
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Yard stuff aplenty

Song of the day: “Bruises” by Chairlift…again. This wasn’t voluntary either, I tell ya. The problem with this song is that I really don’t know it well enough. Can you imagine hearing the chorus all day long. The same problem occurred yesterday, but then with Train’s “Not a Flyby”, aaaaargh.
What is it with my head picking songs it doesn’t really know? Very annoying.

But anyway, two busy days have passed since the last post, and only three hours of those were spent away from home, so, yay!

First off both yesterday and today were mostly spent in the yard. Yours truly watered plantsies twice, a lot today, in fact so that maybe tomorrow the adult plants won’t need anything.
Also, there was planting involved. Pepper seedlings, about thirty of them, and some tomato plants. They are all looking splendid, after two watering sessions. The peppers sure are liking the warm spring weather. They’re going strong in the full-sunshine spot, with not a sign of suffering from the transfer.

Also harvested Sugar peas, along with broccoli, red cabbage, red beets, fresh spinach, and a handful of fresh herbs. Used most of it today and yesterday for supper, despite there being really too little time for cooking. Had to go out yesterday afternoon for another donation, so eating was a matter of filling a plate and stuffing it down my gullet. *sigh* Since we had to go out anyway, yesterday, we also got a handful of groceries. Didn’t come home ‘till later. Did manage a solid edit of ten pages or so, so it was not a problem.

Had to harvest dog food too, three kinds of cabbages and herbs against parasites, because let’s face it, there’re some pesky critters around these days. I ain’t kidding. Whenever I touch one of the pack, I find another cluster of ticks.

Two dog feeding sessions. The training of the pack is going rather well. These days we can just feed them from a set of six big bowls without the lot of them going at each other’s throats. And since we’re getting annoyed with the trouble of grandpa and tenant’s dogs colliding with ours in the fence, we have decided to work on that particular problem as well. Actually managed to leave the bungalow dogs outside today without the lot of them constantly attacking each other through the fence. I’m so proud of them!

Set up a new (second hand) storage shed up in the dog paddock. Nothing too big, but essential since we are getting a shortage of places to put stuff. *sigh* It took some time figuring out how to put the thing together, and to straighten a piece of ground to put it. It will work well enough, I’m sure.

Worked on creating a crate of sorts for the classic car decoration. Since it will allow easy traveling, it has to be sturdy, and since it would be best that they don’t need to unload it from the box at the markets, I’m going to make one side of the box transparent. Should work out well enough, once it’s done.

Was feeling a tad poorly today. Stomach problems and such, had me chuck my lunch this afternoon while big brother and I were working in the old horse paddock, fixing the new trailer. One minute I was loosening a bolt, and the next I was doubling over in the bushes, getting rid of the pancakes grandpa had made. *sigh* I hate it when that happens. But no matter, we managed to fix most of what was wrong with the small trailer. We straightened the axels, removed rust and painted the wheels, removed and replaced broken and bent bolts, discovered cuts in the wiring and will deal with those tomorrow.

Tenant was out most of the day, giving us some serious work time, since we didn’t need to keep an eye on her. She went to the city with mom, middle sister and little brother, and really enjoyed the trip.
Also took some pics of her that I will have to send to her family one of these days. First I want to see which ones look best, and if I need to do anything about the lighting.

Today the hours were a little short for a good edit. Only did about three or four pages, but what the hey, we’re only fifty five pages from the end, so it’s not as if it is going bad. Hah.

Well, it’s late…well past midnight in fact, so I better get this posted and get some horizontal time in. I’m seriously running on fumes right now.

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