
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Waiting to see. :-)

Song of the day: “Chica ayer” by Enrique Iglesias. Don’t often get Spanish songs in my head, but this one is cute enough, I guess.

So yeah, yesterday was somewhat eventful. It started early on with the dogs making a racket, and me glancing outside to see grandpa tumble down the mountain as he tried to save little Adma from my pack. Heck, I hardly realized what was going on, but I pounced on top of Knight II just before he could nip at grandpa’s back when I noticed what had happened.

Apparently (or so I heard later) Amri and Sitabah, dragged Adma through the fence and were busy messing her up until grandpa tried to stop them. Poor little Adma, had several bite marks on her back, neck and face, and she was shaking like mad in grandpa’s (shaking) arms. We gave her an anti-inflammatory, wrapped her up in an old sweater and put her in a nice warm spot, amidst her four-legged friends so she could start healing.

Other than that, we headed out into the yard to plant a new batch of flowers and such, along with potatoes, just to see how they will do. Sort of like an experiment: Does this work here, does that…we’re just going to wait and see. I was right in the middle of putting the potatoes in the ground too when little sister came to me saying that she was really worried about Shamira (the cocker who got operated a couple of weeks ago) who isn’t feeling well these past few days.

We went to the vet, of course, and he checked the cocker out, but couldn’t find anything amiss. Her surgery scar appeared to have healed well, her gums were nice and pink, and except for a bit of arthritis in her right back leg, everything appeared to be just fine. We’re just going to have to see how it goes, and come back if the problem (whatever it is) persists.

Once home there were plenty of chores to see to, and soon dusk was there, meaning that we had to go out to get a couple of loads of rocks from our running spot. Got two solid loads too, which was the point, but we managed it right before darkness fell.

Writing was much like the night before, it followed a ten-minute nap, but other than the day before yesterday, I managed four pages instead of just two and a half. Yay! The story is going rather well, lots of added scenes that appear to be working well. Not sure, yet, but until now they appear to. I guess we’ll have to wait and see with that too.

Seeing as I was seriously in the mood for homemade pizza, I spent about an hour kneading dough, and started on the rest of the day while it rose in its bowl. Later on, little brother, sister, and I covered two yards by one foot of pizza, and baked them for lunch, dinner and today’s lunch again. Hah. It was really good, I’ll admit, ‘cause I really didn’t mind eating it again.

I’m drawing a blank at the moment; I can’t remember what else happened at all…the weather was pretty atrocious today, by the way, quite chilling. Still, our tenant managed a good walk into the paddock and right back to her bungalow, which is of course excellent. She was really proud of it too, and that is even better. Pride in doing something right is a huge step to recovery, I’m thinking.

I really should get to work on writing by now, so it might be just as well that I can’t remember something else to write about. I better leave it at this, and get to writing something a tad more serious than daily stuff.

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