
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pillar is finished. Phew.

Song of the day: (Two of ‘m actually) “Mary Pickford” by Katie Melua, which is a marvelous song and “Dragostea Din Tei” by O-Zone, that I don’t even know the lyrics of but just improvise along the way. Hah. The two just kept popping up at any moment, during the course of the day.

We’re going to do some pictures today…seeing as it has been a looooooong day for me, on way too little sleep. Actually made me a little nauseous, but no matter, I’ll turn in early again today and should be as right as rain come morning.

Like I intimated yesterday, I had to get up at the crack of dawn (for me anyway) to drive over to Marbella to pick up a friend of grandpa, who was going to spend the day at our place. It’s a long trip, an hour back and forth, but since I have been looking forward to trying out the new Land Rover for some time now, I don’t really mind.

The trip goes well, no hiccups, and the car does an excellent job. Our friend had a couch for us…the place she works out did some remodelling, and they were throwing it away…so we drove to the place it was stashed and haul it to the car - only to find out that it doesn’t fit.
We stare at the thing for a bit, shove against it a bit, and end up unscrewing the bolts of the backseat just to fit the six-foot couch into the back. It takes some time, lifting, showing and in pushing, but yeah…Success!

An hour later we’re back home, where after a quick dip in the pool I attempt to do some work on the computer for several hours, but I’m really too tired and end up taking a catnap on the new couch, before I pass out. An hour and a half later I wake up and for some reason it feels as if the day has practically passed.

Big brother leaves to take grandpa’s friend back home, and I head outside to start on the pillar again. With a little luck I’ll finish it today…and I did. Oh my, I don’t know whether to be thrilled or disappointed but the round one, and the square one get done today…minus a few gaps for which I didn’t have enough cement. The last bit was just barely to make one last batch, but I succeeded and they’re both…ehm, interesting. Here, have a look/see.

So here's how the pillar looked. Horrid isn't it?

This is day two, I think.

And on...can you see how how crooked it's becoming?

And finished. Isn't it grand? You can't get it this crooked if you tried.

And the square one outside. I call it art, seriously. Hah!

I know, the pics aren't the best, but they do give a general idea.

But anyway, by the time I’m done, big brother comes back home and starts working on the car, while I tackle the pile of rocks on the new terrace. It is supposed to be a ramp some day and they need to be removed; they end up on the other side of the path in no time, and when I’m done, I still don’t feel like quitting, so instead I continue…rather than crash, the way I usually do on days such as these.

Six wheelbarrows of dirt, gravel and…well, dirt gets chopped loose and tossed in the will-be-ramp-someday (little brother comes to pitch in somewhere in the middle) while big brother and grandpa fix the banister of my porch.
Before I know it, dusk has arrived and after washing off the grime, I head inside to have a quick dinner. Then some computer time before we put on “Next” with Nicholas Cage to relax a little while I write today’s Blog…I really need to get some editing done later on before going to bed, so it needs to be done fast. (Pardon the typos, hah)

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