
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Going all out

Song of the day: “Perhaps perhaps perhaps” by Doris Day. For some reason I felt very domestic today, and ended up humming that oldie quite a bit. Hah.

I better start with yesterday, seeing as my brain isn’t all that clear today. After my last blog, I got way distracted and ended up going to bed around two thirty, which did nothing for my night rest. *sigh* Woke at the normal time to rain, meaning that the day was going to be a slow one since there would be only a little, if nothing to do outside.

After the usual chores in the house it was time to make some serious pie. Tenant’s daughter would be having her 30th anniversary, so we figured we might as well make some pie to celebrate the happy occasion. Opted to go with the idea which had been spinning in my mind for some time. A cookie crumble bottom, with vanilla cream over it, topped by sliced peaches with mango juice. Worked out rather well. Very soft, with a light tartness to finish it off.

We fed the dogs, which was a messy ordeal and utterly appreciated by the dogs that were starving for some peculiar reason. I don’t see why they were going at it like wild wolves, but if I didn’t know better I’d have thought that they didn’t eat the day before, or something. Had enough, though, and afterwards they were quiet as lambs with satisfaction. Hah.

That done, the rain started again and I was forced to retire to the carport to work on restoring a small decorative classic car that should do well on the market if cousin Ed can find the right buyer for it. It is rather damaged (probably fell several times at some point in the past) so I used liquid glass fiber on the broken parts. I am going to have to fully replace parts of the hull, then make two to three types of paint that match the original, so it will be a challenge to say the least.

There was a trip into the yard, followed by cutting new dog food veggies. Lost about a quarter on the dogs since it is simply impossible to keep ALL of them out of the big bowl where we put the newly cut stuff into. *sigh* Thieves, the lot of them.

Managed a nine page edit for a change, so, YAY! Seriously, I was astounded when big brother told me the amount we did at the end. That was around eleven in the evening, at which time I took an hour or so to catch up on my correspondence. I’d been slacking, but I took care of that, for sure. Got a message back today from my pen buddy in Afghanistan, in fact, so that was nice. He’s doing well.

No time for a workout this morning, there were the normal chores to do, dogs to feed and then down into the yard. I opened up the greenhouse, and then went down to gather fresh veggies and herbs, and of course all the extras to feed the dogs today. With a basket full, (and a crate for the dogs) I went up to start cooking for the lunch we planned to cook for tenant’s relatives. Tenant was all excited about it, and helped out by cutting the veggies.

First off I made the bean/chickpea patties. I like how they’re light colored and crust in a wonderful golden brown. Not to mention that their taste is very soft.
We ended up preparing a wholly fresh salad (all ingredients from the yard, except the red bell pepper) a sauce on the side, fresh veggies baked in olive oil, spiced up by green herbs. Had fried rice with peanuts, coconut shavings and onion, and a dish of white and red cabbage with similar green herbs. Was nice to go all out for a chance, since usually we settle on a stir fry for expediency sake…and the guests were appreciative, so that is always a pleasure.

Ended the meal with a dessert of the pie I made yesterday, topped by whipped cream that was still liquid enough to seep off on all sides. Yummy.

Supper over we all headed into the yard for another tour, (dogs behaved splendidly again. None of them tried to bite...only Chaos made a racket) tenant along with us, of course. It was have been a splendid little walk too, if it hadn’t started raining again. *sigh* Ah well, the basin is as good as full, so there was a good side to that at least.
There was the cleanup afterward, along with tenant and her relatives chatting for some time, followed by goodbyes and see-you-soons before I headed down to my terrace where big brother and I prepared the dog food for tomorrow.

Now, the blog as good as done, dogs de-ticked once more, I really should see about editing another page of two before calling it a day. I sure hope that tomorrow the sun will be out, because it was friggin’ cold today and I want to work in the yard just to make up for the two to three hours that were spent in the kitchen today…if only my outside kitchen was done already. *sigh*

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