
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, May 15, 2009

A little different?

I have no idea what to write about since it was “just one of those days” again…or maybe not. Thinking about it, quite a bit actually happened. Hah.

There was a nasty fight between three of my dogs. Trin Trin, Sitabah and Labhana somehow got a little over-excited, so I had to jump in the fray before things got out of hand. It was a close call, really. Labhana was tearing at Sitabah. Sitabah had Trin Trin’s cheek between her teeth and wouldn’t let go for the longest time (thank God for the boxer’s leathery skin) and Trin Trin was alternating between attacking both the Labhana and Sitabah, while trying to ignore the cockers who thought it fun to nibble on her paws while she was occupied.

Stupid dogs (yes, during such moments I call them stupid, hah) always seem to forget that fighting hurts. Do they remember limping for three days after “the fun”? I don’t think so. When a couple starts fighting, they’ll be on it like a bunch of drunken bar-hoppers fuelled by booze.

So, I had to shove aside the cocker Spaniels and Knight II, Amri too, and grab Trin Trin by the hind-legs (she’s the most dangerous in a fight because she doesn’t know when to quit) just when grandpa came running to help me. In the end we managed to get them loose and I picked up Trin Trin to toss her in the back yard, just to prevent them from starting all over again. It’s soooooo much fun. (Yes, that’s sarcasm, hah.)

But anyways, today was spent mostly in the car, since we had a friend come visit and she had to be brought home afterwards. We had to go to the phone shop too…she lost her phone sometime last week…where we managed to get a new phone on points, mostly.

It was beautiful out, however, so the drive was great. Gorgeous country when you head west and the sea was magnificently blue. And since we were there anyway, we figured we might as well pick out tenant up and save her a long evening of waiting for the ambulance to drive her home. She was very appreciative.

The edit went really well again, by the way, though it was an hour shorter than I would have liked, due to our early departure time.
We finished the fight sequence and it was a beaut. I know, I’m not supposed to tout my own horn, but what the hey. It was damn good! Hah.

I immediately sent the new finished chapter off to the proofreader, who was properly delighted to receive the new installment. She got back to me an hour later, demanding the next chapter…and that after I slaved away on the edit for three hours. Aaargh.
I swear she’d be using a whip on me if she lived close by enough to get away with it.

Rather than head into the house, once we returned from our trip to the city, big brother, grandpa and I headed out again for a new load of rocks. It was late, and the sun was already setting, but we even managed a short stroll in the woods, before we started to pile rocks into the truck bed.

Little sister prepared dinner (pizza’s that didn’t fit in the freezer yesterday, hah) while we were out, so we had a quick dinner while we watched “The Mentalist”, and then proceeded to do some chores, such as hanging and folding laundry before we did another quick edit to finish up the evening.

The reason I’m late again, is because when I arrived at my cabin, so did big brother and grandpa. We ended up talking for almost an hour and a half…politics, you never can keep a conversation short when that particular subject comes up…and then when grandpa left to go to bed, big brother and I got this grand idea for a screenplay that we just might try to write sometime in the near future.
We do have to “recover” from the massive edit, so doing something else entirely might do the trick.

So, that concludes today’s Blog, I guess. It was a little different from the usual, but diversity never hurt anyone.

P.S. On a rather cheerful note, the new fan trailer is out. Yay! It's gorgeous, it's grand, it's...well, see for yourself and make up your own mind: Book Trailer view
Leave the dude of comment 'cause he's bloody brilliant!

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