
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Almost! Almost!

Song of the day: “A prayer for everyone” by Belinda Carlisle. An oldie that I didn’t discover until last year, I think, but a good one for sure.

So I’m way behind again, and considering I cut my outside work day short to get going on my blog I gotta hurry through it so I can start proper on finishing the book. Almost there. I’ve got six more pages to fill.

Last night I finished the epilogue and I was appropriately soppy from it. I don’t know, but always when I write down the inevitable ending of a book I cry like a little girl. I blame Romancing the Stone, really. I saw that movie before I actually started writing and for some reason my body is convinced that crying at the end of a book project is the appropriate thing to do. So I did, and big brother looked at me as if I was bonkers, just like he always does. I guess we’ve got our own little ritual all worked out. Hah.

The ending is charming, by the way. Totally corny but what the hey, it’s romance and when you write romance a bit of corny is an absolute requisite. Hah. I’ll be needing to wrap up a couple more scenes, maybe ad a short one here and there, but then, then…then there’s the edit and after that I get to start proper on a new book, yay! I can hardly wait. I need a new book. Something violent, something thrilling, ‘cause all this sweetness I’ve been writing for the past few months is rotting my teeth away. *chortle*

But besides the almost-finished-now-book, life has been going on as usual. Yesterday morning we were up early to head for Marbella to pick up our friend. The trip was really uneventful, so I’m not going to bother you with that. We went there and came back again to start on some actual work.

While big brother continued with the Land Rover’s imperial (I always see National Lampoon’s grandma on the imperial when I mention this. I don’t know why) grandpa and I continued with the solarium for tenant’s bungalow. We got the main glass wall in today, and it looks bloody gorgeous…even though it kinda reminds me of the lion cages in the local zoo where they used glass instead of bars. Hah. It’s solid, big and will certainly be an excellent spot for tenant to spent most of the winter.

Considering we were doing a lot of work by the carport, I did talk tenant into joining us so she could sit in the sun (out of the horrible wind. Poor doggies are hating it, FYI) and she walked all the way down, and at the end of the day back up, so, yay. She went up my porch too, and had such better balance than last year, so she really is doing much better, no matter that she sometimes feels that she isn’t.

But anyway, we worked on the solarium, both yesterday and today, and it’s looking good. One more wall to go and then we can break out the old, creating light and room in the bungalow. Tenant for one is thrilled, so’s her caregiver who will certainly enjoy the extra space. I do like the fact that now tenant will be able to look outside rather than a blank wall in her room this winter.

What with the cold winds and the incredibly unusual coolness for this time of year, winter appears to have commenced way too early. Poor dogs, who insist on trailing us everywhere no matter that they would benefit from staying inside. I'm already wearing four layers again, darn it, and the poor darlings won't lie down unless there's something to lie on.

The imperial is also looking good so far. The main frame is put together now and we put it on top of the car to see the effect and it’s excellent. I can almost see the end result. We’ll have to paint it after big brother finishes putting the “sleds” on but soon we’ll be able to transport stuff on top. Yay.

Other than that there is just the usual chores, and of course yesterday afternoon spent in the yard watering the plants and harvesting a full crate of veggies. Got 10 friggin’ pumpkins, eight of which came from the wild plant that we hardly watered at all and that grew in the corner of the yard all by itself. They’re tasty to boot, so that’s some plant for sure. Also got out beets, onions, peppers and tomatoes. Heck, we even found two more zucchinis, so there is more than enough fresh food to go ‘round.

While we were watering I took out my notebook and pen, and worked on this book review thing I’m doing, because I don’t want to forget and do a sloppy job of it, and I wrote some ideas down for a new book that has been playing through my head for the past week or so. I’m afraid that as soon as this book is finished, the new one is going to require a vast amount of attention. Seriously, there are tentative forays of characters that are just demanding to be written about.

Well, that will be all for today. I’ve got that book to finish for real and, well, this is more than enough for a single blog. Hah.

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