
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Song of the day: “Pure intuition” by Shakira. Love this one. Such a wonderful tune.

Well, the weather is still dreadful, even though today was not as bloody awful as yesterday. We’ve got rain, wind and close to freezing temperatures. I am not happy, I tell ya that much…Hah. It is not all that bad, I just like to drop back in my old habit of complaining every now and then.

Yesterday was the worst of it so far, I’ll admit. My dogs were absolutely miserable and had no trouble whatsoever staying in my cabin. They’d cuddle in the basket, chairs and on the desk, barely bothering to look up whenever I checked on them or came in to go to the bathroom. Poor darlings, in particular Chaos. The Basset takes a while to cool off, but when he does, it takes him ages and lots of shivering to warm up again. He was downright miserable last night. I actually had to wrap him in blankets and rub him until he stopped crying. Not a cold-lover, our Chaos. The same goes for Knight II, and Sitabah with their ridiculously thin skins. Amri, Gada and Labhana on the other hand, couldn’t care less. Seriously, they’ll lie down on cold wet dirt, in the middle of the wind and not care a fig. Lucky bastards.

We have several dogs that are that way, you know. Thorgal (Golden retriever) rain or shine. No prob. Same goes for Rammi (Rottweiler mix) Indigo (Labrador) and Akata and Nanook (Huskies). On the other hand Carla, Kenneth, Sonia, Mosha (Cocker spaniels) and Lieve, Tadaika and Cham, are basically shivering all day. Like I said, poor darlings.

So lets go down to business.
Edits. We’re going a little slow, but not bad. I still regret the different style, but I’ve gotta try, right? Besides, the story and characters remain good, no matter what the style, so I should stop complaining. *sigh*

On the most part we’ve been working in the carport these last few days. Big brother and grandpa are perfecting the tool holds and such, while I mostly hauled stuff away. There were wooden pallets lying about that had to go up to storage. Metal frames to be cut to pieces, woodsies to be hauled ad so on and on. On the most part I was cleaning up. Hah. It was rather nice to be able to move about in the carport. Hah.

I was so frigging cold at the end of the day I took a hot shower afterwards, took a nap wrapped in a blanket and only then got around to editing. Seriously, there is nothing more exhausting than cold, really. I’ll take scorching heat any day, if I had the choice.

We ended the day with a nice scavenge, and ended up with a nice stash of glass bricks, you know the kind I mean, right? They were very prominent in the eighties, I think. I wonder where we can put a see through wall, though. Hah. Also more tiles, which is good, considering tenants room still has to be made.

Which brings us to today. Rather than risk another fiasco I started the day calling “the office”. Seriously. I still haven’t heard a thing from them concerning my job. As it turns out there’s still no paper coming here in this area, so no earnings for me. *sigh* There’s no helping it, I guess. Better start looking for something again. I do think it is rather rude to treat employees in such a fashion, but what the heck. Can’t accuse everyone of proper manners, eh? (How’s that for sounding snotty. Hah.)

So instead of going out to work I hung laundry (duh. What did you think I’d do, go dancing. Jeez) removed spider webs from the ceiling and walls and visited with tenant for a bit. I finally got smart (warmth wise that is) and got my old fisherman’s sweater from storage. Seriously, this thing makes the difference between comfortably warm and freezing cold.

The remainder of the day was spent making cupboards for big brother’s room. I promised I would make them to replace the thin wall over the stairwell, and made an excellent start on it, if you must know. Got three of them done in fact (minus the hinges), so there are only six more to go before we put them in. They’ll be solid at least, that’s undeniable. And they will go nicely with his bed. Besides, they’re really good practice for Danni, who came to visit again today. Hah.

At the end of the day, after cleaning the mess we made, we went to the village to pay the latest vet bill. Another 60 bucks, (who needs food anyway) Yikes! Then we had to go past the construction company to get cement. With a little luck we’ll have a break in the cloud cover some time in the next few days, at which time we’re going to try to plaster the wall of the basin. Then, it will be waiting some more for the next dry spell before we can pain the walls and floor of the thing. We must have it done before the end of February, which will mean the end of the rainy season. It might be a close call.

Once we got home, we checked the greenhouse. The zucchinis and tomatoes are doing rather well, as is the chard and pumpkins…even though the temperature in there is only 50 degrees in there, compared to outside’s 45. The fruit bushes are also surviving nicely…even though big brother is now rushing outside to cover them up for the night. Grandpa says they’ve got to get accustomed to outside temperatures before we plant them, so during the night we cover them up against the cold wind. Poor things.

Well, that’s about it. Edits await.

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