
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A day late for the blog.

So sorry for the delay, but yesterday was a doozy, so something had to go. The Blog finally lost the flip and I passed out on the bed. Heck, I didn’t even get my daily Internet dose in, which feels totally weird.

So let’s see if I can remember what kept me so busy yesterday that I had to break my normal routine…it might be difficult considering my still sleep blurry.

I woke up the usual time, dragging my sleep-deprived butt out of bed to start on the morning rituals. Did a read-through edit (out loud, mind you) of three friggin’ chapters…and it read very well. Hardly any hiccups at all, even though there was a nagging headache trying to seep through. This meant that I would need some form of exercise.

Since the truck was gone for its yearly checkup we discussed the options for a bit, and though I could have done my kickboxing…it has been a while nonetheless…it would take a whole hour that I really couldn’t waste. So with those two options out, big brother and I decided that at the end of the rather warm day, we would use our drive sweep. It is so darn steep that going up it full speed twice would certainly do the trick.

That settled, we went outside to start on the walls.
We made a slight detour to the pool, removing the tile glue I used the other day to refasten some loosed tiles, sweep some leaves and sand up and turn on the tab for blessed filling. Today we can swim. Yay…on to the walls.

In the hot afternoon sun (and it was bloody warm, hahaha) we all worked on our respective sections until about an hour and a half before sunset. The wall that leads to the patio door and circles a quarter of the tower is finish…little sister and my doing, yay…I chopped away at the rocky ground evening out the new terrace that this wall created.

Big brother worked on the pillar that will hold a nice metal gate between the new walls, and it is done too. Little brother (with little sister by that time) is doing an excellent job with the lower section wall that leads from the courtyard gate.

Done for the day, we head to the drive sweep just as soon as we’ve changed into workout clothes. Seriously, after the hard labor that steep incline was looking like the friggin’ Himalayas, hah. After a few mild warm-ups we started on our way.
I reached the top, just barely, with my heard pumping like mad at a nice steady 120, perfect, and my lungs dragging in air as if it’s the last-ever.

Still, all the work and exercises have had their effect, since a few deep breaths later I can start all over. After I went up the mountain three times, (big brother did four, darn it, hah) I finish up with some kickboxing exercises to cool off. Oh my, seriously, running up that incline made my calves feel like the muscles were being put in a seaman’s knot. Oh-my-God! Luckily, after some stretches that subsided.

Though, pretty tired, we really need to get more rocks.
Time to head out with the truck that was just returned from the checkup. (All’s well.) Like the day before yesterday we headed for the spot where they’d laying a new road and find so many beautiful rocks that we decide to hurry so we can get another load.
We tore back home, unloaded and then went back out just when the sun was setting. With the second batch thrown with our-once again-rapidly growing piles the working part of our day came to an end and we headed into the house to have a quick snack.

Why big brother was making fries, little sister and I tackled the laundry before I could finally sit down and turned on the computer for a nice relaxed edit. Wielding the pickax, sledgehammer and hark, hurt my left wrist somehow and by the end of the evening it was throbbing somewhat fierce.

All in all, I had maybe half an hour to sit down during the day, which would explain why I could barely eat by the end of the evening. Ah well, changing the routines a little never harmed anyone, I guess.

Too tired to do much of the edit, we finally decided to call it an early night and I headed up to my cabin to unwind. I really couldn’t muster the energy for the edit, so rather than do my usual routine I dropped down on my bed and passed out instead. Hah.

Nothing like seven hours of uninterrupted sleep after a day like that.

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