
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tentative return.

Okay, let’s see if I can do a rundown that’ll give you the broadstrokes of the past week.

So where’d we leave off? It was the day after the wreck wasn’t it? Yes I do believe that we were there. The car is a complete write-off, which we were hoping wouldn’t be the case, but what the hey.

We basically hit the Net, and started to see what was out there that would fit into our budget range, and would be a tad more useful than some Seat or other small car. Even the rental we acquired on the day of the accident can hardly get up our mountain, so that type won’t do.

Lots of sites got hit, locations looked at and there it was, a gorgeous blog right here on blogger where a family had photos up of a wonderful, ten year old Land Rover Defender. It had already earned its badge of honor by having traveled the exact same distance as our beloved Ford Ranger and was only a twenty-minute drive from where we live. Almost seemed like kismet.

Be that as it may, we were in the midst of admiring the photos, trying to work a bit on the read-through edit when I glanced at my mail and saw the subject line mentioning “manuscript”. I was pretty confused about the entire thing, since I couldn’t remember sending out any queries (other than the snail mail) out, and I doubted that they had even reached their destination yet.

It had been a hot day, and the evening wasn’t any better, and I was trying to figure out who the heck was writing me, for the full friggin’ minute before the page was finally loaded: And there it was, an invitation from the publisher’s editor to send the manuscript so she could have “a look at it”.

To say the least, I was stunned. Thrilled, sure, but stunned as well. I read it, reread it, since I didn’t believe it, and then reread it again. Let’s just say we were all delighted, and then it starts to settle in…what with the expectation of not hearing from any publisher until at least two weeks after sending it we haven’t exactly finished the read-through edit. Oh my god! I almost had cardiac arrest.

So that’s when it started: We got to work…which is where I’m going to quit the sum-up for today, because I’m still exhausted. Yes, it was a busy week, and I think I’m going to need some recovering time before I can get fully back to my usual schedule.

It might be a good idea anyway, considering that not much other than waiting will be reported in the next few day. This way I can stretch the info out a bit and still write something down every day. Hah.

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