
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Busy and late.

Song of the day: (as in the one that stuck in my head for some peculiar reason) “Que sera, sera”.

It’s weird, but these day’s I appear to have the strangest songs playing through my head. No matter what I do, I can’t get them out…until the next one arrives.
Yesterday it was Sinatra’s “Ain’t love a kick in the head” for crying out loud. I don’t even like Sinatra. Hah.
The way I figure it, I might as well put them down in the Blog and see if there’s a pattern, or something.

It was a busy day, to say the least. I started out late, but what the hey, I made up for it, in spades.

So let’s start with the recount: Especially the complete lack of discipline when the alarm goes off.
Honestly, I get up, go through the motions of letting the dogs out, making the bed, cleaning up a little, and then drop back on the bed to snooze for another twenty minutes.

Knight II doesn’t like it, of course. He literally jumps on top of me and decides to splay his massive body over my chest, making a nuisance of himself.
Before I know it the alarm shrills and I have to drag my tired butt from the bed to get dressed and head on down to the house.

It takes me a while to get the ol’ engine going, but in the end, after writing about half a page for “Finding Maddie” (you know, the sequel of the edit project) big brother and I start on the edit¾the rewrite one¾once more and hack our way through the plot, trying to make everything just right.

Today was a good edit day, even if it was a little short again. Managed three to four pages, so that brings the “pages to go” down to ‘round thirty-five. Yay.

Big brother has to leave a little early…more sand for cement, of course…so I’m left to my own resources for a bit. I spend it going over messages that I’ve been postponing for the past few days, for no other reason than that I didn’t manage to squeeze them in before now.

I’m just about wrapping up the last one when he returns, so I put the computer away; grab my work gloves and head on out into the deliciously warm spring day.
The sky is a clear blue; the sun is shining and though being in the full blast of it is somewhat uncomfortable, in shade of the large mimosa tree that stands behind the wall, it is wonderfully cool.

Since the wall is basically done, we are now working on a variety of smaller ones that will at some point make up for a beautiful terrace in front of my cabin, right on top of the wall. Still, in order to start on the section that I’ve elected to build up, I need to haul away a big load of rocks that have been thrown there during the course of the build.

There are quite a few big ones. But my physical health has improved considerably over the past weeks, so lifting them turns out to be less of a problem than I’d guessed.
There is also a section in the path that has been treated with several patch jobs over the years, and before I can start, I need to use the sledgehammer for the removal of it.

It sounds like tough work, but it is really quite a pleasant means of exercise to smash a large piece of concrete into tiny little pieces. Almost as good as kick boxing, actually. There is also a large tree trunk that has been literally sealed into the ground, and I have to use the pick ax to get it out from the clay that seems determined to hold it tight.

At last, throwing my full weight in it, I manage to tear it loose and moaning and grunting I toss it over the wall, figuring that we might as well use it as a decoration later on when we start landscaping. The shape is rather pretty.

With the nine feet stretch of ground cleared, middle sister finishes the first batch of cement. Before he starts on his own section, little brother pours down a wheelbarrow of the stuff so I can get to work.

Little sister and big brother are once again working on the step-like wall that leads to the patio door and lines the new stairs that were build during these past few days. Little brother is once again working down by the courtyard gate. He’s doing a nice job of it too. He’s got the foundation down and that’s about fifteen feet long, and by now, he has brought six feet of that up to chest level. Excellent.

I’m really in the mood for a warm meal tonight, so while I’m working on my part of the knee-high wall, grandpa thankfully offers to cook the noodles I’ll need to make a filling stir-fry later on, while we’re still working.

The work goes pleasantly enough. Lots of talk going back and forth…rather loudly, due to the grinding cement mixer, hah…occasional laughter is shared and then the sun starts to descend behind the horizon.
While the younger sibs head inside, both big brother and I use the sledgehammer some more, to smash another piece of concrete that has created a hill of sorts in the spot where we used to make cement while building the house.

While we’re working on it in the final remnants of daylight, Mosha (cocker spaniel) decides that it is rather fun to walk over a part of the new wall and proceeds to ruin half of my achievement today. Grrrr. My shout is heard over the entire valley, I’m sure, when I hurry over to smack her on the butt and send her into a tizzy…she thinks I want to play, after all…while I try to repair at least some of the damage.

I am unable to save the low wall in its entirety, but enough for me to work with tomorrow, I guess. I take the dogs inside and head for the kitchen to wash up and then start to prepare dinner while little brother feeds the dogs.

First, I grab hold of the bar attached to the ceiling of the second floor, though. All that lifting is murder on the spine, so I hang there for quite a bit until I feel my back has aligned enough for me to continue for the day.

As is usual with stir-fry, it takes me only a little while to get the mix done, and considering that we can really use the protein I add a nice satay (peanuts) sauce that really makes the dish hit the right spot when I finally sit down to enjoy it.

There’s still laundry to do, so half an hour later I head on out into the courtyard to see to it.
In the mean time big brother prepares for our last chore of the day. We need to trim Gaucho, our Afghan, and just as soon as I’ve folded the laundry and put it away, I sit down at the table to turn on the machine and start trimming.

Gaucho goes through the procedure with remarkable calm. I remember well the first few times we tried this particular approach and it was pure hell, I assure you. Not today, however. Nope. He just laid there, a somewhat blissful grin on his face as he allowed me to remove every single cluster of dirty hair: Almost as if he was looking forward to being cool again, hah.

While we’re trimming the really big dog (second largest of the pack, height-wise), a recorded episode of “Medium” plays on the TV and once we’re done, we decide to unwind for a bit with another one.

That done, I sneak out of the house before Knight II can start his usual ruckus, and actually succeed in getting to my cabin without an orchestra of dogs howling and barking.

Of course big brother comes to visit again, so we end up talking about the screenplay idea for another hour…or two, before I can finally start on this Blog.

Ah yes, a successful day any way you look at it.

Friday, May 15, 2009

A little different?

I have no idea what to write about since it was “just one of those days” again…or maybe not. Thinking about it, quite a bit actually happened. Hah.

There was a nasty fight between three of my dogs. Trin Trin, Sitabah and Labhana somehow got a little over-excited, so I had to jump in the fray before things got out of hand. It was a close call, really. Labhana was tearing at Sitabah. Sitabah had Trin Trin’s cheek between her teeth and wouldn’t let go for the longest time (thank God for the boxer’s leathery skin) and Trin Trin was alternating between attacking both the Labhana and Sitabah, while trying to ignore the cockers who thought it fun to nibble on her paws while she was occupied.

Stupid dogs (yes, during such moments I call them stupid, hah) always seem to forget that fighting hurts. Do they remember limping for three days after “the fun”? I don’t think so. When a couple starts fighting, they’ll be on it like a bunch of drunken bar-hoppers fuelled by booze.

So, I had to shove aside the cocker Spaniels and Knight II, Amri too, and grab Trin Trin by the hind-legs (she’s the most dangerous in a fight because she doesn’t know when to quit) just when grandpa came running to help me. In the end we managed to get them loose and I picked up Trin Trin to toss her in the back yard, just to prevent them from starting all over again. It’s soooooo much fun. (Yes, that’s sarcasm, hah.)

But anyways, today was spent mostly in the car, since we had a friend come visit and she had to be brought home afterwards. We had to go to the phone shop too…she lost her phone sometime last week…where we managed to get a new phone on points, mostly.

It was beautiful out, however, so the drive was great. Gorgeous country when you head west and the sea was magnificently blue. And since we were there anyway, we figured we might as well pick out tenant up and save her a long evening of waiting for the ambulance to drive her home. She was very appreciative.

The edit went really well again, by the way, though it was an hour shorter than I would have liked, due to our early departure time.
We finished the fight sequence and it was a beaut. I know, I’m not supposed to tout my own horn, but what the hey. It was damn good! Hah.

I immediately sent the new finished chapter off to the proofreader, who was properly delighted to receive the new installment. She got back to me an hour later, demanding the next chapter…and that after I slaved away on the edit for three hours. Aaargh.
I swear she’d be using a whip on me if she lived close by enough to get away with it.

Rather than head into the house, once we returned from our trip to the city, big brother, grandpa and I headed out again for a new load of rocks. It was late, and the sun was already setting, but we even managed a short stroll in the woods, before we started to pile rocks into the truck bed.

Little sister prepared dinner (pizza’s that didn’t fit in the freezer yesterday, hah) while we were out, so we had a quick dinner while we watched “The Mentalist”, and then proceeded to do some chores, such as hanging and folding laundry before we did another quick edit to finish up the evening.

The reason I’m late again, is because when I arrived at my cabin, so did big brother and grandpa. We ended up talking for almost an hour and a half…politics, you never can keep a conversation short when that particular subject comes up…and then when grandpa left to go to bed, big brother and I got this grand idea for a screenplay that we just might try to write sometime in the near future.
We do have to “recover” from the massive edit, so doing something else entirely might do the trick.

So, that concludes today’s Blog, I guess. It was a little different from the usual, but diversity never hurt anyone.

P.S. On a rather cheerful note, the new fan trailer is out. Yay! It's gorgeous, it's grand, it's...well, see for yourself and make up your own mind: Book Trailer view
Leave the dude of comment 'cause he's bloody brilliant!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Grocery day...yipee. ::-)

Back to usual, I guess, considering I decide to get up half an hour later due to staying up well past my bedtime last night. I don’t know what the heck is wrong with me, but for most of the day I’m exhausted, and then, when it’s time to hit the sack, I lose track of time. Very frustrating.

Trin Trin, the Monster Boxer is being her monstrous self this morning, of course, tearing the bottom of my beautiful dragon quilt. Now I’ll have to repair it again And Knight II decides to throw himself on top of me when he deigns it time to get up, the big lug.

So, dogs are let out into freedom, the morning rituals get done, and the trip down the mountain is made. What follows is the usual breakfast, some quick chores and then the much-needed mug of coffee while I set up the computer and sit down to get to work.

We manage four pages of the rewrite/edit today. It surprises me, considering we were at a point where it felt as if we got stuck every other sentence or so (another fight scene. They are so darn complicated to get just right) but the next thing I know we’ve passed the first section of the scene and breeze right through it.

The female protagonist is once again back to the “difficult”, somewhat aggressive character, so the male protagonist is doing his very best to try to keep her safe, when she tries to run headlong into danger at every turn. Frustrating for the hero, loads of fun for us, since it makes for excellent dialogues and sharp remarks.

We’re still at it, when middle sister announces that we have a new addition to our Chinchilla family. I don’t know how the “mommy” manages to catch us by surprise like this every time, but a gorgeous little baby is hiding in the large cage, doing it’s very best to stay behind the nest and out of sight. Adorable.

No building for us today, grocery shopping day has arrived once more, so instead big brother and I decide to stop editing a little early in order to head on out to the forest path for a quick run with little sister in our company.

It’s mighty hot when we depart, and though there is still a refreshing breeze coming from the west, by the time we arrive at our usual spot, heat is literally shimmering over the rocky path. Properly daunted we only do a few warm up stretches and then start on our way.

Little sister and big brother manage to keep up the pace pretty well…it once again made that whiny voice in the back of my head want to call out, “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll catch up”, thus making me chuckle and fall behind again, hah…but whenever I’m too much out of breath I manage to keep up a decent enough stride to satisfy me.

Got a little farther today (a hundred yards at most) and then start on our way back, time rapidly passing. Once again, back goes a lot better, since it’s downhill, and I actually manage a stretch of at least four hundred yards without falling back in a quick walking pace. Progress! Yay.

Properly energized and weary at the same time, we arrive back home, where we only have a few minutes left to wash up, change clothes and head on out again to start on the bimonthly shopping spree. Lots of places to visit today…what am I saying, this is the bimonthly; there are always a lot to visit on that day.

First runner up is a small specialty store that will close in less than half an hour. We rush through it, getting the necessities and then are on our way again to the second store.
Next is the store that holds only frozen goods. It might be cheating, but there really isn’t anything quite as handy as having fresh vegetables on hand, already cut and ready for use after a hard day’s work.

Third store’s a Chinese bazaar. Our tenant is in need of some decent summer clothes, and since we (me, mom, and both brothers) are out anyway, we figure we might as well see to that particular task. Also, middle sister needs headphones and some underwear, so it’s not like it’s out of our way. We depart from the store with everything we set out for and head on over to the big mall on the edge of town.

The pet store gets a rush visit, too; turtle food and parrot food are both running low so it is really necessary. Next comes the massive supermarket across from it. Our tenant is also in need of sandals and sneakers since her rehab counselor is now working on getting her back to her feet. I manage to find both, and even nab another cute little top for her that’s on sale.
At last, we pick up laundry detergent (also on sale, yay) and are back on the road in less than fifteen minutes.

A low-priced supermarket, followed by our regular one finish up the day’s “adventures in grocery shopping” and we’re heading back home at last where the task of unloading still lies ahead.

After the usual ruckus of the overly enthusiastic pack, we get to put everything away. It takes a while, but what with the sisters already having done some serious cleaning and organizing during our absence it is not as hard as it could be. That dealt with, we have a quick dinner of last night’s leftovers. I made mashed potato and red cabbage oven dish and it was darn good, if I do say so myself.

Only enough time is left to watch a recorded episode of “Criminal Minds” and then it’s back to my cabin for what will hopefully turn out to be an early night. I really need to start bright and early on the seemingly everlasting edit. Can’t get all that much done if I’m yawning all the time. *sigh*

Busy days, they’re exhausting, but rewarding in their own way.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Space filler poem. Hah

Well, seeing as today was completely boring and I’m running so late that I really don’t have the time to write down the tedious events, we’re going to deviate from our usual course and pop in a poem. (Stop smiling, for God’s sake! The usual sum-ups aren’t that bad.)

The day, for those who can’t help but wonder, involved edits, of course, writing, yay! Rocks, more rocks, dogs, rocks, cooking, and…oh yeah, rocks. Hah.

Here’s the poem…rhyme…whatever. I’d give a short explanation about its subject but the title really says it all.


Stop your bellyaching and forget your gripes
Through the towns and country spring mightily swipes
Cheerfully blossom the buds that start to bloom
Out come the people, the bride and groom

Sun shines brightly over roof and hill
Neither man nor animal can sit still
A chorus of young birds chirp delight on this bright day
Spring has come! They call out, they say

The sun dries the roads and paths
Say goodbye to lush greens and vibrant grass
Brown turn the pines of the wood
Winter is chased away, as it should

The tiniest tinkle, a fresh breath of air
It awakens us all so pin up your hair
Laughter aplenty, booming with cheer
‘Tis that moment of life where there is naught to fear

Past and present a heady combination
Bringing news of our future with happy anticipation
Spring is the time for newness and joy
Forget about your sorrow and every ploy

Enjoy it to the fullest as long as it may last
Today is spring arrives…there is no past.

I’m thinking about using that last phrase as a philosophy. Sounds good to me.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Title? Ehm...your pick.

Eighteen hours and counting!

Gawd, this was a friggin’ long day that’s a fact.
Considering that both sisters had an appointment to get their official residence documentation, I turned in early yesterday and set my alarm four hours prior to my usual waking time. I would have gotten in a solid five hours too, if Trin Trin the monster boxer hadn’t decided to start tugging on the blankets almost forty minutes before I was supposed to rise on this particular day.

No matter, though: I need to get up anyway and do so reluctantly so I can get ready to bring the dogs to the house, have a mug of coffee and eat a quick breakfast while I wait for the sisters to come join me and we can head on up to the car together.

Our tenant’s caretaker is along for the ride when I turn on the engine and start on our way towards town. She needs to get stuff from the pharmacy for our tenant, so we figure we might as well save expenses by “carpooling” instead of doing two separate trips.

The sisters and I get out at the bank, a block away from the ancient police station where we have to be for their residential card and pay the tax form for them (and little brother too, since his appointment is tomorrow). Luckily, it all goes well, not a hitch, and we arrive at the police station exactly one minute after opening time.

Number 1 is displayed on the dial and considering the sisters have their turn around the late forties, we decide on a quick trip to a nearby restaurant to get something to drink and a quick visit to the rest room (for some reason there is none at the station).

By the time we return, number 13 is up and we settle in for what we expect to be a long wait. Much to our surprise the numbers pass remarkably fast and within half an hour their number comes up, allowing us to settle at the desk where a foreign volunteer checks the papers and then hands them to the official.

Against hope, I inquire if it would be possible to get little brother’s paperwork done as well, considering that I have everything with me, and he has an appointment first thing tomorrow morning. The woman doubts that it is possible, but after a moment she inquires with the brusque looking cop at her side, he looks at us, ponders it for a moment and then gives a resigned nod to accept the third pile as well.

We’re all pretty darn thrilled with the unexpected turn of events, in particular because this means that I won’t have to head to town tomorrow to go through the entire procedure again with little brother in tow. Fifteen minutes later, with legal proof that all three sibs are residents at last, we’re out of the station and heading towards the car where our tenant’s caretaker is waiting with her purchases in the back of the truck.

Three hours later we’re back home, where both sisters head to their rooms for a quick nap…as is usual with this kind of thing, neither got enough sleep.

After I have quieted my dogs, poured myself another coffee and discussed the proceedings with big brother, I settle behind my computer in hopes of mustering the energy to write a scene for “Finding Maddie” the sequel to our present edit project.

I only manage a few paragraphs, really, at which time big brother joins me and we start on the edit once more.
Being the stickler that he is, he has been pondering what he considers to be a minor inconsistency in the story. We struggle with it for quite a while until he is finally satisfied with the changes I made, we read on through another chapter.

Knowing full well that with only the few hours of sleep, I won’t be able to keep up the mental work hours, we stop after that one chapter and head on outside. We don’t have sand left from the last batch, so there will be no major construction today. Instead I head on out through the new window of the pantry, to tackle the debris that still needs to be spread out over the ground.

For the next few hours big brother, grandpa and I work in the area, where we’re planning to reposition the fence a little in order to have a more useable stretch of ground to move around on in the near future
And old storage structure is removed, rock walls are chopped at to create more room and the sections of bricks that come from the storage is recycled into the small section of wall that we set up to keep more dirt from crashing down on the ground. Great how that works. It goes really fast what with the old bricks already bound together by dried cement.

Mixing one batch of cement by hand, we have just enough to finish the chore. While we were working, the younger sibs prepared dinner, so we head inside to eat. Macaroni with a fresh tomato sauce and veggies. Little brother’s recipe is delicious and we eat hungrily before it is time to leave to get a new batch of rocks.

With grandpa, mom, middle sister, big brother and me in the car we head back to the spot where we last picked up a large usable pile. Though the exact same area is void of the type of rocks we need for the stairs, a little farther down the road we succeed to fill up the back of the truck to full capacity.

Considering that driving the car (my turn) feels like pushing the vehicle through molasses, the trip home is a slow process. We might have overdone the loading a bit, especially since the cab is filled with five people, but we make it safely home, where I ask big brother to drive the car backwards down the sweep…I’m starting to get fuzzy around the edges and fear that my response time might be just a tad off.

After we unload the rocks…a speedy process with six people working on it…and head inside where the dogs are eagerly awaiting our return, I reheat a couple of portions of dinner and then settle at the table tow watch a recorded episode of “CSI” and “Bones”.

Ticks are slowly accumulating again, which is definitely annoying in regard to our recent washing session of the dogs almost a week ago. I had hoped that it would work longer, but according to grandpa, this is normal.

When it is time to head on up to my cabin I can barely keep my eyes open anymore, but with a little luck I’ll be able to turn in early again and get a proper night’s rest.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Just a sum-up.

Considering that I am leaving early in the morning to do some...well, crappy things in town, I’m going to have to keep today’s blog as short as possible. If I can’t, I’m going to have to do it in the morning.

Let’s see, I finished the additional scene for “Saving Nina”, yay, and we manage to do a full chapter edit as well, so all’s well in that department. It is starting to look good…or more accurately, read very well. Hah. Finally, I managed to send the next chapter to my proofreader, along with the new scene.

We started on the wall on time, and I finished the difficult section that I couldn’t continue with the day before yesterday, making the wall itself DONE! It’s gorgeous. I’m going to have to post a picture soon ‘cause no words can really describe it. Huge!

Considering we can’t do anything on the main wall anymore, (that’s a good thing, really) the younger sibs head on down to the section that leads to the courtyard gate. At the same time, big brother and I start on the new part adjoining the stairs (he’s been working on it for days now) which is not all that easy.

I’m shoveling debris while big brother uses the jackhammer on pieces of actual rock that I carry on up the stairs in a bucket until we have enough room to start with the wall that is supposed to stop mud from gathering on the path that leads to the courtyard door. It’s been a huge problem these past few years, so getting another wall up there is definitely necessary.

It takes quite some time but in the end, we manage to lay a solid foundation that will allow us to continue properly tomorrow, or the day after, or as soon as we’ve got a new batch of rocks in.

As planned, we wash up, change into workout clothes and drive on out to the woods for our jog. This time middle sister joins us, and though it’s tough, we do manage a mile and a half. I’m quite pleased with the last portion of the run, which went really smoothly.
Properly exhausted we head on home where I quickly hang the laundry.

Thankfully, little sister has already folded the dry batch, so I can settle n a stool at the kitchen counter to have a quick dinner…a slice of pizza and a couple of boiled potatoes, since no one felt like cooking, aargh…before I decide to write my blog, just to get it done for today.

Oh those rainy days.

This morning’s edit goes really horrid! I don’t know what brought it on, but everything reads “wrong” somehow, and my brain cannot form a single coherent sentence to make improvements. For some reason, I do manage to get down a page for the new scene, however, so all was not for naught. Still, it is frustrating that the edit isn’t working.

Since big brother is feeling pretty much the same, we give up on the endeavor after two pages (it is not a huge disaster, considering we only need to do about thirty more pages with the rewrite edit) and start thinking about doing something a little more constructive than get frustrated about sentences that don’t seem to make any sense. Hah.

Laundry, of course, but only hanging it because yesterday’s batch failed to dry during the miserably wet day. Though I contemplate starting on dinner early for a change, I’m really more in the mood for some actual physical activity, leaving one option.

The pantry, for several years now we have been planning to transform the outside door into a window and because the weather is downright awful we figure we might as well work on that. It shouldn’t be too hard, all things considered, so it is a nice task for a day like today.

It has been raining since I woke up, and though drops are still coming down, it has relented enough to allow me to venture out of the house to get cement and sand from the car…along with four concrete boulders…while big brother takes out the old door to saw off the rotting lower part.

By hand-or, more accurately, hand tool-I mix a nice batch of cement, and push the wheelbarrow into the house, to the back, where little sister helps me to get the cart inside the pantry…without the overly eager dogs.

Big brother is already busy removing the lower parts of the frame and the threshold, and I clean both while he and grandpa get the boulders necessary to close up the newly revealed part of the doorway.

It goes splendidly, the doorway is exactly the size of two boulders side by side, and with the other two on top of them, the section is rapidly closed. While I’m working on plastering both inside and outside of the new part of wall with the second batch of cement, big brother and grandpa are working on the section of fence that really needs to be replaced now that we’re going to work up the ground until it is down hill from the door turned wall.

Every winter, without fail, we’ve had flooding in the pantry, and since the new section of wall should go a long way of resolving that issue, we figure we might as well deal with the problem for once and for all.

While little sister is cooking dinner, and we are chopping away sections of rock and dirt where the fence used to be, the clouds finally pull away with the arrival of a gentle breeze, allowing the sun to shine at last. The window frame is finished (we managed to recycle the wood of the door for it perfectly).

Since we have to wait for the cement to dry before we can continue in this particular area, we finish up and head on inside where the dogs have been going bonkers because we wouldn’t allow them to join us. (They’d have barged straight through the knee-high wall for sure.)

Dinner is early today, but so very good, that we both feel properly revitalized and head on out into the courtyard rather than waste the remainder of the afternoon in front of the TV.

While we let the pool drain of the dog-washing venture several days ago, big brother decides to hose it down properly while I wash the tools we used. Since I’m done pretty fast and I’ve rearranged what I can in the courtyard, I decide to get shovel and pickax to start on what we have been working towards ever since we started on the wall.

Dirt. Before we began laying the foundation, a massive amount of it was dug away from the slanted natural rock wall that used to serve as the side of the courtyard. Now it needs to be chopped loose and thrown up the first section of the wall, to fill up the ground behind it until it levels with the top.

It is an arduous, but quite pleasant task in light of my mood, really. There’s nothing like building up a good sweat if the mind refuses to settle down. And sweat pours richly, I assure you, as half a ton gets thrown six feet into the air, starting a task that is going to take a couple of days at the very least.

Though I have been suffering from sore muscles in my legs from our recent jog, fifteen minutes into shoveling dirt up the wall, I don’t even feel it anymore. Wonderful how that works! Undoubtedly, I’ll have trouble raising my arms tomorrow, but my legs should be just fine. Hah.

Forty minutes into the chore, big brother finishes with the pool and joins me at the bottom of the wall.
Even more dirt joins the rapidly growing pile on the second level, and another fifteen minutes later, with perspiration dripping down my face, little brother joins in too.

With the three of us…me wielding a pickax so little brother can use the shovel in my stead…we manage to get quite a bit done and by the time dusk settles we’ve made an impressive dent in the transferal.

Properly exhausted, I take my dogs inside, have a long HOT shower and then settle behind my computer to work some more on the new scene my reader insisted on.
I manage to bring up today’s quota to two new pages, before big brother and I give editing another shot.

Since we’ve decided to do the read-edit this evening, rather than the rewrite kind, it goes well now. Six pages get the “Done” stamp, which is really necessary since my proofreader is starting to get impatient. She’s threatening me with bodily harm now. Hah.

I’m just about to finish up for the night, when I get the rather delightful message (with attachment) from my “fan”. His last book trailer (for Hero) is finally near to completion and I have the honor of seeing it first.

It’s…so very different, but…well…very accurate and downright brilliant, as usual. Can’t wait to start showing it off. Yay! He did such a marvelous job, once again. I’m curious to hear what those who read “W.I. Investigations/Hero” think of it, and if they see the scenes on the screen, like I did.

And, on that rather cheerful note, today’s blog draws to an end.
I need to get me some shuteye, ‘cause I’m bushed for sure.