
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sitting in the office, yay.

Song of the day: “You can’t break me” by Bryan Adams. Very appropriate, considering that emotionally my mood has been a tad…ehm, iffy, these past couple of days.
I mean, seriously, for the past forty-eight hours everything FELT like a huge problem, even though my mind is very much aware of the fact that it’s not. Everything is just fine, it’s just my emotions which refuse to agree with my tangible me. Ps me off, really, makes me wish I was a Star Trek Vulcan…boy would life be easier that way. Hah.

But anyways, let’s get this thing rolling and see if I have something to report that is even remotely interesting.

First off: this morning’s edit went downright horrible-or so my friggin’ emotions told me, aaargh-as it turns out, it wasn’t all that bad, just not as smoothly as usual. We did manage two chapters, just like yesterday, so that is always a plus in a read-through. Of course this morning FELT as if we were right back where we started, but since it wasn’t progress was made. Four days into the final read through and we’re at chapter nine so what the heck.

Worked on the shelving again yesterday. This time a nice island kind of thing over the desk where we’ll put in spotlights, or other types of lights. Whatever we decide on in the end, at least we’ll have proper lighting for a change. The bonus of the suspended island-thing is that on top of it we’ll have room to store supplies.

Now, today I spent the entire day hanging three similar white file cabinets against a wall that’s (not so) appropriately crooked…it’s the style of the house, I swear. Since we were going for old style finca back when we built it, the walls are delightfully rough and crooked so it was not by accident…at least not really. Hah.

But yeah, hanging the damn things was a bitchy job on my part. I had to redo it twice because I’d calculated wrong the first time and ended up with a bulb in the wall that demanded I shift the bottom two cabinets outward another inch. Grrr. Very frustrating. Be that as it may, they’re now hanging neatly in the corner like a nice pillar of small drawers, just as planned…sorta.

Big brother and grandpa are still working on the round terrace doors, which aren’t cooperating either. Yes, the things are gorgeous, but like the cabinets, they’re a bitch to put in. Luckily, the hinged part is now hanging properly, giving me a rather cute view of the house while I sit at the new desk and work on today’s blog.

Throughout the construction the dogs are in varying states of bliss and frustration. The bliss, due to the fact that they love being underfoot and the frustration due to the fact that they LOVE being UNDERFOOT. Oh my God, I don’t even want to count how many times I had to get one dog or other out of the way just to get stuff done.

While little brother and middle sister helped me with the more tedious parts of hanging stuff, little sister spent some more time painting walls…the hallway this time, which is looking decidedly clean for a change. It won’t last, I know, but for a while at least I can enjoy the view.

The desk turned out well, I’ll admit. I’m sitting at it right now, and even though I am surrounding by piles of tools, papers and even a small garbage bag (I used it to gather debris before I sat down, hah) it is rather cozy to sit here. I really can’t wait for it to be finished. I wanna work here more in the near future, when it’s all neat and clean…but until that time comes, I’ll just enjoy the process leading towards that rather lovely end result.

So yeah, last night’s read through was just as disastrous as this morning, meaning that I am not entirely looking forward to tonight…which is ridiculous, since yesterday says nothing about today, but still-it’s those pesky feelings again. Rather than face the problem, big brother and I have opted to go on a garbage run after the blog and see if a nice drive will clear our heads.

Considering that I have been working a solid eleven hours with only bathroom breaks now, I am looking forward to hitting the sheets soon, ‘cause let’s face it, busy days do have a wonderful way of making one exhausted enough to just drop face down on the bed and pass out…just the way I like it, hah.

For a while, I considered taking pictures of the office project, sort of like a before and after shot, but since it would have been embarrassing to show the disaster area that it was, I decided to forgo it and wait for a wonderful “after” once we’re done. You’ll thank me for sparing you, believe me, hah.

As it turns out the damage to the windshield of the car will be repaired by the insurance, so that’s reassuring at the very least. For a moment there, I feared that it was going to cost us (more) money and would put a serious crimp on the coming expenses, but it won’t so… Phew.

The weather has been fickle these last couple of days. We’ve had blessed sunshine, blasted rain, beasty wind and boring clouds, but that’s to be expected this time of the year I guess. Added to this the nights are getting to be downright chilly, which I find vastly annoying. I’m already sleeping under three blankets again for crying out loud.

And regretfully I can’t think of a singe thing to write about now, so I better wrap it up and get to my messages before big brother gets impatient and start telling me to “hurry up”. Hah.

Seeya the day after tomorrow…’cause we’re gonna do grocery shopping tomorrow afternoon and…well, you know how that goes. Shopping: the bane of my existence, for sure.

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