
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Song of the day: “I’m like a bird” by Nelly Furtado. Such a cute song, cheerful and very appropriate for the time of year, I think, ‘cause it feels like spring is here, the birds are out and everything warming up after what felt like an incredibly long winter. Hah.
Yesterday's song was: "If you go" by Sophie Ellis-Bextor, by the way. Quite catchy.
But anyway, things have been incredibly busy and for the life of me, I can’t get this blogging on time worked out properly. I just end up squeezing one in, here and there, never knowing how on earth I’m going to do the next one. Ah well, let’s do a quick sum up while we’re at it, shall we.

Yesterday’s weather wasn’t by far as pleasant as it was today; the wind was chilly in the morning, and the sun burned, which was cause for my very first, real sunburn of the year, drat! I’ve been slathering after sun milk onto my back and shoulders since late last night, and still there’s that pesky burning sensation going on.

Ah well, the day was spent in the yard turning another few patches of earth, and putting in approximately 20 home grown tomato plants. Boy, are we going to have a lot of tomatoes this summer; seriously, I’ve warned the sibs, but they’re all convinced that it will be grand. Yep, I’m seeing bloody Marys, tomato soup, tomato pizza, tomato everything. I’m guessing that if this all works out we’re going to be pretty darn sick of tomatoes by the end of the summer, hah.

No matter though, we sowed carrots too, some spinach, and of course the almighty potato, ‘cause let’s face it, we’re all potato addicts. The first potato plants are doing splendid by the way, soon I’m going to have to put up some decent pictures of how everything is doing down there. A before and after shot, maybe. Hmmm.

Yeah, editing, last night we managed only eight pages compared to the twelve from the day before, but seeing as we had to go out twice, this wasn’t a big surprise really. The dogs hated it, I wouldn’t have minded going to bed early, and well…there was just no helping it in the end. It is work nonetheless.

I think that we were both a bit on edge, ‘cause the edit really went rather snappish. Big brother would say something, I would get my hackles up and then we’d be snapping at each other before doggedly continuing with the edit. Still, progress is being made, so who gives a fig.

Which brings us to today: no oversleeping for me anymore, I talked with grandpa and he’s calling me when it’s time to rise and shine. He was right on the dot too, today. Aaargh. I had absolutely no excuse for sleeping in, so I headed to the house to start on the daily chores and have breakfast.

Lots of plans for the day; helping our tenant out into the sunshine, watering plants, trying to school Fortuyn (pointer) into NOT scaling the fence when we’re working in the yard, keeping Sitabah (weimaraner) inside the fence rather than going after the neighbor’s dog and on the overall trying to keep the lot quiet enough so we don’t piss off the entire valley.

Once we’d taken care of the majority of the inside chores, it was time to head up to unload the car from last night’s endeavors, and then the ancient RV which we’re fully planning on using for storage. Within several hours time, the entire drive sweep is filled with dog pillows, wood, garbage, bags, old clothes, suitcases and boxes, all which need to be sorted through, after lunch. Today we had home grown lettuce, cheese, beets, asparagus, tomatoes and a yogurt sauce on bread, which filled the gaps well enough to continue on with the sorting, emptying and boarding up the insides of the RV against rodents and such…they’ve been a pest inside it, and we’re doing a full garbage run tonight, darn it.

Which reminds me, I’ve got to hurry this along because we really want to get at least four hours of the edit behind us…we finished up reloading the RV ‘round six in the afternoon, so big brother and I filled another hour watering plants (pots and plots, hah) in the lower yard. All’s looking splendid, by the way, and as of today only one more apple tree needs to bud before we can say that they’re all doing splendid. Yay. The last Golden delicious that budded today at last, looks so cute, really. This miserable stick points straight up, and on a tiny little branch, a single leave just popped into existence.

Well, I’ve gotta go, on to the edit of the day. Yay.

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