
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Grocery day...yipee. ::-)

Back to usual, I guess, considering I decide to get up half an hour later due to staying up well past my bedtime last night. I don’t know what the heck is wrong with me, but for most of the day I’m exhausted, and then, when it’s time to hit the sack, I lose track of time. Very frustrating.

Trin Trin, the Monster Boxer is being her monstrous self this morning, of course, tearing the bottom of my beautiful dragon quilt. Now I’ll have to repair it again And Knight II decides to throw himself on top of me when he deigns it time to get up, the big lug.

So, dogs are let out into freedom, the morning rituals get done, and the trip down the mountain is made. What follows is the usual breakfast, some quick chores and then the much-needed mug of coffee while I set up the computer and sit down to get to work.

We manage four pages of the rewrite/edit today. It surprises me, considering we were at a point where it felt as if we got stuck every other sentence or so (another fight scene. They are so darn complicated to get just right) but the next thing I know we’ve passed the first section of the scene and breeze right through it.

The female protagonist is once again back to the “difficult”, somewhat aggressive character, so the male protagonist is doing his very best to try to keep her safe, when she tries to run headlong into danger at every turn. Frustrating for the hero, loads of fun for us, since it makes for excellent dialogues and sharp remarks.

We’re still at it, when middle sister announces that we have a new addition to our Chinchilla family. I don’t know how the “mommy” manages to catch us by surprise like this every time, but a gorgeous little baby is hiding in the large cage, doing it’s very best to stay behind the nest and out of sight. Adorable.

No building for us today, grocery shopping day has arrived once more, so instead big brother and I decide to stop editing a little early in order to head on out to the forest path for a quick run with little sister in our company.

It’s mighty hot when we depart, and though there is still a refreshing breeze coming from the west, by the time we arrive at our usual spot, heat is literally shimmering over the rocky path. Properly daunted we only do a few warm up stretches and then start on our way.

Little sister and big brother manage to keep up the pace pretty well…it once again made that whiny voice in the back of my head want to call out, “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll catch up”, thus making me chuckle and fall behind again, hah…but whenever I’m too much out of breath I manage to keep up a decent enough stride to satisfy me.

Got a little farther today (a hundred yards at most) and then start on our way back, time rapidly passing. Once again, back goes a lot better, since it’s downhill, and I actually manage a stretch of at least four hundred yards without falling back in a quick walking pace. Progress! Yay.

Properly energized and weary at the same time, we arrive back home, where we only have a few minutes left to wash up, change clothes and head on out again to start on the bimonthly shopping spree. Lots of places to visit today…what am I saying, this is the bimonthly; there are always a lot to visit on that day.

First runner up is a small specialty store that will close in less than half an hour. We rush through it, getting the necessities and then are on our way again to the second store.
Next is the store that holds only frozen goods. It might be cheating, but there really isn’t anything quite as handy as having fresh vegetables on hand, already cut and ready for use after a hard day’s work.

Third store’s a Chinese bazaar. Our tenant is in need of some decent summer clothes, and since we (me, mom, and both brothers) are out anyway, we figure we might as well see to that particular task. Also, middle sister needs headphones and some underwear, so it’s not like it’s out of our way. We depart from the store with everything we set out for and head on over to the big mall on the edge of town.

The pet store gets a rush visit, too; turtle food and parrot food are both running low so it is really necessary. Next comes the massive supermarket across from it. Our tenant is also in need of sandals and sneakers since her rehab counselor is now working on getting her back to her feet. I manage to find both, and even nab another cute little top for her that’s on sale.
At last, we pick up laundry detergent (also on sale, yay) and are back on the road in less than fifteen minutes.

A low-priced supermarket, followed by our regular one finish up the day’s “adventures in grocery shopping” and we’re heading back home at last where the task of unloading still lies ahead.

After the usual ruckus of the overly enthusiastic pack, we get to put everything away. It takes a while, but what with the sisters already having done some serious cleaning and organizing during our absence it is not as hard as it could be. That dealt with, we have a quick dinner of last night’s leftovers. I made mashed potato and red cabbage oven dish and it was darn good, if I do say so myself.

Only enough time is left to watch a recorded episode of “Criminal Minds” and then it’s back to my cabin for what will hopefully turn out to be an early night. I really need to start bright and early on the seemingly everlasting edit. Can’t get all that much done if I’m yawning all the time. *sigh*

Busy days, they’re exhausting, but rewarding in their own way.


Tanner said...

I arrived. I read. I enjoyed. Have a great day. =)

Samaya Young said...

Hiya Tanner.
Hope you had a great B-Day. :-)