
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Carnivorous attempt #1

Song of the day: “Cooler than me” by Mike Posner (sp?) I’m too friggin’ lazy to look it up, in particular since it is already past midnight and I haven’t had a minute to spare all day. Ah well, almost over now. It doesn’t really matter this time of night, does it? Soon I’ll be heading for lala land, and happy about it. *sigh*

So yeah, after yesterday’s catch up blog there were four pages added to the book. What with today’s five, a nice portion of the book got done. There was the grandpa chat today, my heroine talking to him, reassuring him that everything was fine. I’d almost forgotten to add it, which wouldn’t do of course. Family gets worried…in particular when someone doesn’t get in touch.
Ah well, that problem is solved now, as well as this very intense conversation between hero and heroine today. Not near done, but I’ll get it right soon, I’m sure.

Right. What else has been up. Besides writing, there was the venture into working at the igloo yesterday. The water is connected now (isn’t it a biatch when you turn all that off and then have to redo the lot because years passed) all that still needs to be done there now, is connecting the power. Seriously, we’re going to have to dig a little to find the old lines, otherwise we’ll have to put new ones in.

What else. Not much gardening for me. Just no time, since when I’m done and can go down, it’s time to make supper. Made Samosas yesterday, which worked out splendidly, if I do say so myself, and today I made pasta with summer veggies.

Most worrisome news at the moment is Sally, who really isn’t doing well, she’s constantly forgetting things, falling, and by now it is starting to become a habit to walk her down to her apartment at the end of the day from fear that she’ll fall underway and break something. I had a talk with her the other day, and discovered that the doctor prescribed her something which after a quick search on the net, accounts for all her problems. Darn doctors, even before I went to Wikipedia to check it out that was pretty clear. No one goes in a downward slope that fast without something nudging her along. Jeez. And here the woman’s been fearing that she is suffering from dementia.
Heck, even tonight she fell on her face, and cut her hand, meaning that tomorrow morning she will have to go and have it stitched.

As for today…after feeding the dogs, as usual, writing, cooking and chatting with tenant, big brother had to go out for a food donation for the dogs. Got a nice batch of veggies, bread and even some meat. Seriously, you should have seen the dogs when we got home and started cutting everything. There was like four pounds of liver, and while big brother cut it, all the dogs were quiet as you please all around him, noses in the air, and for the first time in, like, forever, didn’t try to steal a single raw vegetable from the pan.

Dax and Sitabah ate sausages. They discovered them on the hood of the Land Rover before I managed to stop them, and there was a chasing moment when Dax got a hold on a chicken paw. Seriously, he a fast little macho, and it wasn’t until I cornered him that he dropped the darn paw. Both he and Sitabah are swollen from their late-night snack. Hah.
Chaos has been walking around with his nose in the air ever since we came home, snarling at the other dogs, and constantly getting in mischief. “I’m a fierce predator. I can kill and rip like the best of ‘m.” At least that’s the attitude he is projecting. Hah.
Knight II…gawd, he was sniffing and staring as if hypnotized at that raw liver, and looking up at me occasionally as if saying: “Boss, I don’t know what it is, but something, I think my instinct is saying that, for the first time in my entire life, I am smelling real food. Can I have some? Can I? Can I?” While all the while his nose was drifting closer to the tantalizing red meat. Hah. Poor Knight. He’ll just have to wait, like the rest of ‘m.

There were veggies and meat to sort through. All of it had to be cleaned of plastic and rotting pieces, and then hauled down to the storage. All the while we had the dogs following us back and forth, sniffing the air due to the smoked cheeses that were overtime. Hah.

But anyway, everything got stored away, Sally is safe in her room. Food has been cut, and this blog is almost done now. Yay.

Let me see if there was anything else to mention. Well, I am trying to learn how to eat meat, because let’s face it, with my deficiencies it might be the only solution if I don’t want to resort to heavy pills that have only temporary relief. Tried preparing a sausage this morning by adding a load of herbs, garlic, onion some chili sauce, and still, when I put it on a whole wheat sandwich with lettuce, tomato, mayo, mustard, ketchup and cheese, I could taste way too much of it. Jeez. How much taste are they giving meat, darn it. How am I ever going to eat that stuff if it tastes like that. Seriously, I managed a total of seven tiny slices on four sandwiches before my gagging reflex got to be too much. If I didn’t stop at that one, it was all going to come out again, which would kinda defeat the point, wouldn’t it? Hah. I’m such a whiner. I mean really, folks eat that stuff all the time, and I bet they don’t have a gagging reflex. Darn stomach’s a whiner too, seeing as I kept “tasting” the vile stuff all day (ridiculous, I know) and my stomach kept knotting up. Who’d have thunk that becoming a carnivore would be so darn hard? Ah well, better luck next time. Grandpa swears that normal red meat, unprocessed doesn’t taste as bad as pork sausages, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed on that one.

So that was it. I’m sure I forgot something vital, like the fact that big brother and I helped cousin Ed unload yesterday morning, putting all the Tika Art in the sunshine because the market is at the beach, and when the night falls condense makes everything moist.

I’m outta here. I need sleep.

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