
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Another jog

Song of the day: “Manic Monday” by the Bangles. I know, ancient, right? Not to mention a day late, but what the heck. It is still a very cool song. Hah.

Just got back from another jog, thank you very much. It didn’t go as swell as the last time, but who cares. I went the distance, and where I couldn’t keep up the pace without making sounds like a locomotive, I managed to march at a steady clip again. Success! (Ya have to celebrate the small ones, ya know. No one else is going to do it for ya.) Hah.

Right. Yesterday is first, then we go today, so I can go to bed and prepare for tomorrow. *snort*
Had an extra half hour yesterday morning, which was, like, absolutely wonderful, if for no other reason than the fact that the temps were still down. I mean, really, lying there in the blower, the sun peaking over the mountain ridge, straight into my room while an eastern breeze cooled the air was absolutely divine.

But of course the getting up part does arrive. No getting out of it seeing as there are morning chores to get through. Ya know, all the fun stuff like laundry…but not until I had a dip and some coffee. I LOVE coffee, in case you didn’t know that yet. Hah.

After dog food, the dogs devoured it all, of course, and while big brother went down into the yard to finish the watering we didn’t manage completely the evening before, I worked on fixing up the new dresser/desk I want to put in my cabin. Put four inch paws under it. Removed the old damaged handles and put new ones up and, with the help of big brother, put it in my sitting room. It is still there, because let’s face it, where does one find the time to get all the mess from my sultan’s chest to make space for the dratted thing. *sigh*

Take this morning, for instance. Big brother and I worked in the igloo. I was on my knees scraping paint off the tiles while big brother hung the wash basin for our guest, who will be arriving at the end of the month. There was furniture to move around, storage stuff to pile outside and recover with plastic against the elements. It’s starting to look like something. In particular since I scrubbed the shelves and every other horizontal surface, until the dusty smell disappeared.
The dogs thought it a bit strange that we were working there, by the way. They were all looking very confused before they found a shady spot and started snoozing the day away until I had to quit to start writing again.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Yesterday’s writing was a slow affair, allowing me only three pages before it was time for big brother and I to head for town. There was a load of wood to pick up, and a few groceries to get, which we’d forgotten the other day.

Some relief, in regard to Sally. We might have figured out what’s up with her. The medication the doctor prescribed for her, (some really nasty stuff, that) could very well be the cause of all her symptoms, the worst of which are her loss of coordination and memory. Stupid doctors. Seriously, sometimes it seems as if chemical medication only makes stuff worse.
But anyway, she’s going to try to stop with the medication, slowly, rather than risk withdrawal symptoms, and see if her balance gets better. Seriously, for a while I feared that one day we’d find her with a broken limb somewhere. Let’s hope that the medication is the only problem.

Went down into the yard after we got home, watered stuff (same as today, actually) and harvested (ditto) some veggies. The, bringing down the crop fields, is working well. We need less and less water, seeing as the basin water is history. *sigh*

Today’s writing went a little better. It was a “connect” scene, by the way. The major ones were already there, but they needed to have something in-between. Ended up reading some of a fight scene I wrote several weeks ago, and I liked it. The flow was good, and nothing seemed off in regard to the plot. Yay. Hit the 70,000 word count mark.

Pulled loads of weeds, by the way. Along with several of the dying broccoli plants. Those babies held out long, by the way. So did the cabbages, by the way, of which we’re now working our way through the last ones of the litter. It was also good to do some massive weeding again. Nothing like getting your hands dirty when you brain wants to worry.

Like us, the dogs are really enjoying the cooler weather. Found Chaos moseying through the yard three times, while last week he cloistered himself within the cool confines of the bathroom. *snort*

Cut dog veggies, of course. Sometimes grandpa offers, and sometimes cousin Ed, but I do want to do it myself sometimes. It is a vital part of taking care of the dogs, and to leave it only to
to others. Besides, I’m starting to get good at the chopping thing. Seriously, I’ll be a chef yet. Hah.

Cooking…well there was that, of course. Yesterday big brother cheated and baked tortellini for supper. So today I went all out and made patties to go with nasi and baked pumpkin on the side. All of it pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. *sigh* It was yummy.

Anything else? Well, I did see “Cold Comfort Farm” the other day. You know that nineties movie with Kate Beckingsale, Joanna Lumly, Ian McKellen and Rufus Sewell. Such an entertaining little movie. Watched it while I went through my messages and chats of the day. Hah.

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