
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ehm...Nothing, just rambling.

The last few days have been a tad boring, and since today was pretty much the same let’s see if we can liven things up a little and see where it leads.
So, what to talk about? Politics? Hunger? Environment? Economics? Nah, it’s been done in every way imaginable already, and though I’m sure that at some point I’ll have a good rant about any of those subjects, I’ll not bore anyone with it today.

What else is there to talk about, movies, music, books? All three give the same problem as the before mentioned subjects, don’t they, and though they are all amazingly fun to talk about in the right place and at the right time, I’m not really in the mood.

Which leaves what, exactly?
Excellent question, and I can see you wonder, “what the heck is she thinking of?”
Well, I’ll tell you: Nothing.
My mind is an utter and complete blank, which is annoying considering I’m supposed to yap on for at least half a page to make at least a token Blog post today.

An interesting word; nothing. So what does it really mean?
No Thing: as in there is not a single thing to talk about? Hmmm, let’s see what the synonyms are for this particular word.
Nothing: not anything, zero, zilch, nil, naught, nobody, and nonentity are the words that come up on Word, which really isn’t interesting so let’s check the dictionary to see if something a little more exiting turns up……….
Something that is nonexistent. Now that is interesting!

Can “something” really be nonexistent? Or is that a contradiction of terms, perhaps? If you call nothing, nothing, do you not give that nothingness a name, and if something has a name does that not bring it into existence?
It might not have shape or form, but still for there to be nothing there has be an absence of something, which in effect would make nothing something. Okay, that’s a mind-wrecker. Hah.

It brings to mind that saying of: If a tree falls in the woods and there is no one to hear it go down, does it still make a sound?
Would that not go the same way for nothingness? If you acknowledge nothing, does nothing than not come into being, just by being “nothing”?

It is baffling what a mind will think about once you let it. Here we have three paragraphs filled with a contemplation of a word that is really average and can pretty much be used on any given day, and yet it is a whole bunch of nothing. So there we have nothing, having been turned into something by simply writing it down in a Blog.

Gotcha going there, don’t I?

So that brings today’s Blog to an end, I suppose. There really isn’t much else to say.
That’s what you get for boring Saturdays, as this one so obviously was.

I did, however manage to cut out four pages of the latest book project, adding only three, allowing for more writing tomorrow, should I decide to work on it some more.
I really should, since this project certainly would be a worthwhile investment of time. With the proper adjustments, it would even be suited for publication. Ah well, we’ll see what the day allows, considering that there are actually some projects looming for the morning.

I certainly hope that I’ll have something more to write about tomorrow and not just…ehm…nothing! Hah.

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