
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Around 200, I think.

When the alarm screeches this morning, I have the serious inclination to smash the bloody machine into tiny splintered components. The blasted thing! Why do I use it again? Oh yeah, I remember now: Never mind.

It’s a horrid day…weather wise. Clouds cover the sky like thick rain-heavy blankets and water has been coming down since dawn. Everything is wet and when I open the door, the dogs take exactly five jubilant steps off the porch before they suddenly realize that there’s mud on the ground, and hurry back inside.

Bloody idiots. And such whiners. Here they are, bouncing like crazy to go out, and when they can, it’s too wet. Aaargh. But anyway, after the morning rituals I head down to the house, almost falling flat on my face due to the slippery mud. Klutz ‘R us, anyone?

The dogs hurry on inside since the rain starts up again when we pass through the gate. It’s freezing, and the fact that I didn’t get enough sleep (I know, it’s my own fault. I was dawdling last night) doesn’t help at all. So, as a result my eyes stay half-stock through the first two hours of the edit…and writing part of one of the new scenes.

I give big brother a laughing fit really, considering I was sitting there with my eyes shut, typing away at the keys and writing half a page before I realized I was actually falling asleep. Insanity! But anyways, after rereading the scene, it wasn’t half bad…once I removed the typos. Hah.
Muscle memory and a rambling brain: Ya gotta love the combination of both.

Gawd, I almost forgot, but I got a message this morning from a reader who just finished “W.I. Investigations/The White Doves” and according to her it is the best one yet of the series.
The White Doves is definitely taking the lead in the which-duo-is-favored” game. I think it’s up to seventy percent now, with the others following closely behind, battling for second and third place, hah.

Ah, Ashley and Elyse Cooper. They do make a wonderful pair in the W.I.s…with so many opportunities to deepen the intrigue in the near future. Yay.

But enough of that. Back to the day:

Doing some physical exercises thankfully gets my mental juices flowing and for the remainder of today’s edit (aided by strong coffee, naturally) I am actually coherent. We manage the wonderful total of six pages to add to the done section of the book.

By the time the sibs arrive, the sun appears at last and an hour later we head on out with the truck to get a load of rocks. Since our usual track is getting boring we decide to take a different dirt road today, and stumble upon a rather marvelous open section in the woods. There are so many rocks lying about that we can literally toss everything in the back without the strenuous task of going up and down slopes unless we want to.

There are some beautiful specimens available, and I’m almost bouncing around like a four year old as I hurry back and forth exclaiming oohs and aahs over this piece of rock and that. Gorgeous. They’re going to be a pleasure to put into the wall that’s a fact.

Cheered with the new spot for loading, we head back to the house to drop off the large batch…with the help of the sibs it takes only ten minutes to get it all out…and then head out again to get more.

Admittedly, big brother and I get a little overexcited by some of our finds, adding perhaps a rock…or ten…too many to the load. When we finally realize that it is getting too much for the truck we cease looking entirely just to resist temptation.

Middle sister has joined us on this trip and she’s just as bad as we are. So instead, we take the opportunity to look around in hopes of finding a plant or two that can be dug out and put into pots for transportation. We find a few very pretty ones before we finally head on home, red-cheeked and a little out of breath from the exertion in the now warm spring sunshine.

Driving home is slow progress, since we have to be careful not to damage the car with the heavy burden, but we make it without mishap, and spend another fifteen minutes unloading. Then it is time to head inside to eat the meal little brother had prepared for dinner.

During consumption, we watch an episode of “Medium”…something changed about the show. About half way through, I already knew the plot, and then the actors kept dragging it out before finally realizing what was up. I hate it when that happens. I will be having a dialogue with the TV, saying over and over what the so called mystery is…and then spend an hour or two picking ticks of the dogs. It isn’t until an hour and a half before midnight that we decide to do another quick edit.

It goes well. We’re pretty excited about the separate project that has been keeping us from working harder on Saving Nina…or at least we’re getting very close to being excited about it. Hah.

So, at midnight I head on up to my cabin for the usual evening routine and of course today’s Blog, followed by a quick round of the forums.
My, how the weeks fly. I’m guessing that by now I’ve just about reached post number 200, meaning that I’ve been doing this Blog thing for exactly that amount of days. Who’d have thought that I’d hold out that long? Hah.

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