
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

All over the place

Song of the day: “I got life” by Nina Simone. If you’d told me that this song was sung by a woman I’d have laughed in your face, but there you have it. I looked it up when it started going through my head et voila. *sigh* Wonderful song, even though it does remind me of some commercial in the nineties. What was it for again? Hmmm. Can’t remember. How weird is that?

Okay, the past couple of days. There were some unplanned events that really got in the way of writing, so I only managed to add about three pages to “V.L.”, which is mighty frustrating. I could totally have used yesterday to slam down a solid four to six pages, but nope, the leak in my bathroom started again so we had to go to town to get another replacement connection. This time we went for metal, rather then risk another leak.

So, since we were in town anyway, I took Knight II along so we could take him for a run past the river. I really have to work on my run, I use way too many muscles, tiring me before I should. Did about a mile, I think, and thankfully Knight was properly out of breath afterwards, meaning he ate properly at the end of the day.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. There was other stuff of course. Watering young plants of course. Even though the big watering is now down to every three to four days, the young seedlings don’t have big roots yet, meaning that the surface needs to be moist at least.

While I was doing that, and taking in some harvest, big brother and grandpa worked on the greenhouse by pulling rattan shades over the top. Temperatures were hitting 110 in there, and this brought it down at least ten degrees. It causes a bit of a draft, which will keep the heat from settling, I hope. Got a steady flow of two to three tomatoes a day now, and about one zucchini per day, so it’s going well, I would say. Same goes for the lettuces which are really forming heads now.

The tayberries are ripening rapidly now, and we’re plucking four or five a day. Strawberries too, which have a handful at times...Oh, my gawd, did I mention the peaches yet? They’re delicious!!! I’ve had two so far, and boy am I going to enjoy myself by the time those trees are big enough to carry baskets full of fruit. Hah.

There was the inevitable weeding, naturally. The sun rose, didn’t it? Taxes got paid, right? Well, so did weeding, and laundry, which I won’t bother telling more about in this case.
More sorting through the mess in the supply boxes this afternoon, and finally got it done, meaning that there’s place in three empty boxes now. Never knew that we got that much clothes hanging around. *sigh*

For the most part the past couple of days have been filled with chores that took precedence over the less important ones. I hung the little gate by the berry bushes fence. Big brother worked some more on the future bathroom’s door. We hung the tap in the lower garden on a pole that we set in concrete the other day.

There were two dips in the nippy pool water on my part, and though it is not for leisure floating yet, I rather enjoyed cooling off after being in the full sunshine for the day.

And a trip walking tenant down to the basin terrace where she could spend the day in half sunshine, half shade. I was kinda pleased that she agreed to go down with me this morning, since at the moment she is not feeling much like making an effort. Not that I can blame her, but it certainly not beneficial for her health. She did have her stroke due to lack of movement. But she is an adult, of course, and I can hardly force her, so she’ll just have to figure it out for herself.

Amri’s swelling is almost completely gone, and he’s acting as if it all never happened. A good thing, that, since he can be such a complete grouch.

There was sand to haul, of course, and there still is my cabin to clean (again!) loads of clean laundry to place in my closet, and...well, it’s a pigsty. Luckily I’m not expecting visitors. Lastly there was a kick boxing session, of course, and though I wasn’t in the best shape, I did enjoy it.

Herbs drying. Gawd, I almost forgot. That drying cupboard that grandpa made for me is working, because just yesterday I took out my first batch of dried chamomile. Now I’ve got parsley, oregano and more chamomile in it.

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