
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just a quickie

My eyes have that annoying droopy thing again when I wake up this morning. They remain half stock well into the day’s edit we start on just as soon as I arrive at the house. I would write down the complete routine the way I usually do, but I really don’t have the time today.

The edit goes well, and we manage four pages through the hours that pass after breakfast. We’ve reached a solid scene today, explaining a lot about the female protagonist (and her multiple personalities) while also giving an insight into the male protagonist. It’s tricky, what with making all characters (of the heroine that is) come across as realistic and recognizable at the same time, but it is quite effective in the end, I think.

I’m actually sorry when today’s session comes to an end, but outside work is waiting and we need to get to it if we want to get anything substantial done today.
The younger sibs are already up on the roof when I come outside and climb back into the small yard to continue the preparation of our future wall.

Dead cacti need to be removed, soil dug out and rocks moved aside, and it takes several backbreaking hours before we’re starting to see a little headway in the project.
We’re still at it too, when the two youngest sibs finish with the roof at last, and head on inside to start on dinner.

Big brother, middle sister and I continue so we can start with actual building within the next week, at least. Finally, around the time sunset begins, we call it a day and head into the house to eat the meal the younger sibs prepared.

While and episode of “NCIS” runs on TV, I trim both Carla and Darshan (two cocker spaniels) whose ears and chests are a mess after a wet and muddy winter. Nothing like messy dreadlocks on dogs to make petting a smelly affair. Darshan goes through the entire process without complaint, while Carla makes a fuss and shakes in fear.

In the end I finish, though, and they’re both beautifully clean once more, leaving me free to work on today’s Blog. I have to post it early today, considering that I need to get to bed early so we can go to the consulate in the morning for the renewal of passports. It is a complete bore, of course, but it has to be done.

So today’s Blog is a little short, and I write and finish it before the day is through. Hopefully I manage another quick edit before the end of the evening, but even if I don’t…who cares at this point. Tomorrow’s another day.

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