
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I missed it.

Song of the day: “The Key” by Matt Goss.

So yeah, a lot went wrong after I wrote my last blog. Big brother had to pick up the paint for the car, and we suddenly realized that what with the unexpected trip planned, we were going to have to do the spray job after checking out the dog. Blast!

The trip to the kennel ‘bout sixty miles away from home, turned out to be a complete loss. The place looked neat enough, even though the obviously overfed their dogs, and the dogs were clean and everything, but the people appeared completely inept. Heck, the lady helping us couldn’t even get the dog in question out herself…added to that, the dog they showed us was not the one they had put up on their website. Talk about false advertising. It didn’t even look like it.

Added to that the trip wasn’t snot either, three traffic jams and a reroute for naught…ah well, luckily the trip wasn’t a complete loss. On the way back I was able to visit the hardware store to get supplies for the rush paintjob that was waiting for me at home.

Since we were out already, we decided to visit another dog…one that we’d seen an add of at the vet’s and found a black dog who looks a lot like Sita did. She’s a cute little dog and little brother and sister appear to be happy with her, so that should work out well.

Afterwards, after five, we got home, which was when big brother and I started on the rather trying experience of cleaning, sanding, polishing and covering anything that shouldn’t be painted. So okay, it took us until eleven in the evening, but in the end the four doors, the hood and several panels of the car were neatly sprayed and drying in the cool evening air.

It looked good too, or so I saw the next morning when I did a quick check of the progress before starting on my day. They look splendid, thank you very much.

After a full day without being in the garden, it was rather wonderful to spent the majority of the morning working in the lower garden pulling out weeds, getting my hands and knees dirty again…well, wonderful is the word I was looking for.
Tenant came down for a bit too, liking the outside air, even though there were clouds overhead the temperatures were very pleasant.
While we were weeding, we also managed to put in some plants, melons and four grape bushes in this case.

The sun disappeared behind clouds, awarding us some clouds and rain…which meant that we could head inside early with a harvest of Swiss Chard for dinner. It was good too.

We had a solid edit, followed by a hurried dash up the mountain so we could put the doors back on the car and put the hood back in place. It took us only half an hour too, giving us enough time for a scavenge and a full load of wood by three in the morning.

Which brings us to today: I overslept by thirty minutes, of course but then it was on to the day of laundry, more weeding, harvesting a red cabbage, leek and two broccoli. We worked some more o the greenhouse, plastering the walls underneath the wooden ribs. Apparently I made a miscalculation when I put it in, ‘cause now I need to add a layer of at least an inch on something that I had already plastered, darn it. Maybe I should pounce on big brother a little, just to get back at him for giving me wrong measurements in the first place, aaaargh.

Well, there are more edits to do for me, so I better get the heck outta here. I’ll post a picture of Sita soon, like I said, she’s cute.

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