
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Title of the day: Your guess is as good as mine.

I had the strangest dreams this night, explosions, car chases, shooting the whole shebang...and that while I didn’t even watch a decent action film yesterday. Very peculiar. It all looked a little like “Vantage point” with Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox and Forest Whitacker, and it’s been like, months since I saw that movie, so why I would dream about it, is a mystery to me.

But anyways, by the time I wake up from the moronic pack making a racket I’m still sleep dazed and literally stumble my way to the door to let them out. What with the alarm not having gone off yet, I reset it to have thirty minutes extra and am off to lala land under ten seconds.

I can feel “it” lurking around the corner by the time I do get up and start on the day. That uncomfortable sensation in the pit of my stomach as tension begins to rise for no apparent reason.

Soon, after hurrying through the morning rituals, I’m heading down the mountain. Since the knee is giving me considerable grief for the past couple of days, I’m using the cane again, doing an excellent imitation of Hugh Laurie’s House and enter the courtyard with the dogs rushing around me.

First thing I do, as soon as I’ve deposited my bag on the kitchen counter, is head back out again to take down the laundry and hang a new batch. The knee might be a bitch at the moment but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let it stop me from doing what needs to be done.

Next I do a few exercises, careful to do them just right, without putting undue pressure or stress on the joint, and after fifteen minutes I head to the shower. This “lukewarm” workout is definitely not as satisfying as a real one, but at least I managed this much before feeling completely drained and more than a little sore.

Yadzia needs to be fed, and I get to it asap, pleased to see that he eats the chicken, bread, milk, broth and kibble mix with enthusiasm.
That done, I have a quick breakfast at the kitchen counter, the gnawing feeling heavy in the pit of my stomach and making the meal feel like bricks. I pour myself a coffee and OJ and head for the table to set up shop.

No time for messages today. There’s some writing to be done, (only manage half a page) along with editing…the latter just as soon as big brother is finished fixing the fences–again–and returns to the house, obviously feeling just as frazzled as I do.
We only manage about two pages for corrections, since we decide to rewrite narrative into dialogue to give a more “real” feel to the characters. By the time I get most of it down, our departure has drawn near enough for us to hurry getting ready.

A bit dizzy for some reason, I head up the mountain to get dressed and fifteen minutes later climb into the car so we can head out to town.

Upon arrival at the school we spend a harrowing hour in the brightly lit classroom, listening to “important” instructions of questions that might come up in the exams that don’t appear to make any sense (this from the mouth of our teacher). The light tubes overhead are bad on the eyes, starting a distant headache until we finally move on to the back room where we go through some more lesson material on paper until it’s closing time and we can call it a night.

We go by the video rental store, getting three movies for the weekend and then head for the home improvement store to get a roll of fence that should prevent new holes in ours in the near future.

By this time my knee is throbbing like mad, dizziness has resurfaced and I, for one am more than happy about going home at last.
Regretfully no one felt like cooking, so big brother and I are on our own for nourishment. We end up with French fries and a bowl of squared cherry tomatoes with cottage cheese that fills the empty spots well enough…and leaves me feeling nauseous for the rest of the night. Hah.

The bad feeling rapidly increases as we try to wind down from the day, and neither of us is able to enjoy the two movies we put on, but can’t finish for no other reason than that they both appear to be boring as heck.
A fight between Trin Trin the monster boxer and Prama (another monster, aargh!) certainly doesn’t help the mood.
We end up watching an episode of “Dead Like Me” before I head up to my cabin.

Once there, I just barely have time to deposit my bag on the bed, before I need to run to make it to the bathroom when my stomach decides to get rid of every single thing I ate during the evening. This, of course, leaves me feeling emptied and exhausted when I quickly feed the dogs and set up the computer to do a quick round of the messages and post today’s Blog.

There was one bright spot today, however. The new fan trailer is out. This one for W.I. Investigations/The White Doves, and it’s grand, as usual. Yay.

Here’s the link:

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