
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Carnivorous attempt #2

Song of the day: “Perhaps perhaps perhaps” by Doris Day. And some “Crazy” by Patsy, of course. And then I had some “Que sera sera” also by Doris Day.

Just got back from the third jog in a row, and I’m not dead, so it might be a good sign. Hah.
Actually went rather well. Did at least half a mile in one stretch, which isn’t bad considering I started the whole jogging thing 25 paces in one stretch before practically passing out. Hah. Isn’t progress grand? It just takes a little time and effort, doesn’t it?

First off, Sally is still at hospital (went there yesterday afternoon) and it’s official, the lesions in her brain were caused by a tumor in her lungs. Cancer. Who’d have thought it? So surreal to now know someone (so closely anyway) who’s got cancer. Very strange. But anyway, I arrived at hospital around noon yesterday, rushed through the chores and dog food, but was later than promised anyway, darn it, and found her dozing in a chair, looking pretty darn miserable. I told her hello, and she said she knew what the problem was, but didn’t want to tell. The doctor would have to later on.
So we talked some, I asked her occasionally if she was ready to tell yet, and she wasn’t up to four times I asked, instead she told poo stories, the way she used to when I was a kid. I promised to write this one down, because it was funny rather than just being about poo. Hah.

Here goes: her aunt and niece were walking in the woods one day, and her niece really needed to use the bathroom to pee. They were far away from civilization, so aunt looked around and said that there were plenty of bushes. She needed to go too, so she told her daughter to come and they’d go together.
So they did. All went well, and just as they finished up and dropped their skirts back in place a loud applause filled the woods. All around camouflaged soldiers (they’d been there on training mission) appeared from the bushes, clapping their hands for the show.

I’d have been mortified, of course, but Sally was doubling up with laughter, so it was particularly funny on my part. Jeez, I’d forgotten how many poo stories she used to tell. Hah.
But anyway, we were in the midst of me telling her about my first sausage eating attempt, when she suddenly said, “I can say it now.” A deep breath. “I’ve got lung cancer.” Yikes. Personally I was relieved, because due to those lesions and her other symptoms MS was constantly popping up in the search machines.

But anyway, there was the talk with the doctor after we waited for her for a solid three hours. Sally ate lunch, we talked some more, big brother finished his shopping (he went with me this time) and then went out again to get Sally some house shoes because we forgot to take those along. I know, not too smart, but seriously, it is always so tough to get everything from a list when you have to search through another person’s room.
In the end, around four in the afternoon, we went home around three in the afternoon and seeing as we had to get some stuff from the grocery store, we didn’t get home ‘till five.

Only got a little bit of writing done these past three days, but am neared the 80K mark rather fast. Soon I’m going to have to be careful about not writing too much, because once I hit 95K it’s gotta be done.

There was cooking and the 2nd and 3rd attempt at being a carnivore. Grandpa suggested beef, due to my severe dislike for a “meaty” taste, and despite it being extremely tough to chew, with a load of satay sauce, I managed to swallow several piece down. Yay. Yesterday my stomach hurt rather badly after the eating venture (didn’t dare to do too much chewing then) but managed better today, so it didn’t hurt. It’s a tough job, but it’s got to be done.

Once supper was eaten (had fried beets on the side) we headed out into the yard, watered what needed to be watered, yanked out some vines, and of course harvested what we could.
Same went for today for that matter. Only today I actually managed several pages of writing, hah.

There were the jogs (Knight II went along, of course), the cutting of the dog veggies (still have all ten fingers, thank you very much) while the dogs around me tried to steal as much of the cut stuff as possible, rather than let me cut it for tomorrow. Silly dogs. They really do like zucchini and the like raw.

Well, I’m outta here. I’m sure I’m forgetting to mention something, but I can barely keep my eyes open, so, who cares. I need sleep, in particular since tomorrow is a market day. Hah.

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