
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Groceries. All very boring.

Song of the day: “The Four Seasons” by Vivaldi...spring to be exact. I know, technically, it’s not a song, but it keeps tumbling through my head, so it counts. Hah.

I’m running dreadfully behind, so let’s make this quick.
Today was grocery day, yay (Not!) and it was rather warm even when I woke up and faced the day ahead with my usual tardiness making me feel ragged before the morning is over. There are the usual chores, laundry - from the new lines, mind you - that has dried almost wrinkleless. Thrilled I am. Thrilled! Hah…one has to enjoy the minor things in life otherwise life passes by unnoticed, doesn’t it?

Breakfast over and done with, and with my habitual coffee going down by the mug, we get down to the daily edit fast. We have to go early today…seeing it’s Thursday and all, and our tenant needs to be picked up…so in order to get anything done, we need to leave less than four hours after rising.

Big brother and I finally muddle our way through the hard scene (thankfully) and just when a new one is about to start, time’s up and I need to get ready. A second dip in the pool is warranted: the heat is somewhat fierce today, and in light of that, I am not really looking forward to spend the majority of the day in the car. But groceries need to be done, and since the younger sibs want to come along, big brother opts to stay home for a change.

In the hours that follow, we go from store to store, fuel up the Land Rover, go to some more stores…there was a 90% off in the big shopping mall, so I got some tops for three bucks a pop and summer jeans for 5. Little sister did the same, so that was successful at the very least.
Finally, with everything done, two weeks worth of groceries piled in the back…it’s for nine people so you can imagine how full the back was, hah…we are heading back home.

It takes almost forty minutes to get everything stored away, especially since the dogs always get in the way during this particular chore. I take a quick dip, feeling somewhat overheated after all the activity, and then head back inside to have dinner. Mom made spaghetti and fresh tomato sauce and that always falls well.

As is our habit on grocery shopping day, some DVDs were rented, and after dinner, we watch the new movie “Push”. It wasn’t bad. Not WOW either, but I’ve seen far worse, that’s a fact. Besides, I liked the leads, and Dakota Fanning was kinda fun to see now she’s past that scary-serious age that Haley-Joel Osmond also had. She actually reminded me of another, older actress, but for the life of me I can’t come up with a name.

I liked the “skills” the characters had. Such ideas do make the world interesting, and the “Perfect Soldier” bit, dating back as far as the 2nd world war, well...That’s always fun. I could have done with a bit more explanatory and less so-called pretty shots. For as far as I was concerned, the director, could have added a bit more dialogue instead.

But anyways, throughout the movie I’m picking ticks off the dogs that are within reach. There are many…dogs as well as ticks, hah…and I end up with a cup of water, black with the little buggers. I hate ticks, I seriously, seriously do; and with the way things are looking, at the moment, we’re going to have to bathe the dogs again, soon. It is getting scary again, seeing as the big fat ugly critters are literally crawling the floors.

Campo life: it has some major advantages, but also many things I could seriously do without.

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