
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A quiet writing day.

I wake several times to a sunny morning. Trin Trin is being a monster again today, and keeps waking me up every hour, at least, just three hours after I turned in for the night. So frustrating, but she gets that way sometimes. Nothing, except for taking her into a full blown headlock will keep her quiet…which is really nice and warm for me but also sleep inductive when she start snoring heat into my face. So, half an hour later the headlock loosens, and off she’ll go again, tugging at my blankets and riling the other dogs up until I’m forced to repeat the entire procedure over and over again.

Out of sheer frustration I end up locking her up in my small backyard where she proceeds to attack the door for the last hour of my sleep. Insane! I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it many times in the future. But she is totally nuts…and loving it.

There were dreams, mostly fragment of memories and premonitions and such that’ll undoubtedly drive ME insane in the near future with the familiar feeling of Déjà vu.
Hate it when that happens, and it does so often. I’ll walk into a store I’ve never been before, thinking, “Heck, I know this place”. Or I’ll speak to someone who I’d swear to have met before, but haven’t. It’s enough to drive a body bonkers that’s a fact.

My lips are chafed again. The chill of the past three days is not at all productive for my lips that look swollen and somewhat haggard to say the least…and they hurt like heck. It’s a really a terrible shame that I can’t use Chap Stick for them. Whenever I do, it’ll only make things worse by causing a rash. Ah well, they’ll just have to adjust in a natural fashion, I suppose. At some point they always do.

By the time I’ve stretched the kinks from my back, get dressed and head on to the house I’m still feeling way too fuzzy, making me go through the trip down, gathering the dry laundry, folding it, and hanging the new load in auto-mode. Most of the last days’ laundry has dried even with the cold, allowing for enough space for the new at least before I head into the house to warm myself near the heater.

Big brother arrives by that time, my dogs barking noisily to greet the small part of his large pack that always comes down with him. Their arrival forces me to snatch Knight II’s collar lest he starts pestering poor Fortuyn, who somehow always rubs him wrong.
Clue is eagerly bouncing down the stairs as well, not daring to venture too close to me, what with my noisy pack gathered around me like a wall, but wags his short tail in greeting before he dashes out into the courtyard.

Once we’re both fed (us humans that is) and with the coffee brewing, big brother sets to checking the plumbing to see if we have all we need for when we start putting in the new kitchen tomorrow, while I head back to the dangling boards to apply the last layer of paint.
It takes ridiculously little time, and what with needing a few more connection for the plumbing when the shops open tomorrow, I’m disappointed to realize that there is little we can do on the remodeling project on this Sunday.

Resigned to another delay, we set up our computers and get down to business.
I “waste” a little time on messages and chats, before I finally open the vampire files and page-down until I reach the point where I stopped last night.
What with the story still fresh in my mind I get to writing immediately; my mind drifting out of reality and into the fictional world of the paranormal the way I’ve been doing for two weeks now.

The scenes flow out on their own, images forming and reshaping while I write down that which I see in my head. Dialogues begin to make sense now, the laid-back hero and the obsessive-compulsive heroine. They make a delightful pair, I find, smiling at the things they say as if the words don’t actually come from my head. They come from the two people I see jabbing at each other, creating a delightful chemistry that should get to be very interesting while I’m working towards the culmination of the short story.

So different from the last: And, yet, just as entertaining. I wonder sometimes about these characters of mine. In the past I would sometimes find myself worrying about them, and the things I would make them go through for the duration of a tale. That feeling is still there, admittedly, making me weep when I write down something horrible in their pasts–or present–and laugh when something marvelous happens.
It’s almost more real that “real life” sometimes.

It is amazing how attached I become to these figments of my imagination, really, but in all honesty I wouldn’t have it any other way. Good or bad, they’ll be a part of me ‘till the end of days, and that is something that makes writing stories so wonderful. Friend and foes they might be, but real, they most certainly are…in my head at least. I’ll talk with them, berate them, and curse them, depending on what is happening and this has been cause to plenty of laughter from my family as they witness this time and again.

I’ll be sure to regret it when this short story comes to an end, and already I am dreading that day, which is drawing nearer every time I write down another page. Though, the post-writing blues were short-lived with the last write, I doubt if I’ll be so lucky the next time…if I don’t manage to come up with a new story to distract me as soon as “the end” is reached, that is.

Ah well, better not to linger on this too long and get on with today’s events instead.
On the overall it turns out to be a quiet day. I write three pages during the morning session, feeling pretty pleased about the progress when I shut the computer down. I decide to make dinner of last night’s leftover spaghetti, and bake it with cheese onions and herbs.
It goes down well with everyone–much to my chagrin, since there is too little for a proper portion–and for a while I’m content to lounge in front of the TV to watch a rather badly directed and acted Hallmark movie before we decide to put on the latest “Prison Break” episodes. They were recorded over the last two weeks.

However long the actual breaking out of prisons it is taking, and the multitude of dragged out scenes that continue to pile up, somehow the cast and writers manage to keep it all interesting enough to keep me watching, which is a marvelous feat to say the least.

By the time the episodes are over and done with, the night has thankfully progressed considerably, allowing big brother and me to settle behind our computers again for some more writing.
Only one more page is added, during the hour that passes, announcing the end of the evening and my trip out into the chilly night and up to my cabin.

My head feels funny today. Somehow I’ve gotten a lump on the back of my skull, which has been swelling like mad during the day. I’ve no idea what happened, since I don’t remember knocking my head or anything. It hurts like the dickens, too, which in turn annoys the heck out of me, of course.
Maybe one of the dogs slammed his paw in the back of my head while I slept, or something…I do sleep like a dead person sometimes. Hah.
Thinking back on it, it might just be that. There was that incident with Knight II a few days ago, nonetheless.

It’s freaky cold in my cabin again, and my dogs crowd around the bed for the best spots after eating. The short-legged ones standing on their hind legs, waiting for me to lift them up, while looking at me with soulful eyes. It is no easy feat with Chaos, who’s a hefty Basset of a good eighty pounds, and really can’t do without his snoozing time on the bed, so he is one of the first to get boosted up so he can find a comfortable spot on top of the pillows.

Right now there are seven dogs lying all around me, all of them curled up, except Knight II who stretches out alongside me, keeping my nicely toasty, while using his full weight to press himself against me…and thus proceeds to push me further and further to the side of the bed.

I’d better sign off before the computer tumbles off the bed.

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