
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Busy couple of days.

Song of the day: “Jolene” by Dolly Parton. The good old days, right?

Gawd, it’s been an incredibly busy couple of days, starting, if course, with yesterday. My job day, yay. It starter off splendidly too, seeing as my alarm didn’t work and got to snooze an extra fifteen minutes. Sleeping-wise it was rather grand, time wise…well, let’s just say I was running behind all day…or felt like I did. *sigh*

Sunday evening was spent kick boxing again, yay, and strangely enough I wasn’t even muscle sore the next morning. Seriously, it went well and I was properly exhausted when it was time to go to bed. I mean, really, isn’t being tired wonderful? It makes going to bed such a wonderful experience. Hah.

John Doe (you remember boss man’s alias, right?) called early for a change. I had just finished preparing the car, checking the yard and showering because, let’s face it, I was sweating like a race horse. Hah. So yeah, I missed the call, called back, got voice mail and half minute later John Doe called back that he was already waiting for me on the usual spot. I hate rushing, I really really do. I rather be somewhere half an hour early than have to rush, but what the heck.

Got there in half an hour, as promised and loaded up. John wasn’t feeling too well; something about a late night and an early morning, so I suggested he take a nap while he was waiting for a possible sales rep candidate. I would have offered to take the stacks of his hands and hand them over to the other distributor, but let’s face it the other guy is renown for making folk wait, and I really didn’t relish the idea of being on the road until three in the morning again.

But anyway, town was up first, meaning that we did the twenty two drop points there. While I was delivering a stack to the local indoor market there was this old lady who wanted a paper while she was stumbling through the place with her cane. I didn’t think much of it, really, but later, on my way out I saw her struggle with her three bags and cane and asked if I could maybe help her, by carrying her bags for her. I find it so stranger why people are always so surprised by such and offer, in fact the poor lady got all emotional about it. We chatted a bit while we walked, more out of necessity since I really felt a tad sad about her surprise.

She said that it was so “nice” with an extreme emphasis on nice, of course, and I asked why does that surprised her, was no one ever nice to her then? She rolled her eyes at me. Seriously, I kid you not: She. Rolled. Her. Eyes. At. Me. Hah. So I changed subject and we ended up talking about the paper.

I mean really, what do those extra 100 yards cost me except a few minutes of my time? It was no big deal, but for the lady it apparently was, and she ended up thanking me profusely saying that she was so happy I had come along. Why, this very morning she had felt downright suicidal.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have hardly ever been accused of being positive unless I make myself be that, but it just flopped out. I told: “Oh dear. There’s never any reason for suicide.” Seriously, I actually patted her shoulder. I have been spending way too much time with tenant for me to do this with a complete stranger is astounded. But I did and couldn’t help but chuckle about my unusual response on the way back to the car where I told big brother about what happened.

So it was back to the grind. The drops got made, all the bars and whatnots got visited (I’m starting to become known as the paper girl, in case you’re wondering, hah) and then I arrived at the Indian restaurant. You remember the one I mean, don’t you? The waiter and I exchange barb every time I come by, and when I tossed out his standard “Have you got a stand for me” I countered, “No. But do you want to advertise yet?” To my surprise, he and his boss started talking then, looked over the paper and said: “okay, let’s try it.”
So, I got a yes and agreed to meet them today so they could sign the contract…which is a story I will get to later on.

For the majority of our trip big brother and I tossed around with a new idea for a book, which has the potential to become fascinating to write. I mean, really. Intriguing idea, and it does speak to both our imagination concerning Mythology. We’ll see how things go, but for now the idea is constantly spinning through my mind.

So we got home at a descent time, meaning that we got a reasonable amount of sleep. My foot wasn’t excruciating, only extremely painful when we got home, (haha) and I remembered to take a painkiller so the sleep I got was deep. *blissful sigh*

This morning with did the village part of the route, and discovered that there is a snitch somewhere who is sharing our drop points. Seriously, places where no other papers were being dropped are now sporting two to three others. Fascinating. I never knew that paper distribution was so…I don’t know, espionage? Hah.

But anyway, picking up our friend from Marbella I went past the Indian restaurant to deal with the contract thing. Turns out it was closed, so I decided to return later on while grandpa and I went to pick up his moped. They were open for lunch this time, but…yes, you so saw that one coming, didn’t you?…the boss wasn’t in, and wouldn’t be in until after seven. So now I’ve said I would be back on Monday. Ah well, luckily I already have a steady job, because with the sales stuff, things just continue to go wrong.

Now, I didn’t arrive home until after two in the afternoon, and I am expecting a call so I’m going to wrap this up and hopefully head into the yard for a bit before it is time for me to head for the doctor. Seriously, I am of a mind to just “forget” about my appointment and feign ignorance if I get called on it. Hah.

So I've got some dogs to hug, stuff to write and maybe something to build yet. Seeya.

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