
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fender Bender

Song of the day: “Cooler than me” by Mike Posner (sp?). I’m no entirely here today. I’ve been in full tow for two solid days now, and I tried to do some writing, but I’m too tired, so, screw it.

Well, let’s start with the important part.
What with Sally now also being semi-invalid now, we don’t have any choice but to resort to extreme measures and look into finding help for both tenant and Sally. Now that is not necessarily the difficult part, in particular since most of it is paid by social security (just a few hours a day, because we simply can’t handle taking care of two dependent people, and caregiver can’t both on her own either). The difficult part is location. Presently Sally’s place is all the way down the mountain (impossible for her now that she’s so weak, and extremely hard for future caregiver) and tenant is at the top. So, we did some thinking. Discussed it, and we decided to acquire a small cabin (similar to mine, in fact) which we will build up in the old paddock, and add a small bathroom. This way future caregiver(s) will be able to care for tenant and Sally several hours a day, without needing to go through the entire pack.

I got into a bit of a fender bender yesterday. While going to hospital I was distracted, (I’ll flog myself later tonight) and while I was pulling into the parking place, my bumper nudged that of a Renault Clio, to which I responded by quickly pulling back again, only to notice that I was pulling along the Clio’s complete bumper. *shivers* Seriously, I got out and just stood there staring for a while, noticing only distantly that other folks were staring just as shocked. Hah. Cousin Ed and I discussed our options for a bit, and then decided that I would fill in the claims form, leave a paper with phone number and a short explanation behind that we went to the reception to ask if they could call the number on the sound system…they couldn’t of course, so after we visited with Sally (she wasn’t doing all that well, I think the fear is getting to her a little) and the owner of the Clio still hadn’t shown up (an hour and a half after the event) I put the form inside an envelope, scratched through our first note and left hoping that the owner wouldn’t be nasty about it. We would have waited, but it was market day, and we were already running behind.

Arrived just barely on time to get started on unloading. Sold well yesterday, actually. A dog bed in the first half hour of our arrival, (we were still setting up, in fact). There was this thirteen year old girl admiring one of the pink ones with her girlfriends. Then I saw her skip over to her dad, who was leaning against a wall, looking bored, and started gesturing, and blinking her lashes, and everything. Then, at a certain point, the whole bunch came bye, and the guy offered twenty bucks, instead of the 25 it cost. I would have done it, but it really isn’t my choice to make. We’re only sales folks at the market after all, and when we explained that, and the fact that it was hecho a mano (handmade) he paid up properly. Can’t say I blamed him. I do the same at markets. Hah.

Then an elderly couple (same as last week) arrived to give me their list of instructions about how they wanted their ordered dog carrier bag done. Got to play with a couple of Chihuahuas and a Yorkie, while she went over the instructions time and again, until finally she was satisfied I got it. I got her the first time ‘round but I think she was having fun to go through the dialogue. Hah.
They were nice, though, and they paid a deposit without a fuss, so, yay.

Then there was a dude interested in my tie dye shirts, but decided to not take it after. Did end up chatting for a bit, which fun.
Also, the lady from last week returned. She really did want that quilt, and was standing there, eager as you please, for the quilt she hadn’t been able to afford last week. She had the money in her hand, and after we showed it one last time, put it in a nice back and handed it over, she looked nothing, if not utterly pleased with her purchase. She was still fondling the fabric when she passed us twenty minutes later, on her way out. Hah

Were in the midst of the market evening when the owner of the Clio phoned. Luckily she was a nice woman (worked at the hospital), who was, despite being disgruntled about the hassle, thankful we had left our contact information behind. (She hadn’t discovered the form in the envelope yet, so that relieved her even more.) Apparently, most folks drive on, which I find incredibly scary…not to mention not smart what with cameras all over the place these days. *sigh* But then, of course, the most important reason not to just disappear without a trace is that it is just wrong to do something like that and not own up to it.
Personally I’m just relieved that she didn’t end up bashing us over the phone. We promised to go to our insurance agent the next morning.

Lotsa cuteness going on. Kids running all over the place, and there was this little girl. She was like a friggin’ energizer bunny. There was a machine called the kick box (soccer) and she loved it. Over and over again she would run toward that ball and kick it with all her might at least fifty times. Talk about persistent. Hah. I just had to laugh watching her.
Then there was the small group of kids who had set their eyes on the small box filled with small kid’s tools, and they thought that it would be a fair change to give us a small paper box they had folded themselves for one of the toys. That made me laugh some more as I gave the box back. I think I would have actually given in if they had insisted. Just too cute. Hah

Last sale of the day was a Dutch lady who loved the bags and wanted herself one of them. Talked for quite a bit. About our dogs and whatnot. And of course the prettiness of the merchandise. All in all it was a successful evening. Not only because of the good sales, but because of the fun chats, and the nice atmosphere that was there.

Loading and unloading was the best, in my case. My foot has been at odds with me the past few days, and when I need to climb on the wheels or doorways, my calves would cramp like mad. But we made it. Got home safe and sound, but didn’t get to bed until three in the morning.

Today was all about being busy. First off, considering cousin Ed didn’t manage a wink during the night, I ended up foregoing writing, and sorting through the mess of the market by hanging up quilts and whatnot for drying (lots of sea moistness in the evenings). The whole thing took about an hour, which only made us a little late for heading for the insurance agent. She informed me that I had filled the form in right and that everything (after a talk with the Clio’s owner) A-okay. Yay.

Then it was time to head for the hospital because we had an appointment with the doctor…who never showed up, but did deign to speak with cousin Ed about Sally’s condition and test. The biopsy this morning (which made her feel unpleasant, she said,) went wrong, so they have to do it again tomorrow, darn it. Strange how that works. Sally still wasn’t better than yesterday, which is a pity. She couldn’t even make herself tell fun stories.
Afterward we drove on to the big DIY store in Marbella, but the cabin they had there (we did like it because it had 34mm thick walls) would take a month to be ordered and delivered, so it wouldn’t do. He did have a smaller one that he could guarantee would be there in a week.
We decided to think about it, and went home.

After a couple of grandpa’s pancakes, big brother and I went out again, this time to town to check out other cabins. Finally did settle on an affordable one, which we’ll get next week (if all goes well) with a wooden floor and extra wood so we can add a bathroom similar to my own. Also go the paint we’d need and didn’t come home till just before nine, and then I had to make something to eat and sit down for a bit.

Dogs are not happy with me. I've been gone way too much, which makes them restless. *sigh* Can't be helped.

Which brings me to the now where I go to bed. Yay!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Carnivorous attempt #2

Song of the day: “Perhaps perhaps perhaps” by Doris Day. And some “Crazy” by Patsy, of course. And then I had some “Que sera sera” also by Doris Day.

Just got back from the third jog in a row, and I’m not dead, so it might be a good sign. Hah.
Actually went rather well. Did at least half a mile in one stretch, which isn’t bad considering I started the whole jogging thing 25 paces in one stretch before practically passing out. Hah. Isn’t progress grand? It just takes a little time and effort, doesn’t it?

First off, Sally is still at hospital (went there yesterday afternoon) and it’s official, the lesions in her brain were caused by a tumor in her lungs. Cancer. Who’d have thought it? So surreal to now know someone (so closely anyway) who’s got cancer. Very strange. But anyway, I arrived at hospital around noon yesterday, rushed through the chores and dog food, but was later than promised anyway, darn it, and found her dozing in a chair, looking pretty darn miserable. I told her hello, and she said she knew what the problem was, but didn’t want to tell. The doctor would have to later on.
So we talked some, I asked her occasionally if she was ready to tell yet, and she wasn’t up to four times I asked, instead she told poo stories, the way she used to when I was a kid. I promised to write this one down, because it was funny rather than just being about poo. Hah.

Here goes: her aunt and niece were walking in the woods one day, and her niece really needed to use the bathroom to pee. They were far away from civilization, so aunt looked around and said that there were plenty of bushes. She needed to go too, so she told her daughter to come and they’d go together.
So they did. All went well, and just as they finished up and dropped their skirts back in place a loud applause filled the woods. All around camouflaged soldiers (they’d been there on training mission) appeared from the bushes, clapping their hands for the show.

I’d have been mortified, of course, but Sally was doubling up with laughter, so it was particularly funny on my part. Jeez, I’d forgotten how many poo stories she used to tell. Hah.
But anyway, we were in the midst of me telling her about my first sausage eating attempt, when she suddenly said, “I can say it now.” A deep breath. “I’ve got lung cancer.” Yikes. Personally I was relieved, because due to those lesions and her other symptoms MS was constantly popping up in the search machines.

But anyway, there was the talk with the doctor after we waited for her for a solid three hours. Sally ate lunch, we talked some more, big brother finished his shopping (he went with me this time) and then went out again to get Sally some house shoes because we forgot to take those along. I know, not too smart, but seriously, it is always so tough to get everything from a list when you have to search through another person’s room.
In the end, around four in the afternoon, we went home around three in the afternoon and seeing as we had to get some stuff from the grocery store, we didn’t get home ‘till five.

Only got a little bit of writing done these past three days, but am neared the 80K mark rather fast. Soon I’m going to have to be careful about not writing too much, because once I hit 95K it’s gotta be done.

There was cooking and the 2nd and 3rd attempt at being a carnivore. Grandpa suggested beef, due to my severe dislike for a “meaty” taste, and despite it being extremely tough to chew, with a load of satay sauce, I managed to swallow several piece down. Yay. Yesterday my stomach hurt rather badly after the eating venture (didn’t dare to do too much chewing then) but managed better today, so it didn’t hurt. It’s a tough job, but it’s got to be done.

Once supper was eaten (had fried beets on the side) we headed out into the yard, watered what needed to be watered, yanked out some vines, and of course harvested what we could.
Same went for today for that matter. Only today I actually managed several pages of writing, hah.

There were the jogs (Knight II went along, of course), the cutting of the dog veggies (still have all ten fingers, thank you very much) while the dogs around me tried to steal as much of the cut stuff as possible, rather than let me cut it for tomorrow. Silly dogs. They really do like zucchini and the like raw.

Well, I’m outta here. I’m sure I’m forgetting to mention something, but I can barely keep my eyes open, so, who cares. I need sleep, in particular since tomorrow is a market day. Hah.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Hospital toils

Song of the day: “Rapper’s delight” by the Sugar Hill Gang. Strange song to have in my head, in particular since the rhythm makes me want to start doing “the robot” at the oddest moments. I tell ya this, it is downright weird when you’re at the hospital, and being weird there, is definitely not a smart thing. *sigh*

But okay, let’s get you up to date. Yesterday was a mess of a day. Nothing went at all as planned. First off, tenant insisted that she wanted to go to market, so after some discussion, I decided that I might as well take her and take the opportunity to look around for stuff that is in bad repair that I can fix up…as well as a bathing suit for tenant and Sally alike.

So we went, I dropped tenant off at mom’s stand and went over the market twice. Had load of fun chatting with the stand owners, haggling (bought two beautiful Chinese boxes that were in horrible repair, but only cost me five bucks. Yay) and hauling it all (I sinned and bought three books despite my no-book-buying-budget, hah) back to the stand where tenant was having fun chatting with mom. Packet up tenant and purchases and went on home.

Once there, it turned out I’d missed more than nine calls (seriously, it’s not smart that I kept it in my purse where I can’t hear it) from cousin Ed who’d found Sally in a bad state. I knew she fell the other day, and cut her hand (she wouldn’t let me look at it) but this wasn’t good. First we took her to the emergency room in town, where they referred us to the big city hospital because the cut (I was startled when I saw it. Was a cut halfway into the base of her finger) was too deep, and she’d waited too long to have it sutured. (Six hour limit. I could have told her that, but I figured she knew. Stupid of me, I know.) So we went to Marbella Hospital. Big place. Lotsa people, and thus lotsa waiting. Still, relatively speaking she got treated fast, despite us spending more than six hours there.

First off there was the talk with the triage doctor who listed her symptoms. Then we waited for our turn at the doctor’s. After the doctor, who listed her problems again and checked her motor functions, we waited again. This time a blood test. Then we waited again…and went back because something went wrong with the first blood and they needed another. Then we waited for her to have an MRI. Then We waited for an X-Ray of her chest, after which we had to wait to speak to the doctor again.

Said doctor called us into the office and informed us very gravely that Sally was suffering from severe lesions in the brain, meaning that she had to be hospitalized for observation. She took it remarkably well, showing some relief about the fact that at least now she knew what was wrong, and why “something” wasn’t right in her head. *sigh*
Gawd, I wish we’d insisted on taking her to hospital a week ago, or more. But she can be incredibly stubborn that way.

Cousin Ed helped her get dressed into a hospital gown, and while she was transferred to the observation hall, we were told to wait for a phone call in the waiting room for family and friends. That took a solid hour and a half, and then, when the call finally came and only (one person allowed) I was let through to see her. Once I arrived in the observation hall with loads of people suffering in uncomfortable beds, it turned out Sally wasn’t there because they’d wheeled her elsewhere again to treat her hand.
So again, another forty to fifty minute wait, at which time I went back to the observation room to see if she was done. She wasn’t there yet, and while the nurse working there went to see for me, she was wheeled inside. She was actually startled to see me, asking vaguely if I was back already. She had no idea of the time and was startled to hear that we were “still” there. Where else would we be, I wonder. You don’t leave a friend to her own resources at a time like that, do you? Jeez. Same goes for the fact that she didn’t want us to visit every day (because it would be too much trouble for a mess like her, double jeez). When I asked her if she wouldn’t come to visit if I were in hospital and she promptly answered that of course she would. That was of course the end of the discussion. Hah.

Had a “chat” with the nurse, or young doctor, on duty, and between his bad English and my bad English he managed to explain the basics of her chart, and give me the phone number of the main desk, the number of the room she would be transferred to in the morning (including the floor) and basically be nice about the fact that he had no idea what the real problem was. There are, at the moment treating it as a general constitution problem. But anyway, when I asked to talk to her doctor, he said the doctor was out, and that if I wanted to talk to a professional I would have to wait some more. *sigh*

I ended up promising Sally we’d be back the next day, so we could tackle the doctor together. Cousin Ed did call this morning to check how she was doing, and despite some confusion during the night she had a relatively good night, and was almost cheerful when she told us they are looking for the problem and doing all sorts of tests.

It was almost one in the morning when we finally left for home, and nearing two when we arrived. I was not doing well by then. I was cramping all over the place and my heels were killing me. I know, don’t laugh, but silly me didn’t eat, walked and stood a lot. First because of the market (I breakfasted and lunched on four small apples) and then because of all the hospital stuff, with half a French bread with cream cheese. Not the smartest move for someone with my deficiency problems. Luckily, big brother made spaghetti, meaning I didn’t go to bed hungry. *sigh* I tell ya this, I was wired tight as a drum.

Not a good night either. Woke up twice with my calf cramping so bad I had to get up and do stretches for several minutes. In the end I had to lie down flat on my stomach for the stupid feet dangling off the bed. Managed to fall asleep then. *sigh*

What followed, was me going through the slow, very slow motions of early morning chores (got up an hour later than usual, because I didn’t get to bed until 3 in the morning) such as laundry and feeding the dogs. Then it was getting online looking to see if we could find anything on what little I managed to understand from the explanations at the hospital. All sorts of nasty possibilities popped up, so I decided to leave it until the doctor actually explains it to us. *sigh*

As for the dogs...seriously, mine were completely bonkers last night, considering I had been gone for more than twelve hours. It was not a pretty sight when Knight II tried to jump me, Chaos ignored me, and Labhana and Gada gazed at me as if I had done them some great injustice. Poor darlings...worse, I forgot to give Knight II his second bowl of food in the evening. *gasp* I should be flogged.

Well, that’s it for today, I’m hoping to do at least a page for the book, and if not that…well…there will be other days, I guess.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Carnivorous attempt #1

Song of the day: “Cooler than me” by Mike Posner (sp?) I’m too friggin’ lazy to look it up, in particular since it is already past midnight and I haven’t had a minute to spare all day. Ah well, almost over now. It doesn’t really matter this time of night, does it? Soon I’ll be heading for lala land, and happy about it. *sigh*

So yeah, after yesterday’s catch up blog there were four pages added to the book. What with today’s five, a nice portion of the book got done. There was the grandpa chat today, my heroine talking to him, reassuring him that everything was fine. I’d almost forgotten to add it, which wouldn’t do of course. Family gets worried…in particular when someone doesn’t get in touch.
Ah well, that problem is solved now, as well as this very intense conversation between hero and heroine today. Not near done, but I’ll get it right soon, I’m sure.

Right. What else has been up. Besides writing, there was the venture into working at the igloo yesterday. The water is connected now (isn’t it a biatch when you turn all that off and then have to redo the lot because years passed) all that still needs to be done there now, is connecting the power. Seriously, we’re going to have to dig a little to find the old lines, otherwise we’ll have to put new ones in.

What else. Not much gardening for me. Just no time, since when I’m done and can go down, it’s time to make supper. Made Samosas yesterday, which worked out splendidly, if I do say so myself, and today I made pasta with summer veggies.

Most worrisome news at the moment is Sally, who really isn’t doing well, she’s constantly forgetting things, falling, and by now it is starting to become a habit to walk her down to her apartment at the end of the day from fear that she’ll fall underway and break something. I had a talk with her the other day, and discovered that the doctor prescribed her something which after a quick search on the net, accounts for all her problems. Darn doctors, even before I went to Wikipedia to check it out that was pretty clear. No one goes in a downward slope that fast without something nudging her along. Jeez. And here the woman’s been fearing that she is suffering from dementia.
Heck, even tonight she fell on her face, and cut her hand, meaning that tomorrow morning she will have to go and have it stitched.

As for today…after feeding the dogs, as usual, writing, cooking and chatting with tenant, big brother had to go out for a food donation for the dogs. Got a nice batch of veggies, bread and even some meat. Seriously, you should have seen the dogs when we got home and started cutting everything. There was like four pounds of liver, and while big brother cut it, all the dogs were quiet as you please all around him, noses in the air, and for the first time in, like, forever, didn’t try to steal a single raw vegetable from the pan.

Dax and Sitabah ate sausages. They discovered them on the hood of the Land Rover before I managed to stop them, and there was a chasing moment when Dax got a hold on a chicken paw. Seriously, he a fast little macho, and it wasn’t until I cornered him that he dropped the darn paw. Both he and Sitabah are swollen from their late-night snack. Hah.
Chaos has been walking around with his nose in the air ever since we came home, snarling at the other dogs, and constantly getting in mischief. “I’m a fierce predator. I can kill and rip like the best of ‘m.” At least that’s the attitude he is projecting. Hah.
Knight II…gawd, he was sniffing and staring as if hypnotized at that raw liver, and looking up at me occasionally as if saying: “Boss, I don’t know what it is, but something, I think my instinct is saying that, for the first time in my entire life, I am smelling real food. Can I have some? Can I? Can I?” While all the while his nose was drifting closer to the tantalizing red meat. Hah. Poor Knight. He’ll just have to wait, like the rest of ‘m.

There were veggies and meat to sort through. All of it had to be cleaned of plastic and rotting pieces, and then hauled down to the storage. All the while we had the dogs following us back and forth, sniffing the air due to the smoked cheeses that were overtime. Hah.

But anyway, everything got stored away, Sally is safe in her room. Food has been cut, and this blog is almost done now. Yay.

Let me see if there was anything else to mention. Well, I am trying to learn how to eat meat, because let’s face it, with my deficiencies it might be the only solution if I don’t want to resort to heavy pills that have only temporary relief. Tried preparing a sausage this morning by adding a load of herbs, garlic, onion some chili sauce, and still, when I put it on a whole wheat sandwich with lettuce, tomato, mayo, mustard, ketchup and cheese, I could taste way too much of it. Jeez. How much taste are they giving meat, darn it. How am I ever going to eat that stuff if it tastes like that. Seriously, I managed a total of seven tiny slices on four sandwiches before my gagging reflex got to be too much. If I didn’t stop at that one, it was all going to come out again, which would kinda defeat the point, wouldn’t it? Hah. I’m such a whiner. I mean really, folks eat that stuff all the time, and I bet they don’t have a gagging reflex. Darn stomach’s a whiner too, seeing as I kept “tasting” the vile stuff all day (ridiculous, I know) and my stomach kept knotting up. Who’d have thunk that becoming a carnivore would be so darn hard? Ah well, better luck next time. Grandpa swears that normal red meat, unprocessed doesn’t taste as bad as pork sausages, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed on that one.

So that was it. I’m sure I forgot something vital, like the fact that big brother and I helped cousin Ed unload yesterday morning, putting all the Tika Art in the sunshine because the market is at the beach, and when the night falls condense makes everything moist.

I’m outta here. I need sleep.