
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Down for the count

Song of the day: “Bruises” again, by Train and Ashley Munroe. Cute song, but since I’m a bit feverish, it comes across as a bit freaky.

Not a good day, and I am not in a good mood at this particular moment. I am still sick, and so is Knight II, who’s at the moment in a worse state then me. He’s got a fever, hasn’t eaten in three days now, and, well, let’s just say I’m pretty worried. The fact that I’m sick as a dog myself, and not all that clear in the head, makes that I’m having some serious emotional shit going on with the trouble about Knight. He might very well just have some sort of doggie flu, and nothing scary, the way my feverish mind is imagining.

Sally is going to be staying in the hospital for the next few days. At least until Monday because her bacterial infection is severe enough for her to need observation, and treatment for that long.

As to yesterday, big brother and I spent the day up in the mountains, tiling underneath the balcony we built. It was cold over there, windy, and the day was really too short to finish it in one day. By the time the day drew to an end, we were over half, but I’d done three tiles wrong, meaning I had to take those out again, and start over before we gave up half an hour before twilight.

At that time we had to rush, because Knight II really wasn’t well by then, and I wanted to visit the vet. They couldn’t find anything wrong, and when we got into the car, he ate a piece of bread at least. But it didn’t improve, and this morning I took him to the vet again, only to have his antibiotics changed. Now, in the evening, he has a temperature going up and down. He’s still shivering and I…well, I want him to get the heck better, darn it. I don’t like him like this at all. Earlier he startled awake from dozing, jumped up and basically ran off, backwards, of all things. Poor darling.

Today, despite the illness, and having been to the vet, I did very little…I’ve decided to focus on getting well first (well, with Knight) because I’m not worth carp like this.
Signing off.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kicking my butt

Song of the day…well, there wasn’t one. I’m sick as a dog. Got a stuffed nose, some fever, and have little aches all over the place. I had some discomfort in my nose and the back of my throat yesterday, and the fact that we went out to work in the freezing cold of El Burgo, didn’t help in the end, I think.

But anyway, we left early for it, loaded up everything that had to go to Liane. Meaning the tiles and tools, and, on the way there a big load of sand that we bought at the local construction company. The guy did apologize for this time being a little less than usual, because he has to guess the load, but then we agreed that the next time he’d put in a bit extra, so all’s well.

So we got on site, luckily with grandpa who helped us unload both sand and tiles, prior to us leaving for el Burgo where we had an appointment with a dude who’s in control of a large piece of property, with loads of trees on it that were either dead or in need of trimming. The biatch is that almond wood is pretty tough, so if I hadn’t figured out at some point that you could just rip the trees from the ground when they’re dead, we wouldn’t have managed to reach our quota for the day. One I pulled out was a bit on the big side though, seeing as when it “went” I couldn’t hold it, and landed flat on my butt. Pulled a thigh muscle in the process, darn it. Took me at least half an hour to walk that off. *sigh*
Good I was a little upset too, otherwise I would never have managed, I’m sure. Hah. But anyway, most of the following six hours were spent pushing, pulling over trees, and carrying them all up the steep, steep incline toward the car where we could process them.

Bad news was that by the time we started the processing bit, both the chainsaw’s gave the spirit. *sigh* So, in order to meet the deal we’d made with the dude (giving him a big load, ready for use) we stacked what was already sawed and chopped inside the car, so I could drive him home and unload at his place before dark, and before big brother and grandpa froze to their deaths on that deserted mountain top.

Personally I was frozen halfway through by the time I got back, and since the sunshine was gone by the time I got there I didn’t warm up anymore either. But anyway, we got the wagon full at least, and part of the back of the car, so it wasn’t for nothing. But cold. Gawd it was, really, really cold over there. Sooooo not doing that again. I think grandpa and I went up and down that mountain some odd twenty or thirty times, and boy was it steep in places. I am terribly glad that I didn’t take Knight, because he would have perished from the cold.

We didn’t get home until dark, and by then we were so sick that big brother’s teeth were chattering, and I could barely move anymore. So I went to take a shower, a hot one (as hot as I could stand it while my toes tingled) for as long as the boiler water held out, end then up to thaw out in front of the stove while trying to do some work on the computer. I couldn’t of course. The common cold had set in for real by then and I decided to just give up and go to bed at ten.

Basically slept through the night. A solid ten hours, and I will tell you that they were downright wonderful. I just slept, and slept and slept (woke a lot, but turned over and went right on) and finally got up around nine feeling still sick, but at least not at all sore from the activity. Guess my stamina for such activity has improved at least.

This morning, what with the pounding head, my leaking nose and sleepy state of mind, I didn’t get much writing done, so around noon we headed up to unload the wagon and car (the first got damaged some, by the way. Big brother went right through the wood putting in a trunk). Got a phone call from the hospital that Sally had to return asap, because her cultures came back and because she still has a fever. Caregiver took her, and she (Sally that is) has been admitted in hospital once more because her cultures showed that she had some sort of unknown bacteria that was making her blood respond oddly.
She’ll be staying there for a few days on antibiotics.

Tenant also has the same cold as us, Cousin Ed…the only one exempt at the moment, appears to be grandpa, so I’m hoping that’ll stay that way. Would be a pain in the behind if we all end up useless.

Had to take Knight II to the vet this afternoon. There was some swelling in his foot, so he’s back to the antibiotics, darn it. He did like being at the vet, though. His tail wasn’t down for a change, and he let them fuss with him without trouble. Gawd, sometimes it seems as if that stupid paw is never going to heal.

By the time we got back there was the trailer to fix, you know, from the broken barrier and back that I mentioned earlier. It took some time, and a brisk wind made it rather unpleasant. Then, after the damage was fixed, we still had to shovel it full with sand, get the wheelbarrow strapped on, and prepare that wood for tomorrow’s job at Liane.

I am going to bed early, by the way. This cold is really kicking my butt.

Monday, November 26, 2012

One after another

Song of the day: “Dream a little dream” by the Beautiful South. Along with some other oldies, like Crazy by Patsy Cline and Ain’t that a kick in the head, by Westlife. What can I say, I was in that type of mood, I guess.

So yeah, I’ve been somewhat busy these past two days…well there were three, of course, but since Saturday was a wonderfully quiet one at home, that was only interrupted by loading the big wagon (after cleaning it) and loading the small one for the Sunday market at Funny Beach Marbella.

There were of course the boring events, such as laundry, feeding the dogs, cutting the dog food, but I won’t bore you with that. Nothing new, right? So yesterday morning I was lying in bed, wondering what the heck that annoying sound was, ringing in my ear for more than half an hour. Turns out it was my alarm. *snort* So I was late and had to rush through the morning rituals in order to make it on time. I did, thank you very much. Who the heck needs a full breakfast anyway, hah.

At one point I thought, what the heck? A quarter to eight? We still have forty minutes before we need to leave. Turns out my watch was stuck, which is why grandpa took it to the clock shop in the village. Luckily, it turns out that it was only the battery. Guy said that according to his notes on the inside of the back plate the battery lasted almost exactly two years. Good watch, eh?

The weather looked abysmal during our ride toward Marbella. Clouds everywhere, cold temps, but luckily, by the time we reached the beach and started setting up the temps were more than bearable. Setup took a while, though. Not that it mattered, since customers didn’t start trickling in until noon. Not a lot going on during the course of the day. If there were more than seventy people, I’d be surprised, but I had some nice social contacts that made it more than bearable.

Chatted with a Dutch Interior designer who was there selling the majority of her garage contents. She wasn’t a big fan of markets, which I can totally get since you have to make a conscious decision to like being a vendor at the market. You can’t make it about the money because that is not something you can control, nor can you make it depend on the buyers and their respective moods. Nope. Ya gotta try to make it about something that you can actually control. For me it’s the setup and the contacts. Makes all the difference.

But where was I, oh yes, the Dutch lady. We chatted something, exchanged some superficial history tales and compared notes of living in Spain as a foreigner. Her complaint was that friendships were so transient…which I could understand after hearing that she moved here on her own. I went with my whole family after all.

The Argentina girl was there again, and we went through the hellos, the how are you selling and why is the sun not coming out, darn it. Hah. Then there was the English fella with the Paul McCartney mouth who loved the dog beds, but didn’t have dogs, and was there to see if he was going to be a vendor next week. He’s moving back to England and needs to get rid of excess baggage.

Had half a dozen people come over, looking around desperately for Knight II, and expressing their disappointment that he was no longer there. It was actually kind of fun to see them come to our stand, smiling a greeting while peering behind our tables. Hah.

Since Knight wasn’t there, I did get the chance to take an hour and a half to write. Managed 3-4 pages, so that was a success. Oh yeah, that Dutch interior designer. I gave her my number in case she needs to have any work done for a reasonable price. She is located in a nearby town after all. We’ll see.

Oh, I bought this tiny little computer (7” screen) for €25. It’s only a couple of years old, barely used, and if we manage to figure out a way to put Kindle on it, I’ll be using it as an E-book reader. It’s not a bad little, machine, by the way. The battery lasted more than three hours, the basics, for as far as I know work, and…well, we’ll see how that goes too, I guess.

Sold two dog beds, yay, with the promise of a couple of more. Also a handful of baby clothes, which still get a lot of attention, thankfully. Actually made a bit of a profit, so it wasn’t for nothing. Hah.

Didn’t arrive home until twilight, which forced me to rush a little through a toilet break, and stuffing food in my mouth prior to leaving again with big brother, so we could go pick up a donation. (How big a pain is it that this almost always happens on a Sunday.) Didn’t get home until after nine, at which time I barely managed another half page.

Was in bed right after midnight, meaning that I was once again listening to an annoying buzzing sound that I couldn’t identify this morning.
There was loads of loading to do this morning, and though we did our best to think of everything, we ended up forgetting to take working gloves and (this is embarrassing) the wheelbarrows. Aaaarrrgh! Seriously. How stupid is that. There was not a single thing we could do without those. Luckily Liane had a broken one standing by her shed, and we managed to fix it up (nicely, if I do say so myself) so we could make use of it during the course of the day.

Phew. Big relief that…in particular since we had to dig out a couple thousand pounds of dirt, then haul sand and concrete (I mixed while big brother worked on the masonry for the border of the terrace we’re putting in). Underway, we stopped at the local construction company where we bought ten cement bags of 65 pounds. It was the oldfashioned Portland, the one I’ve been missing like mad. The kind that makes concrete look dark and oily. *sigh* We can’t get them around these parts anymore…which is why we’re planning on loading up on a big amount of those bags the next time we drive past with an empty trailer.

Around four in the afternoon it became obvious that we weren’t going to make it with the sand (darned stuff is either too much, or to little) so I went down the mountain with the trailer, and acquired a wagon-full of the stuff. That did meaning lots of unloading, but since we won’t be able to get in more than about 2400 kilos before Thursday, the extra was well worth the hassle.

It was nippy out there, in particular since the sun didn’t show, and a wind kept picking up right until the end of the day when the rain started. (Some odd thirty minutes after we finished clean-up.) Knight II didn’t like the cold at all, so he spent a lot of the afternoon inside the car. Unless of course, if there was something to eat. His nose was literally against mine while I was having lunch…until I shoved him back that is. Hah.

Finished the pouring well after sunset, so it was a good thing that we didn’t forget to take the light big brother put together for this very purpose. The basis of the floor is in, so Thursday we can put in the last layer with the tiles. Let’s hope we can manage it in one day.

Bad news is that while we were working, Cousin Ed phoned that Sally had a light fever. The doctors had warned for this, so Ed packed up Sally and took her to hospital, where they are, even now waiting for a battery of test results. I don’t expect to see them back before one, or two in the morning…which is when I hope to be in bed, already. *sigh*

Well, that’s it for me. Once we got home I had to help tenant get ready for bed time because caregiver was otherwise occupied, then ate some fries, and wrote this blog, which means, for me that this is the end of a freaky long day. I’m pooped.