks in her actual sentence structure and descriptions. To me it came across more as a classy, well detailed documentary about an interesting subject, rather than Hollywood drama, if that makes any sense.
There were times when basic description went on longer than necessary, while at others (in particular at dramatic times) the information was supplied as almost an afterthought. I love it when the author is able to wrench out my heart at life-altering scenes, which didn’t happen, much to my regret.

The characters:
McCullough’s lead character, Lanora, was fleshed out well. She consistent in her character traits, and as the story worked itself to completion, she managed to grow into someone “real”. The one regret I have is first person narrative, because it gave me very little insight in the other main characters. Still, kudos in making me like Lanora for who she was. I like reading a story and wonder in the end if I at some time will see more of this character; this happened.

There is some, but it is brought much like the drama: There, to the point but unspecific, and not lingered upon. Respectful for young readers for sure.

McCullough put together and entertaining story that reminded me why I enjoy Fantasy. I will definitely recommend it to anyone in the mood for a solid fantasy adventure into her world of the Enhancers.

You'll be glad to know that "The First Enhancer" is the first of a series in the same world, available on Amazon.

You can either go here: or click on the title just now.