
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Song of the day: “Thank you stars” by Katie Melua. So sweet, so darling. It makes me feel a little melancholy, though, which isn’t entirely strange, considering I had a job interview today. I might get a babysitter job, and I think it reminds me of my teens when I used to do that a lot, and of course when the younger sibs were still small kids. Though I am infinitely grateful that they are fully grown, I do sometimes miss the cheerfulness of young kids walking around the place. They could be so wonderfully selfish (kids can, I remember myself clearly, hah) and get pleasure from the smallest things.

Ah well, those days are gone, but I had a job interview today and I think it went reasonably well. The people were nice, the baby was adorably cute (ten months old) and we seemed to get along. I’ll be hearing on Monday, so we’ll see. It’ll mean that I’ll be out three times a week to spend an evening at a place in town.

But on to the basics, right. What have we been up to of late? It has been busywork on the most part, consistent of hauling dirt down into the garden pit. It took some wheelbarrows, (I would think around forty of them, but big brother says at least fifty) but in the end we had the plant containers filled. We planted zucchini plants, tomatoes, cauliflowers, thyme, and oregano. And of course the aloe vera plants, which make the whole look absolutely wonderful. It’s going to be a pleasure working in there…not to mention that the greenhouse is wonderfully warm these days.

We also planted some cauliflowers in the lower yard, along with the blueberries, which now have a wonderful spot on terrace number two (right beside the new stairs, yay) and we transplanted some leek and onions. Other than that it was chopping and binding reed, preparing the terrace for the future porch, and just busywork that really is rather boring to tell about.

Touri is responding well to the mixture for his ear, and considering Gada now also appears to have an ear infection, I have started her on a treatment as well. She is a lot better behaved that Touri in that regard, and will simply let me clean the ear as if it is the most normal thing to do. Seriously, Labradors are darling that way…in particular compared to Cocker spaniels (in this case Touri) who will respond as if I’m slaughtering him, for crying out loud.

There were edits of course, and since they went rather well last night (we’re past half now in the paper edit) there really isn’t a lot I can say about it. Regretfully I was late getting to bed last night, darn it.

Today was spent doing some chores by the carport, and cleaning the car since the sibs and mom are heading out to the market again tomorrow. Then we took the dogs down, so they could watch us work in the yard a bit. We watered the new fruit bushes, checked the greenhouse, plucked some weeds, dug some earth, and before you know it it was time for me to head to town for my job interview…and considering I already told about that, I won’t go into any more detail about that and skip right to the home-coming.

The back latch of the Land Rover finally broke down, meaning that while I write this big brother and grandpa fixed it. Much to our pleasure, after oiling and cleaning it, replacing some screws and such, the thing is working like new again. Beautifully…I know because I just checked. Hah

Well, that was it for me today. I better head on down to the house, (I’m in the carport right now and I’m bloody freezing) and start on today’s edit. There’s work to be done, and regretfully time always seems to be short…and that while I had this wonderful dream to tell about. Darn it.
Well, next time…*sigh*

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