
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Some writing. Yes!

Getting to bed in time last night certainly deserves a celebration. 5 AM on the dot, which is a record, to say the least. Now, if only I had remembered to set my alarm for my usual time, instead of the nap I took the previous morning, I might have actually been on time this morning. Ah well, at least this means that I got an hour and a half extra. Hah.

I’m feeling considerably better than I did the past few days, making me wonder what had caused the bad mood, as I start the morning rituals, and give the noisy pack their wanted release into the yard. Yes, the Monster Boxer and the Giant were pests as usual, but for some reason, feeling the way I do, I don’t really mind it today.

When I get to the house and discard my baggage and vest…the temperatures are humane again, thank God…I head back for the courtyard to get down the majority of yesterday’s laundry. Two new batches replace it soon thereafter and with that done I head into the house to do the folding bit, too.

It is on occasions such as this that the new closet, with the basket drawers, comes in handy. Each pile goes into that of the respective owner, and for the first time in years, I don’t need to put the clean laundry on the counter for the sibs to take to their rooms. Marvelous!

That done, I have a bit of breakfast. Though it goes down well enough, I’m still cautious and only eat a slice and half, just to play it safe. I need some coffee, and with big brother’s agreement I put only half the amount of grains in the filter before I set the machine to percolate.

By the time I have my computer set up, fed Yadzia, and have my coffee in hand, big brother and I discuss the day’s writing plans, before I set to a new scene of the vampire story.

With this story we are trying to develop together, we are diverting from my usual method and don’t bother with chronology.
It is a rather interesting way to work, I’ll admit, since it allows me to write scenes that I feel like writing, rather than having to work my way towards it–the way I usually do. It certainly allows for more liberties and that’s a pleasure, to say the least.

For the next few hours I’m pounding at the keys, writing a scene that is going to be fitted close to the end, and get down a total of five pages by the time dusk settles and I decide to call it a day, for now, and start on dinner, instead.

Since there are still a lot of potatoes, small ones that little brother doesn’t like to use for his nightly baking, grandpa helps me peel them for tonight’s dinner.
While grandpa and I are working on dinner, big brother sets out to hang the door of the laundry closet, which fits perfectly, now that he has the right hinges to finish the job.

Curried potatoes with a mix of carrots, white cabbage, onion and leek on the side are today’s pick for a meal. While the potatoes broil in their mix of herbs, with yogurt, apricot jam, eggplant patak and garlic, I put on the vegetables as well and let both pans heat until the vegetables are ready for consumption.

The meal is nourishing and tasteful, a good mix that goes remarkably well with fresh cottage cheese, and leaves me nicely stuffed by the time I’ve eaten my share and settle in front of the TV for an episode of “House” and “The Mentalist”. Both are vastly entertaining, and by the time the latter comes to an end I get up to paint the door big brother hung earlier.

Keeping half an eye on the episode of “Las Vegas” playing on TV, I finish up and then take a moment to stand back to admire the view. Now that the last closet is red too, it is a wonderful compliment to the rest of the kitchen. Sort of locking the area in with two pillars of bright red, with glass in wood doors finishing the image. Very pretty, and very “rustico” (country).

That done, I attempt another writing session, but halfway into a page, the cry from Iris, one of our huskies, disrupts the evening’s quiet. She looks pretty pale (I know, it’s hard to imagine seeing paleness in canines, but it’s around the eyes, gums and overall impression) and seems to be hurting somewhere, which of course sets the rest of the pack into a frenzy.

Before I’m able to check on her, little sister needs to keep the curious pack at bay, so I can toss Knigt II (he’s making a racket in front of big brother who attempts to make his way towards Iris as well) into the pantry, so we’ll have some peace and quiet.

By the time I reach the husky, she’s already looking better, making us wonder if another dog stood on her, or some such, while she was asleep.
After several spoonfuls of tonight’s dinner, along with a big gulp of honey–to get her color back up–she’s her old self again, and eagerly looking up at little sister for another treat.

Since this little scare pretty much ruined the writing mood, and since midnight has already passed, I gather up my things and dogs, and head up to my cabin to prepare for the night.

The first thing I do is repairing the coffee table Knight II ruined last night.
He jumped on top of it, breaking off two of its legs in his usual enthusiasm, and weight.
It takes little effort, really. I attach metal plates to the wood, solidifying the corners until the table once again stands on all fours and looks only slightly worse for wear.
It won’t hold forever, but for now it will do, I’m sure.

Next I feed the dogs, read a chapter or two of my latest re-read…I really need to get my hands on some new books soon…and then set up my computer for my nightly forays onto the net.

I need to get cracking, too, considering that time will be limited again tomorrow, due to our impending lessons in town.
I do hope I can find the time to do some exercise, but we’ll see. Planning such things is really not an option.

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