
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Way overslept this morning. It was at least two hours after my usual waking time and I could have snoozed on without any effort whatsoever, for as far as my bodily functions were concerned. The dogs, however, thought otherwise and were making their usual racket when it became clear to them that the alarm wasn’t working and I just kept on sleeping.

I had a rather interesting dream. We were traveling in the camper, it’s dimensions slightly larger than they in fact are, and far more luxurious than the bare essentials it holds reality. But luckily such thoughts don’t bother to surface in dreams. It was just pretty, and the way it was supposed to be.
I think that we were in France, in the dream. It was a warm autumn day, and we were staying at a camping ground that I remember well from the past.
I was taking a walk in the woods surrounding the camping, Knight (the first one) darting around me like he was young again, when in the distance I could see the familiar shape of Porky.
It is strange, but in my dreams he is always dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, which, admittedly was his outfit of choice. Hah.
In the dream I didn’t miss him as much as in real life. In the dream he was just there. Still, I was so happy to see him, laughing and increasing my pace so I would reach him sooner.
He smiled at me, reaching out his hand to take mine by the time I drew up to his side and together we moved along the narrow trail that curled through what appeared to be some sort of orchard. We talk, the way we used to, about pretty much everything, just being together, enjoying the late summer sun.
I’m still smiling when a choir of dogs begins howling in the distance, slowly drawing me away from the dream that I wouldn’t have minded sticking to for another hour or so.

Blinking awake, I stare out the window for a minute, slowly forcing myself to roll over and stretch out to hear the kinks pop in my limbs. It is then that I see the clock and notice the time, making me groan and get up and out, lest I mess up an entire day with lazing around.

My lungs still feel clogged, more than a little strained and they want to cough, but I fight it down while popping an extra dose of vitamin C. This unreliable body better fight this bug off, otherwise I’m going to be really pissed that’s a fact. Hah.

Once I get dressed and pull the blankets straight, I follow the dogs outside and start on my way to the house. The sun is shining again, and though the temperatures are still low for southern Spain, the warm beams on my face do make me feel a bit less frazzled by the time I reach the courtyard and let the dogs dash in ahead of me.

Yesterday’s laundry turns out to be dry, so as soon as I’ve discarded my bag, I head back outside and take it all down for folding. Only one quilt was washed during the night, so with that hung, I start on breakfast and set the coffee to percolate.

I’m a little fuzzy in the brain, so the first thing I do is wake myself up with some messages and chats, and then open the book files for some more writing today.
It doesn’t go as well as it did the past few days, but then, I didn’t actually expect that it would.

Continuing with the start of yesterday’s scene, I only manage to add about three pages before a rather short morning turns into evening. By then I get too distracted by activity of real life going on around me and I am unable to focus on the story any longer.

Realizing as much, I shut down the computer and carefully put it out of the dogs’ reach. Time to make dinner has arrived, and what with yesterday’s stir-fry still being a reasonable amount, I decide to add a few more veggies for a re-bake.
It takes only a little time, and soon everyone’s once again enjoying the meal that, as usual, tastes even better on day two.

I’m not feeling too energetic today, but still I manage to make myself put latches on the supply closet that has been gaping open ever since we made it. It was bugging the heck out of me, and though I tried to put in magnets, they weren’t strong enough to keep the heavy doors in place, thus ending up with the heavy latches that I now keep the doors firmly shut.

Afterwards, big brother and I talk for a bit, discussing possible projects and the recent positive feedback I received for one of my vegetarian recipes. What with the kitchen being pretty much done, we might be able to squeeze in a few hours to work on the recipe book I’ve been putting together for the past few years.

It’s not going to be mass publishing or anything, but perhaps those who wish to venture out into vegetarian eating with easy-to-make dishes that are definitely favored by the family, will be interested enough to check it out.

At the very least it’s a nice project to occupy ourselves with during the evenings, when writing the novels isn’t working anyway.
We spend several hours working on some nice pictures, and formatting the recipes that I’ve already placed in the cooking book after which midnight soon arrives.

Since–if the darn bug allows it–we need to go to school tomorrow (we already postponed it today) another good night’s rest is certainly detrimental to both of us.
So there I go, like every night following the dogs up the mountain and towards the cabin so I can feed them.

While they eat I manage to read a few more pages of the review book, and after changing into my pjs I set up the computer for tonight’s session.

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