
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas

Song of the day: “Chandelier” not by Sia, but rather by Jasmine Tompson, who did a wonderful cover of the song. Hah.

Right, another blog from the UK. No worries, I’m not driving y’all bonkers by being back here permanently, it’s just for the holidays, so the friends that we made over here, could have a break while the dogs were taken care of.

Wasn’t looking forward to it, I’ll admit, but that was emotional rather than realistic problems. Annoying, really, how in your head things get blown out of proportions and a part of you starts to forget that it is only for a few days, and not indefinitely. Strange how that works, in particular that panicky feeling that gnaws at your chest, while everyone was happy to see us, and welcomed us heartily. Messed up, for sure.

As to what has been happening since the last blog…well, there was the usual stuff at the house in Spain, added to the fact that the day before we left we spent several hours cleaning up the yard. Mom had a visitor coming, and the place was a mess, of course. Had been focusing more on the inside of the house, rather than the outside. *sigh*

Mom went to the doctor and got the OK to walk again, which is hard, of course. Having been pretty much immobile for the past six weeks, being bed-bound and everything, muscles are incredibly sore after one trip to town, meaning that she’ll have to start with little bits here and there.

Did manage to post several recipes on my other blog, you know, the one about cooking. At the moment I’m using basic pictures, and a prefab background, but as soon as I get a little more time, I’m going to take pictures of my own for it. Way more fun…but time. Time. TIME!!!

Had several weird dreams, but they didn’t stick, so no harm no foul. I do remember bits and pieces about it involving family members I haven’t seen in more than twenty years, at the very least. Odd that.

Heard from tenant, who isn’t doing all that well. She has a catheter in her kidney (again) due to a kidney stone that got stuck in the tube. She was once again forced to go to hospital with the infection, making her too week for the operation, which should be done on the 29th…but regretfully, about two weeks after returning home, she got ill again, this time severe diarrhea bringing her near to dehydration, and therefore hospitalized, in hopes of keeping her strength up for the operation. Poor tenant. If only she didn’t find drinking so bothersome…otherwise she would have so much less trouble.

Managed to get some stuff done here in the UK, though, so that’s good. For me it’s hard, since the animals take a lot of time, so while big brother gets to put some backbone into whatever we need to do during the day, I have to interrupt all the activities for their daily care. Ah well, one does what one needs to, right?

Been putting up a fence, which is not bad work to do with weather that turned chilly, but sunny, at least. Fixed a gate. Did some serious cleaning, naturally. Sorting is part of it too, seeing as I left rather abruptly at the beginning of the month.

Also been doing bits and pieces all over the place, so luckily we’ve been outside a lot. I’m managing the cold reasonably well, at least. It helps that there is no wind at the moment, just cold and sunshine, the latter which was rather wonderful on the early morning walk…getting lots of walks in again, meaning that my feet are bugging me considerably. Seriously, by the end of the day I wanna remove them, violently, but what else is new in that regard, eh?

I heard from my pilot buddy, pen pall, yay. Alive and well, different location, but still saving people. Was such a pleasure to hear from him, in particular since it had been so long, and I had been thinking of him for about a week, and whether I should write to him, or just let the friendship fade naturally…in other words, or NOT bug him with senseless letters about my messy life. Hah. And suddenly there he was, out of the blue. Very nice.

Dax is doing really well. The reason, I think, is none of the meds we have been giving him. Nope. It was a week or two ago, late at night, me picking him up and something snapping in his spine (seriously, I freaked me out, it was such a loud pang) making me fear he’d broken his back, or something. No such thing, thankfully. Almost the next day we could see a change in him, his strength coming back. Yay.

On the down side, Knight II isn’t doing well at all. He is rapidly losing muscle tissue in his back legs, making grandpa afraid to have him going up and down stairs, because he has a tendency to topple over, poor darling. Added to that, grandpa is a little worried that Knight is depressed, because he doesn’t want to go up, and is just sleeping a lot. Poor baby. Just a couple more days.

Well, it is late now, so I gotta go. I’ll try to write another update soon.
Until then, I hope that all you readers have had a marvelous Christmas and are heading straight for a wonderful New Year.